
Theses/Dissertations from 2019


Perceptions of parental awareness, knowledge and anxiety levels regarding Infant Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation training amongst parents residing in Southern Tasmania, Nakita Stephens, Master of Philosophy (School of Nursing)


Towards an Aristotelian Theory of care: A comparison of Neo-Aristotelian virtue ethics with feminist ethics of care, and the fundaments of a virtue ethical theory of care, Steven Steyl, Doctor of Philosophy (College of Philosophy and Theology)


University- based entrepreneurial ecosystem and entrepreneurial intentions: Evidence from South India, Deepa Subhadrammal, Doctor of Philosophy (College of Business)


The course changes in maximal strength velocity following a traditional strength- or power orientated training session, Alexander Vernon, Doctor of Philosophy (College of Health Sciences)


Motivation in knowledge workers, Carmen Wong, Doctor of Philosophy (College of Business)


Patient involvement in healthcare projects: A mixed method study on the perspectives of project staff in Western Australian (WA) public hospitals and health services, Melanie Wright, Master of Philosophy (School of Nursing)

Theses/Dissertations from 2018


Development of a professional practice competency for undergraduate nursing students at a private catholic university in Western Australia: A mixed-method study, Christine Adams


To teach or not to teach? The experiences and self-perceptions of early career teachers in Western Australian catholic primary schools that led them to remain in the profession, Deborah Black, Doctor of Philosophy (College of Education)


"No sir, it’s not discrimination, you’re just too old". An auto-ethnography of the effects of perceived age discrimination among older Australian male professionals., Colin Brown, Doctor of Philosophy (College of Business)


Picasso's Guernica: The imaginative treatment of history, Riley Buchanan, Doctor of Philosophy (College of Arts and Science)


The shadow in the light: The dark romanticism of Francisco de Goya, Elizabeth Burns-Dans, Master of Philosophy (School of Arts and Sciences)


Because He has spoken to us Joseph Ratzinger, the revelation of the LOGOS in Jesus Christ, and a fundamental pattern for evangelization, Bradley Bursa, Doctor of Philosophy (College of Philosophy and Theology)


The impact of pilgrimage upon the faith and faith-based practice of Catholic educators, Rachel Capets, Doctor of Philosophy (College of Education)


Deficiencies in Australia’s current merger regime: The call to combat creeping acquisitions, Ashleigh Cavagnino, Master of Laws (Thesis)


Diagnosing pulmonary hypertension due to left heart disease using diastolic echo markers: The National Echo Database of Australia (NEDA) PH-LHD predictive formula, Kevin Chung, Master of Philosophy (School of Medicine)


World Youth Day: An Australian Perspective, Anthony Cleary, Doctor of Philosophy (College of Education)


Prognostic role of histologic tumour regression in patients receiving neoadjuvant chemotherapy for high-grade serous tubo-ovarian carcinoma, Edwina Coghlan, Master of Science (Medicine)


An exegetical study of the annunciation of Luke 1:26-38 through text and art, Kellie Costello, Master of Philosophy (School of Philosophy and Theology)


An investigation into the impact of high-stakes testing, through the naplan assessment, on the teaching and learning of mathematics in one primary school, Linda Cranley, Master of Philosophy (School of Education)


Psychometric Testing of the Endotracheal Suction Assessment Tool© (ESAT©): An exploratory sequential mixed methods study, Kylie Davies, Master of Nursing (Research)


4E’s Socratic Model: A grounded theory for managing team creativity in an organisational context, Philip Dennett, Doctor of Philosophy (College of Business)


The emergence & evolution of the concepts of “the author”, “the work” and “literary property” with specific reference to enlightenment england 1450-1769: The role and influence of John Locke in the case of Millar v Taylor (1769), Mark Doepel, Master of Philosophy (School of Philosophy and Theology)


Workforce nationalisation in Papua New Guinea: Security and logistics in resource organisations, Warren Doudle, Doctor of Philosophy (College of Business)


The changing face of Australia: From secular to post-secular identity, Saskia Ebejer, Doctor of Philosophy (College of Philosophy and Theology)


