"Albert Camus: Rebellion Through the Ethical Frameworks of Emmanuel Lev" by Conor Spence

Date of Award


Degree Name

Master of Philosophy (School of Philosophy and Theology)

Schools and Centres

Philosophy and Theology

First Supervisor

Professor Philip Matthews

Second Supervisor

Doctor Richard Hamilton


Albert Camus, in his novel length essay The Rebel, puts forth an argument regarding the nature of rebellion and how it is differentiated from other acts of political violence on account of its fidelity to its initial premise - the fundamental value of all individuals and parties involved. Camus, throughout this text, discusses the limitations of rebellion, its ethical character and how it is differentiated from its fallen counterpart revolution. Due to the fact that this text is primarily a critique of totalising political systems and philosophies, Camus is equivocal about the underlying philosophical foundations of this phenomena, refusing to put forth any argument as to why rebellion occurs, preferring to focus upon what rebellion is. This research proposal will outline an avenue of research into why rebellion occurs by calling on Emmanuel Levinas and Soren Kierkegaard. Specifically, I intend to conduct an ethical reading of Camus’ rebellion utilising the thought of Levinas and Kierkegaard in order to argue that rebellion is essentially a manifestation of the human condition and the entailing predisposition for one to act ethically, even if it may go against one’s best interests.

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