Theses | The University of Notre Dame Australia


Theses/Dissertations from 2021


Osseointegration for Amputees: Past, Present and Future: Basic Science, Innovations in Surgical Technique, Implant Design and Rehabilitation Strategies, Munjed Al Muderis


How the Catholic Church’s Trinitarian-Christocentric theology of Communion might inform the way in which spouses are formed for the apostolate of family life, Joshua Bitting, Doctor of Philosophy (College of Education)


Implementation of patient involvement in the development of a health-related quality of life patient-reported outcome measure for ovarian cancer, Sharolin Boban


The Mentoring Experiences of Early Career Teachers in Australia, Nancy Bonfiglio-Pavisich


Together | Apart: Printmaking and the Space Between, Monique Bosshard Curby, Master of Arts (Thesis)


Journeying Through Uncharted Territory: The Role of Humour in Adaption of Undergraduate Nursing Students in Their First Year of Study, Marie-Josée Boulianne, Doctor of Philosophy (College of Nursing)


Understanding the relationship between income and voting: Are One Nation voters influenced by economic factors?, Glenda Bourne, Master of Philosophy (School of Arts and Sciences)


Computed tomography coronary angiography (CTCA) for the risk assessment of acute coronary syndrome patients, Steele Butcher, Master of Philosophy (School of Medicine)


Maiden Voyagers: Exhibiting the Autonomy of Travelling Women to Western Australia, 1818-1830, Toni Church, Doctor of Philosophy (College of Arts and Science)


The art of fiction: Fact, myth and new knowledge on the North Australian Expedition, 1855 - 1857, Stevie Cole, Master of Philosophy (School of Arts and Sciences)


A study of paragraph five in caritas in veritate: Re understanding relationality, self gift and love, William Corbishley, Doctor of Philosophy (College of Philosophy and Theology)


Capital Structure Choices in Australian Indigenous Corporations: An Investigation into the Health and Community Service Industry, João Manuel da Costa Canoquena


Proactive Management of Acute Oedema Following Hand and Minor Burn Injury, Dale O. Edwick, Doctor of Philosophy (School of Physiotherapy)


Self-defence in New South Wales in its historical context: A simpler test?, Mamdouh Elmaraazey, Doctor of Philosophy (College of Law)


Procedural fairness requirements in decision-making: Legal issues and challenges for government secondary school principals in New South Wales, Tryon Francis, Doctor of Philosophy (College of Law)


The Experiences That Form and Sustain Generation Y Religious Education Coordinators in Catholic Secondary Schools, Dirk Gleghorn, Doctor of Education


The Great Southern buy-back: The colony of Western Australia and the Great Southern railway 1880-1897, Thomas Goode, Doctor of Philosophy (College of Arts and Science)


How changes in group size impact teachers’ perceptions of their practice in Australian centre-based early childhood education and care services, Michelle Hilton-Moon, Doctor of Philosophy (College of Education)


Is there a Catholic theology of masculinity?, Peter Holmes, Doctor of Philosophy (College of Philosophy and Theology)


Does acupuncture have a role as an analgesic in the emergency setting?, Andrew Jan, Doctor of Philosophy (College of Medicine)


The Adult Learner: Nature or Nurture?: A Case study of Teacher Educators and Teacher Learners, Christine Kassis


Australian literary fascists, 1905-1945 : A comparative case study into the development of fascist ideology in Australia, Adrian Keri, <-- Please Select One -->


A cross-sectional comparison study of the frequency of Terminal Care Medication Prescriptions during the final 48 hours of life in inpatients of a tertiary acute hospital with an end of life care pathway compared to a tertiary acute hospital without an end of life care pathway and a hospice, Shawna Koh, Master of Medicine / Surgery (Thesis)


Prisoners, Power and Panopticon: Investigating Fremantle Gaol, 1831-1841, Emily Lanman, Master of Philosophy (School of Arts and Sciences)


Conformed to the image of Christ: An intertextual study of the significance of Pauline image-vocabulary passages for Paul and the gentile problem, Errol Lobo, Master of Philosophy (School of Philosophy and Theology)


The Van Diemen's Land Commission 1826 to 1828 and the Doctrine of Ultra Vires, Rosemary Conchita Lucadou-Wells, Doctor of Philosophy (College of Law)


