
The inter-relationship of the affective and the cognitive is an issue in the spiritual and moral fields of the Christian tradition. Drawing on the analogical use of the ‘spiritual senses’ together with insights from virtue ethics, this article investigates wisdom as loving knowledge in Dag Hammarskjöld’s Markings. The article has five stages: first, the various forms of love present in Hammarskjöld’s reflections are outlined; second, after a brief explanation of affective/cognitive aspect of the spiritual senses, it probes a representative text in Marking on the process of knowing and loving God; third, it analyses key passages in the journal concerning wisdom as a virtue; fourth, in the light of the theology of the Gifts of the Holy Spirit and contemporary approaches based on the second-person perspective, the Gift of wisdom is examined in the journal leading to some concluding observations.


Dag Hammarskjöld, love, spiritual senses, wisdom, gifts of the Holy Spirit

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Religion Commons



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