"The factors influencing nurse graduates use of mobile technology in cl" by Benjamin Hay

Date of Award


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (College of Nursing)

First Supervisor

Dr Carol Piercey


The ubiquitous use of mobile technology in today’s society extends to the learning and teaching environment. Most academics in universities encourage its use, aided by libraries offering online resources. Whilst the literature highlights benefits of using mobile technology in learning, particularly for nurses to keep up-to-date, there is limited evidence on such use in clinical settings by graduate nurses in Western Australia (WA). Additionally, there is a lack of information and clarification on the use of such technology in WA hospitals. The purpose of this study was to identify and explore factors influencing the use of mobile technology by newly graduated registered nurses in the clinical area. The location of the study was in Perth, Western Australia. The study sought to answer the following questions: What factors influence nurse graduates use of mobile technology in the clinical setting? To what extent and in what ways do nurse graduates currently use mobile technology in the clinical setting? and What are the perceptions of nurse coordinators, educators and managers of graduate programs regarding mobile technology use in the clinical setting. In order to answer these questions, an explanatory, sequential, mixed method design was used.

Initially, a review was undertaken of existing policy and guidelines, regarding use of mobile technology, from both public and private hospitals. This phase of the study was followed by two major phases: (quantitative and qualitative). As a preparation to the quantitative phase, a survey was developed involving the modified use of the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM2). This model was used as the theoretical framework underpinning the study. The survey was administered online to registered nurse graduates using SurveyMonkey™. Both descriptive and inferential statistics were used to analyse the data. Findings from the data informed the next phase of the study.

Data collection for the qualitative phase of the study, involved synchronous Skype™ online text-based focus group interviews with the graduates. Additionally, nurse coordinators, educators and managers of graduate programs from both public and private hospitals, were invited to complete an online open-ended survey. Thematic analysis was used to analyse the data from this phase of the study. The findings from both the quantitative and qualitative phases was synthesised to answer the research questions, forming a holistic picture to offer conclusions to the study.

This study is significant, as there appears to be a gap between learning with mobile technology in Universities, and its use in the clinical setting. This problem may be associated with the lack of standardised policies in the use of mobile technology, or from senior nurses’ misperception of its benefits. The results of this study may lead to policies and guidelines being reviewed and implemented by local healthcare agencies, and could lead to review of current mobile technology integration into nursing undergraduate degrees.

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