Nurse Escorts’ Perceptions of Their Ability to Manage Patient Clinical Deterioration During Nurse-Led Inter-Hospital Ambulance Transfer in the Wheatbelt Region of Western Australia: A Mixed Methods Study, Sinqobizitha Mndebele, Master of Nursing (Research)


Estephan Douaihy’s Manaratul Aqdas and the Trinitarian paradigm in the Maronite mass, Ghassan Nakhoul, Master of Theology (Thesis)


Challenges on the Mission Field: A Phenomenological Exploration of the Experience and Impact of Traumatic Events on Christian Missionaries, Julie Nixon, Doctor of Philosophy (College of Arts and Science)


Villains to heroes: Celebrity criminals in 1960's Britain and their subsequent rise in popularity, Richard Nixon, Doctor of Philosophy (College of Arts and Science)


A theology of confirmation from the Canon of Scripture, Peter Pellicaan, Doctor of Philosophy (College of Philosophy and Theology)


Martuwarra First Law Multi-Species Justice Declaration of Interdependence: Wellbeing of Land, Living Waters, and Indigenous Australian People, Anne Poelina, Doctor of Philosophy (College of Health Sciences)


Material Engagement Theory and Extensive Enactivism Within the 4E Cognitive Debate: A Phenomenological Approach to Material Agency and Application to Current Technology, Israel Quirit, Master of Philosophy (School of Philosophy and Theology)


On 'Synderesis' and Moral Imagination: An Inquiry into the Beneficence of ‘Imaginative Prudence’ in Moral Development Via the First Principles of Natural Law of Saint Thomas Aquinas and the Imagination Ethic Theory of Darcia Narvaez, Pierangelo dela Cruz Repuyan, Doctor of Philosophy (College of Philosophy and Theology)


Catholic Agency in International Society: An International Relations Analysis of the Santa Marta Group, Marianne L. Rozario, Doctor of Philosophy (College of Arts and Science)


Cancer Education Framework for Australian Medical Schools, Darren Starmer, Doctor of Philosophy (College of Nursing)

Theses/Dissertations from 2020


Using Digital Health Technology to Optimise Older People’s Pain Self-Management Capabilities: A Mixed Methods Study (The DigiTech Pain Project), Priyanka Bhattarai


Motor Planning in Children with and without Developmental Coordination Disorder: Behavioural and Neurological Evidence, Ranila Bhoyroo, Doctor of Philosophy (College of Health Sciences)


A Study of the Contributions of Fr. Johannes Hofinger S.J. and Msgr. Eugene Kevane to the Catechetical Renewal of the 20th Century and Their Relevance for Catechesis Today, Ronald Bolster, Doctor of Philosophy (College of Education)


Yurunnhang Bungil Nyumba: Infusing Aboriginal ways of being into teaching practice in Australia, Lisa Buxton, Doctor of Education


The Hope and History Debate in Fundamental Theology, David Patrick Collits


Moral competence in nursing: An exploration of the Giving Voice to Values Curriculum, Catherine Costa, Doctor of Philosophy (College of Nursing)


Domestic Violence in Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) Communities: Perceptions, Therapeutic Approaches and Responses of Frontline Workers in New South Wales (NSW), Oluwatoyin A. Dedeigbo, Doctor of Philosophy (College of Arts and Science)


Worker psycho-spiritual self-care choices: Making sense during times of stress and anxiety, Peter Devenish-Meares, Doctor of Business Administration


Is Liberal Democracy a Contradiction?: A Study of Political Participation and Inequality in Australia During the 1960s and 1970s, Daniel A. Elias, Master of Philosophy (School of Arts and Sciences)


Outcomes of Resistance Exercise Training in Adults with Acute Burn Injury, Paul M. Gittings, Doctor of Philosophy (School of Physiotherapy)


Perceptions, impact and scope of medication errors with opioids in Australian specialist palliative care inpatient services: A mixed methods study (the PERISCOPE project), Nicole Heneka, Doctor of Philosophy (College of Nursing)


The spiritual growth of girls in Mercy secondary schools in Western Australia: The perceptions of post-school women., Tania Hicks, Doctor of Education


Understanding Falls in People with Intellectual Disability in Western Australia, Portia Ho, Doctor of Philosophy (School of Physiotherapy)


