"An exegetical study of the annunciation of Luke 1:26-38 through text a" by Kellie Costello

Date of Award


Degree Name

Master of Philosophy (School of Philosophy and Theology)

Schools and Centres

Philosophy and Theology

First Supervisor

Lawrence Pang

Second Supervisor

Angela McCarthy


In the Gospel of Luke, Mary of Nazareth’s encounter with the angel Gabriel has captured the attention and the imagination of theologians, scholars and artists for millennia, for in it the evangelist, communicates the announcement of the Incarnation of the long-promised Messiah. This exegetical study of the Annunciation through text and art examines how this good news was communicated to the first readers. Then following on from this acquired knowledge, this research seeks to discover if the understanding of the Annunciation has evolved over time by examining four artworks: two from sixteenth-century Europe and two from twentieth-century Australia. Each artwork captures a single moment of the Annunciation event but was conditioned by their historical circumstances. By examining how this narrative was communicated, and the resultant theology presented in each artwork, it is anticipated that a junction or disjunction between the articulated theology of the Church of each period will be identified.

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