Assessment of the neuroprotective efficacy of poly-arginine-18 (R18) peptides in a pre-clinical model of perinatal hypoxic-ischaemic encephalopathy (HIE), Adam Edwards, Doctor of Philosophy (College of Health Sciences)


The Christian concept of the nature of motherhood and its implications in a contemporary context, Christine Fisk, Master of Philosophy (School of Philosophy and Theology)


Modelling spatial heterogeneity in the haemodynamic response with implications for neuroimaging, Russell Gore, Master of Science (Medicine)


Intensive care nurses’ attitudes, beliefs and reported practices relating to patient sleep: A descriptive study, Rebecca Hahn, Master of Philosophy (School of Nursing)


The identification of the role and competencies of the graduate nurse in recognising and responding to the deteriorating patient in an acute ward environment: A mixed methods study, Steven Hardman, Doctor of Philosophy (College of Nursing)


The factors influencing nurse graduates use of mobile technology in clinical settings in Perth Western Australia: A mixed method study, Benjamin Hay, Doctor of Philosophy (College of Nursing)


How do the writings of Pope Benedict XVI on "transformation" apply to a couple's growth in holiness in sacramental marriage?, Houda Jilwan, Master of Philosophy (School of Philosophy and Theology)


Macroeconomic risk factors of Australian mining companies, Mohammed Kamruzzaman


Promoting student belongingness: The development, implementation and evaluation of a toolkit for nurses, Christine King, Doctor of Philosophy (College of Nursing)


Sustainability of sprinkler- irrigated horticulture on sandy soils at Binningup - Swan Coastal Plain, W.A., Eric Law, Master of Science (Thesis) (Arts & Sciences)


Paid parental leave: An investigation and analysis of Australian paid parental leave frameworks with reference to selected European OECD countries, Greg Lynn


Who will lead?: Implications and recommendations for the development and appointment of Sydney Catholic Schools’ leaders, Maria Maher, Master of Philosophy (School of Education)


The plight of Mass Man & the concept of creatura according to Romano Guardini & Josef Pieper, Andriya Martinovic, Master of Philosophy (School of Philosophy and Theology)


Between forum and tower: The sources of political judgement in the leadership of Pope John Paul II, Cormac McCaughan, Master of Philosophy (School of Philosophy and Theology)


Insight into unexplained infertility: How do women make sense of their experience of unexplained infertility followed by spontaneous conception, Fabienne Michea, Master of Philosophy (School of Arts and Sciences)


Parent rated importance of active play and organised physical activity for young children, Casey Murphy, Master of Philosophy (School of Health Sciences)


Evaluation of an E-learning training package by nurses for various designations for developing clinical skills and knowledge., Nitasha A. Narayan, Master of Nursing (Research)


Western Australian teachers’ perceptions of effective secondary mathematics teaching through the lens of the ‘actions’ of mathematics: The Proficiency Strands., James O'Neill, Master of Philosophy (School of Education)


Initial teacher education students’ literacy: Factors that impact on literacy achievement of prospective pre-service teachers, Elizabeth O'Sullivan, Master of Philosophy (School of Education)


Investigating the molecular pathology of Dupuytren’s disease, Robert Pearce, Doctor of Philosophy (College of Medicine)


Perceptions of large-scale, standardised testing in religious education: How do religious educators perceive The Bishops’ Religious Literacy Assessment?, Antonella Poncini, Doctor of Philosophy (College of Education)


Ontologia ad theologia: An intellectual history of contemporary English language Rahner Scholarship, Maddison Reddie-Clifford, Master of Philosophy (School of Philosophy and Theology)


Harbouring discontent: Activism in 1930s Fremantle, Paul Reilly, Master of Philosophy (School of Arts and Sciences)


Aboriginal women yarning about experiences as undergraduate nursing students in Western Australian universities, Melanie Robinson, Master of Nursing (Research)


Religious free speech and anti-discrimination laws in Australia, Isabel Rocha de Sousa


