Theology Papers and Journal Articles | School of Theology | The University of Notre Dame Australia


Submissions from 2004


From the Last Supper to today's Mass: Changes through the centuries, Russell Hardiman


Instruction 2004 on Liturgical abuses: When all else fails read the 'Instructions', Russell Hardiman


Liturgical renewal and reform timeline: Part three: The era of John Paul II, Russell Hardiman


Liturgical renewal and reform timeline: Part Two: The Conciliar Liturgical Books, Russell Hardiman


Theological principles: Vatican II's 'Liturgy Constitution' Chapters 1, 2 & 3, Russell Hardiman


A voice and a place for the faithful: Vatican II's 'Liturgy Constitution' Chapters 6 and 7, Angela McCarthy

Faith and culture in conversation: One theologian at work, Thomas Ryan

Submissions from 2003


The broken wings of Eros: Christian ethics and the denial of desire, Peter Black


Another Australian Bicentennial: 200 years of priestly sacramental ministry, Russell Hardiman


Lent - Easter Triduum - Eastertide: In the New Roman Missal, Russell Hardiman


Ordinary time in the Roman Missal: How ordinary is ordinary?, Russell Hardiman


The Bread of Life Discourse (Jn 6): The use of John with Mark's Gospel in Year B, Russell Hardiman


The Liturgy Constitution's timeline: The preparatory and conciliar steps, Russell Hardiman


The Mysteries of Light: Scripture connects devotions and the Liturgy, Russell Hardiman


The Pope of the Eucharist: Centenary of Pope St Pius X, Russell Hardiman


Emmanuel Lévinas and Christian theology, Glenn J. Morrison


The Triune Drama of the Resurrection Levinas' Non-Phenomenology, Glenn J. Morrison

In God’s image: Towards a theology of our emotions, Thomas Ryan

Submissions from 2002


Advent - Christmas - Ordinary time in the new Roman Missal, Russell Hardiman


The Third Edition of the Roman Missal: Continuing steps or new objectives in the reform and renewal of the Liturgy, Russell Hardiman

Truth couplets in the theology of Joesph Ratzinger, Tracey Rowland

Speaking for myself personally'... awareness of self, of God, of others, Thomas Ryan

The Thérèse ‘Phenomenon’: Reflections on a pilgrimage, Thomas Ryan

Submissions from 2001


‘God Writes Straight with Crooked Lines’: Eros, agape and the witness of glory. An encounter between the philosophy of Emmanuel Lévinas and feminist liberation theology, Glenn J. Morrison

Jewish-Christian relations and the ethical philosophy of Emmanuel Levinas: 'at the very moment where all is lost, everything is possible'*, Glenn J. Morrison

Sacred feelings: Levinas and the universe: Unlocking the mystery of the 'there is' (il y a), Glenn J. Morrison

Aquinas’ integrated view of emotions, morality, and the person, Thomas Ryan

Positive and negative emotions in Aquinas: Retrieving a distorted tradition, Thomas Ryan

Submissions from 2000


In your face I hear the Word of God: Lévinas and the Trinity, Glenn J. Morrison

Submissions from 1995


Silence: The experiences of Sebastian Rodrigues, SJ, Glenn J. Morrison