Theology Papers and Journal Articles | School of Theology | The University of Notre Dame Australia


Submissions from 2024

The Fathers of the Church, the Reformation, and the failed attempts at union between the Tübingen Theologians and the Patriarchate of Constantinople: A broad Perspective, Mario Baghos

'This is the greatest thing a man can do': Vocational journeys of recently ordained Catholic priests in Australia, Stephen Bullivant

A spiritual theology of dialogue: Levinas, Burggraeve, and Catholic theology, Glenn Morrison


Integral human development: Hurling into the soul, Glenn J. Morrison

Disputed times: reflections on religious education in Australian Catholic schools, Richard Rymarz

Pondering diversity in contemporary culture: Towards establishing a framework for a dialogical approach to religious education in Australian Catholic schools, Richard Rymarz

Loss in Light of the Last Things: Christianity, eschatology, and grief in inside out, Matthew John Paul Tan

The origins of the Christian idea of trinity: Answering Jewish charges of Heresy; exhorting Pagans against Polytheism; countering false gnostics, Keith Thompson

Submissions from 2023


Is capital punishment contrary to the dignity of the human person? Reflections about the meaning of the revised paragraph 2267 of the Catechism of the Catholic Church, Mariusz Biliniewicz

Grounding identity and mission in Catholic universities: A relational approach, Thomas V. Gourlay

A Spiritual Theology of Synodality: Towards a Thinking Heart in Catholic Education, Glenn J. Morrison


Discovering A.J.M. (Fr. Arthur J. McHugh), A Visionary of Catholic Universities in Australia, Glenn J. Morrison


Provocative synodality and truth: "What no eye has seen, nor ear heard", Glenn J. Morrison

The relationship between philosophy and theology in inter-war German Catholic scholarship, Tracey Rowland

Submissions from 2022

Nicholas Wiseman, The Dublin Review, and the Oxford Movement: A Study with Reference to John Henry Newman, 1836 to 1845, Robert Andrews


Economic models of church life: Three nudges towards better behaviour, Stephen Bullivant

Power, preferment, and patronage: An exploratory study of Catholic bishops and social networks, Stephen Bullivant and Giovanni Radhitio Putra Sadewo

Why younger Catholics seem more committed: Survivorship bias and/or “creative minority” effects among British Catholics, Ben Clements and Stephen Bullivant


St. Patrick's gift to Australia: Catholic Universities, Glenn J. Morrison

Pastoral supervision using a group format: A report on a pilot project, Debra Snoddy

Submissions from 2021


Why do we sing the Mass?, Angela McCarthy


Panpsychism and the first-person perspective: The case for panpsychist idealism, Brentyn Ramm

The technology of awakening: Experiments in zen phenomenology, Brentyn Ramm

Joseph Ratzinger’s trinitarian theology of culture, Tracey Rowland

Submissions from 2020


Popes Benedict XVI and Francis on the sexual abuse of minors: Ecclesiological perspectives, Mariusz Biliniewicz

"Veritatis Splendor" and the universal call to holiness, Mariusz Biliniewicz

The Spark of Faith – Wojciech Giertych, Thomas V. Gourlay


Wood, Jacob W., To Stir a Restless Heart: Thomas Aquinas and Henri de Lubac on Nature, Grace, and the Desire for God, Washington, The Catholic University of America Press 2019 (ISBN 978-0-8132-3183-9), xviii + 476 pp., hb $65, Thomas V. Gourlay

The splendor of transfiguration at the heart of the Christian life: The influence of Pope Saint Paul VI on Veritatis Splendor, Renee Kohler-Ryan

Untangled branches: The Edenic Tree(s) and the Multivocal WAW, Mark Makowiecki,


The affectivity of good teaching: Towards the transformative practice of possessing a 'thinking heart', Glenn Morrison


Triptych in tears: Towards a theology of redemption. Facing sexual abuse within the church, Glenn J. Morrison

Joseph Ratzinger as doctor of incarnate beauty, Tracey Rowland

Catholic or utopian? Two irreconcilable views about moral "ideals" in "Veritatis Splendor", Christian Stephens


Pornography and Christology, Matthew John Paul Tan

The character and knowledge of Mary, the Mother of Christ, A Keith Thompson

Submissions from 2019

Limits of authority and menaces to truth: Some thoughts of Joseph Ratzinger on politics and liturgy, Mariusz Biliniewicz

Book review: Educating in Christ: A Practical Handbook for Developing the Catholic Faith from Childhood to Adolescence-for Parents, Teachers, Catechists and School Administrators, Thomas V. Gourlay


"I Love People So Terribly": Approaching affectivity with Levinas, Hillesum, and Christian theology, Glenn Morrison


Book Review: Apologia Pro Beata Maria Virgine: John Henry Newman’s Defence of the Virgin Mary in Catholic Doctrine and Piety, Matthew C. Ogilvie

Submissions from 2018

Eden and Jesus as the Wisdom of God in the Gospel of John, James Cregan


Book Review: God and Eros: The Ethos of the Nuptial Mystery, Thomas V. Gourlay


Catholic Theology. By Tracey Rowland. Pp. 256, London, T&T Clark, 2017, $20.89, Thomas V. Gourlay

Submissions from 2017


A Body Broken for a Broken People: Divorce, Remarriage, and the Eucharist, A McCarthy