“First time here, I didn’t know it was hospital”. Travelling for treatment: The structural complexities identified via the stories of Aboriginal women who relocated for treatment in the State Adult Burns Unit at Fiona Stanley Hospital., Tiffany Ryan, Doctor of Philosophy (School of Physiotherapy)


Open versus endovascular thoracic aneurysm repairs In Australia, Timothy Shiraev, Master of Medicine / Surgery (Thesis)


The design and development of E-textbooks to support problem-based learning in secondary school science classrooms, Nigel Stewart, Doctor of Philosophy (College of Education)


Australian Dollar Price Shocks and the Australian Stock Market, Ramzi E.N Tarazi


Effect of a nurse-led lymphoma survivorship model of care: A pragmatic phase II pilot randomised controlled trial, Karen Taylor, Doctor of Philosophy (College of Nursing)


The Who.I.Am study : Identity formation and motor competence in adolescents, Amanda Timler, Doctor of Philosophy (College of Health Sciences)


A dialogue of traditions on the reality of mind: Thomas Nagel and Bernard Lonergan, Robert van Gend, Master of Philosophy (School of Philosophy and Theology)


Narratives of experience: Senior registered nurses working with new graduate nurses in the intensive care unit, Susan Whittam, Master of Philosophy (School of Nursing)


Beyond the Pink Ribbon: An exploration of the experience of self-compassion in Western Australian women survivors of breast cancer, Helen Wilson, Doctor of Philosophy (College of Arts and Science)

Theses/Dissertations from 2017


Exploring the concept of receptivity to bereavement support: Implications for palliative care services in rural, regional and remote Western Australia, Pippa Blackburn, Doctor of Philosophy (College of Nursing)


Women's imprisonment and recidivism: An illustrative analysis of Boronia Women's Pre-Release Centre (Western Australia) and progressive/open prison systems in Norway and Sweden, Cheryl M. Botello, Master of Philosophy (School of Arts and Sciences)


The problem of unwanted online publication and use of images of children and young people : A legal challenge, Anna Bunn, Doctor of Philosophy (College of Law)


The modification of two tools to measure emotional intelligence in undergraduate student nurses: A mixed method pilot study, Laurel Collin, Doctor of Philosophy (College of Nursing)


The influence of the supernumerary clinical nurse educator role on advancing graduate nurses’ quality of patient care: A mixed-methods study in a private Western Australian health service, Tracey Coventry, Doctor of Philosophy (College of Nursing)


Self-compassion : What meaning and role does it play in the lives of women who experience anxiety and depression in the perinatal period, Cindy Cranswick, Master of Philosophy (School of Arts and Sciences)


From the Garden of Eden to the new creation in Christ : A theological investigation into the significance and function of the Old Testament imagery of Eden within the New Testament, James Cregan, Doctor of Philosophy (College of Philosophy and Theology)


Mobile learning in early childhood education: A school-university partnership model, Serena Davie, Doctor of Philosophy (College of Education)


Social media in the workplace: Legal challenges for employers and employees, Jacques C. Duvenhage, Master of Laws (Thesis)


"On the side of the saints": A history of the Sydney Catholic pro-life organisation Family Life International with reference to identity formation, Jocelyn Hedley, Doctor of Philosophy (College of Arts and Science)


Towards a new approach for teaching Religious Education in Catholic schools, Anne-Marie Irwin, Doctor of Philosophy (College of Education)


Establishing factors that enable or inhibit student access to academic support office services, Louise Johnston, Master of Education (Thesis)


The lived experience of the Western Australian graduate registered nurse who is male, Dianne Juliff, Doctor of Philosophy (College of Nursing)


Bioimpedance spectroscopy - can it be used as a tool for monitoring fluid shifts in burns?, Pippa Kenworthy, Doctor of Philosophy (School of Physiotherapy)


Strategically Managing Product Innovation to Create Consumer Value: An Analysis in the Context of the Australian Electric Vehicle Market, Brendan Koehler, Doctor of Philosophy (College of Business)


A journey towards conscientisation: Motives of volunteers who support asylum seekers, refugees and detainees, Sarah Koelsch, Master of Philosophy (School of Arts and Sciences)


