"Book review: Educating in Christ: A Practical Handbook for Developing " by Thomas V. Gourlay

Book review: Educating in Christ: A Practical Handbook for Developing the Catholic Faith from Childhood to Adolescence-for Parents, Teachers, Catechists and School Administrators


Book Review

Educating in Christ: A Practical Handbook for Developing the Catholic Faith from Childhood to Adolescence—for Parents, Teachers, Catechists and School Administrators

Gerard O’Shea

Brooklyn, NY: Angelico Press (2018)

290 pages; $17.95 USD (paperback)

ISBN: 978-1-62138-327-7

Reviewed by Thomas V. Gourlay


book review, Educating in Christ: A Practical Handbook for Developing the Catholic Faith from Childhood to Adolescence—for Parents, Teachers, Catechists and School Administrators, Gerard O'Shea

Link to Publisher Version (URL)


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