"Implementation of patient involvement in the development of a health-r" by Sharolin Boban

Date of Award


Degree Name

Master of Health Sciences (Research)

Schools and Centres

Health Sciences

First Supervisor

Caroline Bulsara

Second Supervisor

Jim Codde

Third Supervisor

Jenny Downs


Ovarian cancer is the second most common gynaecological cancer and the eighth-most common cause of death in Australian women with a five-year relative survival of 46%. Using a ‘ground-up approach’ and patient involvement, this research project implemented a sequential mixed methods approach to develop a health-related quality of life outcome measure across the disease trajectory.

The six key themes identified from initial qualitative data highlighted treatment-related and psychosocial challenges alongside financial issues, relationships with health professionals, and patient coping strategies. This informed the generation of items necessary to develop a draft health-related quality of life tool. A cognitive interviewing technique established the content validity of the draft items. The final draft scale comprised 38 health-related quality of life items across three domains: physical health/functioning wellbeing, emotional wellbeing, and social wellbeing; each rated on a five-point frequency response scale. Field testing and evaluation of psychometric properties could be the focus of a future study.

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