Theorising Leadership Authenticity: An Existentialist-Personalist Perspective, Anthony Howard, Doctor of Philosophy (College of Business)


Veteran Paramedics’ Experience of Managing Work-Related Trauma: A Qualitative Study, Ryan D. Jenkins, Doctor of Philosophy (College of Arts and Science)


Evaluating information flow in medication management process in Australian acute care facilities: A multi-professional perspective, Seyi Lagoke, Doctor of Philosophy (College of Arts and Science)


A Western Australian Story: A Mixed Method Study Exploring Nutrition Knowledge, Food Intake, Influences on Food Choice, Body Image and Eating Attitudes of University Students, Michelle Lambert, Doctor of Philosophy (College of Health Sciences)


From Valuable Resource to Valued Person: Ontologies of Human Resource Management, Gregory M. Latemore


Early post-operative rises in serum metal ion levels in Total Hip Arthroplasty: A prospective cohort study, Michael Le, Master of Medicine / Surgery (Thesis)


The confluence of short-term immersion and intercultural competence: Positive impacts for Australian preservice teachers, Julie Maakrun, Doctor of Philosophy (College of Education)


Perspectives of Year 12 Students From Five Catholic Secondary Schools in Western Australia Towards Teaching as a Career, Lucie M. McCrory, Doctor of Philosophy (College of Education)


Population Pharmacokinetics of Ribavirin in Lung Transplant Recipients and Examination of Current and Alternative Dosing Regimens, Eliza Milliken


A qualitative descriptive study about the experiences and views of undergraduate and postgraduate nursing students: What influenced them to choose the mental health specialty, Kaile Moon, Master of Nursing (Research)


The Barren Bear Fruit: Towards a Theology of Marital Fruitfulness for Sterile Catholic Couples in Light of Hans Urs von Balthasar’s Theology of Fruitfulness, Briony Mowbray, Master of Philosophy (School of Philosophy and Theology)


The Extent to Which a Professional Development Program can Support Caring Nursing Practice in Western Australian Hospitals, Tonia Naylor, Doctor of Philosophy (College of Nursing)


The Importance of Environmental Interventions in Eliminating Trachoma Infection in Africa: The Case of Gashoho Health District, Burundi, Desire Ndisabiye, Doctor of Philosophy (College of Medicine)


Optimising Refurbishment in Australian Residential Aged Care Facilities Using a Mixed Methods Approach, S Neylon, Doctor of Philosophy (College of Health Sciences)


Integral and Holistic Catechesis for Children in the Third Millennium, William K. O'Leary, Doctor of Philosophy (College of Education)


Incorporating an Interdisciplinary Approach to Examine the Relationship Between Physical Capacity, Perceptual Motor Skill, Mental Toughness and Match Performance in Australian Football, Benjamin Piggott, Doctor of Philosophy (College of Health Sciences)


Impact of Lifestyle Factors on Group B Streptococcus Colonization During Pregnancy, Myra Joy Quilatan, Master of Philosophy (School of Medicine)


Encountering the living God: The integral formation of teachers as witnesses in Catholic elementary and secondary schools, Amy E. Roberts, Doctor of Philosophy (College of Education)


Decoding Gender in the Selected Works of Salman Rushdie, Zubaidah Binti Mohamed Shaburdin, Doctor of Philosophy (College of Arts and Science)


An examination of pain education of medical students in Australia and New Zealand, Elspeth Shipton, Doctor of Philosophy (College of Medicine)


Exploring 4th Year Medical Students’ Learning and Understanding in Mental Health and Psychiatry, Kimberly Smith, Master of Philosophy (School of Arts and Sciences)


Albert Camus: Rebellion Through the Ethical Frameworks of Emmanuel Levinas and Soren Kierkegaard, Conor Spence, Master of Philosophy (School of Philosophy and Theology)


Identifying and implementing the theology of the domestic church, Mishel Stefanac, Doctor of Philosophy (College of Education)


Historical – Grammatical analysis of worship in spirit and truth, Steven Sunthang, Doctor of Philosophy (College of Philosophy and Theology)


Study of the Health Needs of Older Women Experiencing Homelessness in the Perth Metropolitan Area, Gloria Sutherland, Doctor of Philosophy (College of Health Sciences)


Safety and Effectiveness of Stoss Therapy in Children with Vitamin D Deficiency, Paul Tannous, Master of Medicine / Surgery (Thesis)