Hospitalisation and comorbidities in Parkinson's disease: A large Australian retrospect study, Michal Lubomski, Master of Medicine / Surgery (Thesis)


Distributed leadership: Building capacity to maximise collaborative practice in a new teaching research aged care service, Kirsty Marles, Doctor of Business Administration


Singing exile: Music in Irish emigration literature, Christopher McCann, Master of Arts (Thesis)


Assessment of the neuroprotective potential of poly-arginine peptides in stroke models, Diego Milani, Doctor of Philosophy (College of Health Sciences)


The effect of continuing professional development from the perspective of nurses and midwives who participated in continuing education programs offered by Global Health Alliance Western Australia: A mixed-method study, Yan Ing (Jenni) Ng, Master of Philosophy (School of Nursing)


The nature and scope of outdoor education in Western Australian secondary schools, Duncan Picknoll, Doctor of Education


Educators' practices for promoting the spiritual development of children aged 3 to 4 years, in the context of Catholic childcare centres in Western Australia, Christine Robinson, Doctor of Philosophy (College of Education)


Development, implementation, evaluation and validation of a haemophilia nurses’ education program in South Africa, Jill Smith, Doctor of Philosophy (College of Nursing)


A comparative-historical analysis of cross-cultural influences affecting the evolving of Christian marriage in the first century CE, Kevin Smith, Master of Philosophy (School of Philosophy and Theology)


Sedimentation dynamics of the Cagayan de Oro river catchment and the implications for its coastal marine environments, Mars P. Tan


Mentoring beginning teachers in Catholic schools in Western Australia: An exploratory study, John Topliss, Doctor of Philosophy (College of Education)


Future digital money: The legal status and regulation of bitcoin in Australia, Chinelle van der Westhuizen, Master of Laws (Thesis)


Communion Ecclesiology and communication in the post-Vatican II Church, Marita Winters, Master of Philosophy (School of Philosophy and Theology)

Theses/Dissertations from 2016


The Case for Health Literacy Research in Qatar: Identifying Avenues for Progress, Yasar Alani, Doctor of Business Administration


"Not Marching Now in Fields of Thrasymene": Producing Christopher Marlowe's Doctor Faustus for the modern stage, Patrick C. Barton, Master of Philosophy (School of Arts and Sciences)


'Aiding gli Ebrei' - Delasem under fascism, 1939 to 1945, Laura Bava, Master of Arts (Thesis)


Play - lost in transition? Teacher beliefs about pedagogic continuity across the transition to formal schooling, Linda Bellen, Doctor of Philosophy (College of Education)


Joseph of Nazareth as Man and Father in Jerónimo Gracián’s Summary of the Excellencies of St Joseph (1597), Sophia Boffa, Doctor of Philosophy (College of Arts and Science)


Private conscience and public dissent: The influence of revisionist theological rhetoric in Australian public life, Gerard Calilhanna, Master of Philosophy (School of Philosophy and Theology)


Attitudes of mental health care professionals toward the provision of tobacco dependence treatment in the transition to a smoke-free mental health unit: An exploratory mixed method study., Jane Chambers, Master of Nursing (Research)


A case study of factors influencing remote university nursing graduates and their decision to work in a remote hospital, Sally Clark, Doctor of Philosophy (College of Nursing)


The effects of maturational variation on the performance of young Australian footballers and their selection into the Australian Football League's Talent Pathway, Ashley Cripps, Doctor of Philosophy (College of Health Sciences)


Contextual experiences of overseas trained teachers before and after obtaining a teaching position in a public secondary school of Western Australia and South Australia in reference to their cultural perspectives, Sushmita Datta Roy, Doctor of Education


Towards the identification of metabolite markers of nipple pain and inflammation in human milk, Erin Fee, Master of Philosophy (School of Health Sciences)


Evaluating the impact of a falls prevention community of practice in a residential aged care organisation, Jacqueline Francis-Coad, Doctor of Philosophy (School of Physiotherapy)


Re-conceptualising Hirschman's Exit, Voice & Loyalty model for contemporary organisational contexts, Eileen Gleeson, Master of Business (Thesis)