"Establishing factors that enable or inhibit student access to academic" by Louise Johnston

Date of Award


Degree Name

Master of Education (Thesis)

First Supervisor

Professor Marguerite Maher


With the increasing diversity of students entering higher education there is a greater need and obligation to assist in creating an even playing field to ensure the academic success of all students. Learning support has received much attention in the last decade with the introduction of a more diverse population. Consequently, now more than ever, universities must ensure best practices are implemented for enhancing academic skills of students. This qualitative case study, undertaken at one university in Sydney, examined the factors that enabled or inhibited students from accessing Academic Support Office services. A survey and interviews were used to collect data to address the research questions. Transition Pedagogy theoretical framework was used in the design of the study and for data analysis. Key enablers were the Objects of the University, commitment of staff and current transition support strategies. Inhibitors were perceived stigma, ineffective dissemination practices and time constraints.

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