Hysterical Women: Moral Treatment of Female Patients in the Fremantle Lunatic Asylum, 1858 – 1908, Alexandra Wallis


Exploring the Validity of Script Concordance Testing to Assess the Clinical Reasoning of Medical Students, Micahel SH Wan, Doctor of Philosophy (College of Medicine)


Causes of Variable Jarrah (Eucalyptus Marginata) and Marri (Corymbia Calophylla) Seedling Density at Establishment Following Bauxite Mining in the Northern Jarrah Forest of Western Australia, Tai White-Toney, Doctor of Philosophy (College of Arts and Science)

Theses/Dissertations from 2019


Assessment of Pre-Eclampsia Risk in Early Pregnancy, Ziad T.A Al-Rubaie, Doctor of Philosophy (College of Medicine)


The validity and reliability of the Basketball Jump Shooting Accuracy Test, Brenton Boddington, Master of Philosophy (School of Health Sciences)


Applying Merleau-Ponty’s phenomenology of perception to maternal well-being in the first twelve months following birth, Anna Bosco, Doctor of Philosophy (College of Philosophy and Theology)


"Taming the beast": Exploring the lived experience of relapsing remitting multiple sclerosis using a life history approach, Therese Burke, Doctor of Philosophy (College of Nursing)


Youth who serve: Mandatory school service experience and consequent civic responsibility, Cho See Chong, Doctor of Philosophy (College of Education)


Does the Catechism of the Catholic Church Possess an Educational Function as a Formative tool for Catholic Educators?, Marlon De La Torre, Doctor of Education


“Turning mirrors into windows”: A study of participatory dynamic simulation modelling to inform health policy decisions, Louise Freebairn, Doctor of Philosophy (College of Medicine)


St Thomas Aquinas on affectivity: A way forward for seminary formation, Bernard Gordon, Doctor of Philosophy (College of Philosophy and Theology)


Mark Oliphant and the Invisible College of the Peaceful Atom, Darren Holden, Doctor of Philosophy (College of Arts and Science)


Hearing and understanding: Vernacular liturgical reform at Holy Trinity Abbey New Norcia 1963-1970, Christopher Kan, Master of Philosophy (School of Philosophy and Theology)


Evaluating local, national, regional and international interventions in northern Uganda using a human security approach, Davis Kawooya, Doctor of Philosophy (College of Arts and Science)


Being on track: A phenomenological study of the lived experience of staff development nurses’ transition from A Ward-based role to the role of staff development nurse in a hospital in Western Australia, Penny Keogh, Doctor of Nursing


A study of stakeholder power relations, governmentality and capital in vocational education and training policy in Australia, Jonathon Mascorella, Doctor of Philosophy (College of Education)


A quest for confidence: The extent to which philosophical inquiry through the integrated pedagogies of the question quadrant and community of inquiry can encourage the exhibition of attributes associated with the critical and creative thinking capability, Stephanie Massey


Christmas Island: A question of self-determination, Kelvin Matthews, Doctor of Philosophy (College of Arts and Science)


The educational leadership experiences of principals and their respective leadership teams in the implementation of a Josephite approach to education in six schools in the Josephite tradition, Catherine Mead, Doctor of Education


Differentiating pre-capillary and post-capillary pulmonary hypertension by Doppler echocardiography in a large realworld database, Pyi Naing, Master of Philosophy (School of Medicine)


The Great Wings of Silence: Servant Absence and Presence in the English Country House Tradition, Ellen O'Brien, Doctor of Philosophy (College of Arts and Science)


"Bridging two worlds?”: Towards cultural safety within schools of nursing in Australian universities, Samantha Petric, Master of Philosophy (School of Nursing)


Evaluation of the impact of a low dose subcutaneous lignocaine and ketamine infusion utilising nerve excitability studies in a chronic migraine population., Christopher Rofe


The conjecture from the universality of objectivity in jurisprudential thought: The universal presence of a ‘reasonable man’, Johnny Sakr, Master of Philosophy (School of Law)


The Steering Towards Readiness Framework : The Lived Experience of Clinical Facilitators in Identifying, Assessing and Managing Students at Risk of Not Being Ready to Practice as Beginning Practitioners Within Western Australian Health Settings, Rosealie Southwell, Doctor of Nursing