Longing to See Your Face, A McCarthy


The Sacraments: Historical Foundations and Liturgical Theology, A McCarthy

"Catholicism Today: An Introduction to the Contemporary Catholic Church". Marienberg, Evyatar. New York: Routledge, 2015., Angela McCarthy

Editorial: Australian Journal of Liturgy, Angela McCarthy

"Roman Catholicism: The Basics." Walsh, Michael. The Basics. Second ed. London: Routledge, 2016, Angela McCarthy

Wotton, Sally Armour. "Can God Come out to Play?" Eugene, Oregon: Resource Publications, 2016, Angela McCarthy


A theology of feasting: Encountering the Kingdom of God, G Morrison


You want it darker: there is a crack in everybody, G Morrison


Religious leaders' perceptions of advance care planning: a secondary analysis of interviews with Buddhist, Christian, Hindu, Islamic, Jewish, Sikh and Bahai leaders, A. Pereira-Salgado, P. Mader, C. O'Callaghan, L. Boyd, and M. Staples


The relationship between love and reason, Tracey Rowland


Book Reviews: Struggle, Condemnation, Vindication: John Courtenay Murray’s Journey toward Vatican II, Barry Hudock, Thomas Ryan


Book Review: Tracey Rowland, Catholic Theology (UK: T and T Clark International, 2017), pp 256, Paperback AUD $37.00., Thomas Ryan


'Weakness, and wounded and troubled love' in Amoris Laetitia: Pope Francis as pastor, Thomas Ryan


Wisdom as loving knowledge in Dag Hammarskjold's Markings, Thomas Ryan


'When she calls for help' - domestic violence in Christian families, L Westenberg

Submissions from 2016


From the editors, Vincent Glynn and Angela McCarthy


Nature, grace and Catholic engagement in contemporary cultural dialogue, Thomas Gourlay

Book Review: Benson, Robert Hugh. Lord of the World. Notre Dame, Indiana: Christian Classics, 2016. 1907, Angela McCarthy

Book Review: T.J. Wray. Good Girls, Bad Girls of the New Testament. Lanham Boulder New York London,: Rowman & Littlefield, 2016, Angela McCarthy


Christian Art for the 21st century, Angela McCarthy


Faith, Ireland and Empire: The Life of Patrick Joseph Clune Cssr 1864-1935, Angela McCarthy


From the editors, Angela McCarthy

Hwarang Moon. "Engraved Upon the Heart: Children, the Cognitively Challenged, and Liturgy's Influence on Faith Formation". Eugene, Oregon: Wipf & Stock, 2015, Angela McCarthy


Martin Griver: Unearthed, Angela McCarthy


Monsignor Hawes Heritage Centre and St Francis Xavier Cathedral Geraldton, Angela McCarthy


Mystery and Sacrament of Love: A Theology of Marriage and the Family for the New Evangelization, Angela McCarthy


The Psalms of Mercy. Pontifical Council for the Promotion of the New Evangelization, Angela McCarthy

"The Shepherds’ Folksong Carol" by Malcolm Farr, Angela McCarthy

Fr Russell Hardiman: 50 years of Priesthood, Angela McCarthy and Noel Fitzsimmons


From the Editors, Angela McCarthy and Vincent Glynn


Practical theology from the heart: Becoming children of God, G Morrison


Spiritual growth through authentic worship, L Pang


'Yes!' and 'thou' in Dag Hammarskjold's "Markings": A theological investigation, T Ryan


Jesus - 'Our Wisest and Dearest Friend': Aquinas and Moral Transformation, Thomas Ryan


Jewish and Christian perspectives on chosen-ness, J Schneider


St Therese of Lisieux's perception of God, J Schneider


Incarnating the feminine genius in the contemporary Catholic Church, L Westenberg

Submissions from 2015

Preaching the Word in an Aboriginal context, Angela McCarthy


Our pathway to God: Scent, T Ryan


Being human: groundwork for a theological anthropology for the 21st century, Thomas Ryan


Our pathway to God: Hearing, Thomas Ryan


Our pathway to God: Touch, Thomas Ryan


Priest, poet and theologian: Essays in honour of Anthony Kelly CSsR, Thomas Ryan

Submissions from 2014

Book Review: Only One Way? Three Christian Responses on the Uniqueness of Christ in a Religiously Plural World, Glenn J. Morrison


Interfaith dialogue and transcendence: Being face-to-face, Glenn J. Morrison

Abortion before marriage, marriage tribunal jurisprudence and moral theology, Thomas Ryan

Christian ethics today: Is the ground shifting?, Thomas Ryan


Our pathway to God: Drawn by desire, Thomas Ryan

Second person perspective, virtues and the gifts in Aquinas's Ethics, Thomas Ryan


Theophilus of Alexandria and the Episcopal Ordination of Synesius of Cyrene, Kevin Wagner

Submissions from 2013


Cohen, David J. Why O Lord? Milton Keynes, UK: Paternoster, 2013., Angela McCarthy


David J Cohen, Why O Lord: Praying our Sorrows (Milton Keynes, UK: Paternoster, 2013)., Angela McCarthy


Scirghi, Thomas. Everything Is Sacred. Brewster, Massachusetts: Paraclete Press, 2012., Angela McCarthy

Book Reviews: S.L. Frank's The Meaning of Life and Steve Paulson's Atoms & Eden: Conversations on Religion and Science, Glenn J. Morrison


Grapes, olives and yams: Towards a theology of the garden in Oceania, Glenn J. Morrison

Book Review of "Human Dignity in Contemporary Ethics", Thomas Ryan