Date of Award


Degree Name

Master of Nursing (Research)

Schools and Centres

Nursing and Midwifery

First Supervisor

Professor Karen Clark-Burg

Second Supervisor

Associate Professor Frank Bate


An essential component of nurses delivering good healthcare is continuous education. However, nurses’ [participation in continuing education can be hampered by lack of time, limited access to educational resources and cost concerns. Globally, electronic learning has emerged in the last decade as a flexible mechanism to provide education for nurses.

The purpose of this research is to evaluate an e-learning training package used by nurses of various designations for developing clinical skills and knowledge at a private hospital in Perth, Western Australia (‘The Hospital’). This study employs descriptive correlational design – a non-experimental quantitative approach. Data was collected via a survey method.

The findings from this study provide deeper insight into e-learning as a method of knowledge and skill enhancement for nurses. Recommendations are offered that may help strengthen the opportunities for effective e-learning for nurses, which could ultimately influence quality care and patient outcomes.

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