"Triptych in tears: Towards a theology of redemption. Facing sexual abu" by Glenn J. Morrison


The article seeks to develop a pastoral theological response to sexual abuse within the Church. The response introduces the importance of the emotivity or affectivity of tears as the basis for a theology of redemption. To this end, three key biblical passages, Ps. 137, Matt 2:16-18 and John 11:1-44, speaking directly of tears or weeping, will help to form as it were, A Triptych. The aim here is to help to ‘think otherwise’ to become close to the Father’s heart (Jn 1:18), the newness and nearness of the Kingdom of God, and hence to encounter the outrage, pain, hurt and wounds of people suffering from sexual abuse.


pastoral theology, sexual abuse, within the Church, tears, weeping, suffering

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