""Not Marching Now in Fields of Thrasymene": Producing Christopher Marl" by Patrick C. Barton

Date of Award


Degree Name

Master of Philosophy (School of Arts and Sciences)

Schools and Centres

Arts & Sciences

First Supervisor

Professor Christopher Wortham

Second Supervisor

Adjunct Professor Paige Newmark


This thesis offers theatre practitioners a method for approaching Christopher Marlowe’s performance texts. Doctor Faustus is offered as a case study. Within it I provide a brief account of Marlowe’s education, identifying the key influencing factors that led to his resultant compositions. A discussion of the variant texts of Doctor Faustus follows, which provides the reader with an understanding of the text and its context. Various approaches to the text are explored and reviewed in their degree of success. My purpose is to identify the most significant aspects of Marlowe’s text and to offer a method of approach to production which successfully communicates with modern audiences.

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