
Theses/Dissertations from 2024


Analysing the Prevalence of Servant Leadership Characteristics and Cultural Values in a UAE-based Multinational and Multicultural Workforce, Richard John Atkinson


The Archaeology of the Spiritual and Working Lives of the Muslim Cameleers of Western Australia in the Late Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries, Roger Bateman


Hesychasm and the Jesus Prayer: Spiritual Formation in an Ecumenical World – Exploring the Practice of the Eastern Orthodox Jesus Prayer with the Evangelical Protestant Tradition, Craig Francis Bosman


The Development, Implementation, and Evaluation of an Online Program for Emergency Nurses Caring for Victims of Interpersonal Violence: A Mixed Methods Study, Melanie Brown


Ngala Kaditjiny ’Our Culture’, Barbara Bynder, Doctor of Philosophy (College of Arts and Science)


The Perception of Year 11 Students in Catholic Secondary Schools Towards Christian Service-Learning, Salvatore Pietro De Luca, Doctor of Education


The Light of Hope: Representations of Salvation in the Great North Window of St Mary’s Cathedral, Sydney, Carolyn Amy Lewis Flynn, Master of Philosophy (School of Philosophy and Theology)


Traumatic Heterotopic Ossification: Pathophysiological Mechanisms, Epidemiological Characteristics, and Risk Factors, Nicola Kate Foster, Doctor of Philosophy (School of Physiotherapy)


Pandemic Paradox: A Mixed Methods Study Unmasking the Impact of Covid-19 on Australia's Nursing and Midwifery Workforce Job Satisfaction and Retention, Laura Lillian Hynes


Lived Experiences of Former Secondary School Students with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: A Phenomenological Study, Dinoshi Sajivini Keiper, Doctor of Education


Deterring the Digital Dragon, Bryn Lacey, Doctor of Philosophy (College of Arts and Science)


Exploring the Experiences of a South Asian Client and Facilitators of Men's Behaviour Change Programs in Western Australia, Madhuri Mathisen, Doctor of Philosophy (College of Arts and Science)


First Nations Children: Investigating Elements for a Successful Education Model, Frances McCarthy, Doctor of Philosophy (College of Education)


Young Children's 21st Century Mathematical Skills and the Role of the Early Childhood Environment in Developing these Skills, Mistelle Moore, Master of Philosophy (School of Education)


The Myth of Post-Graduate Employment: How Ableism and a Minority-Rights Approach to Equality Creates Barriers to Employment for University Graduates with Disability, Veronica Nelson


Living Charity: Beata Caterina, the Pizzicaiuoli Altarpiece and Lived Religion in Fifteenth-Century Siena, Susan A. Nolan, Master of Arts (Thesis)


Prevalence of Peristomal Skin Complications in the First 12 Weeks Post-Discharge Following Urinary/Faecal Stoma Formation Surgery, Tania Norman


Uncovering the Link Between Diabetes and Pulmonary Hypertension, Nishant Nundlall, Master of Philosophy (School of Medicine)


The Philosophy Behind the Vatican's Approach to Relations with China, John Ogilvie, Master of Philosophy (School of Arts and Sciences)


Do we have Agency? Early Childhood Educators' Experience of Pedagogical Agency in Providing Child Agency, Clare Maree Omodei, Doctor of Education


Design-Build Discussions: Coordination Practices in Design-Build Education Projects, Michael James Phillips, Master of Philosophy (School of Arts and Sciences)


Deconstruction of Body Representation of the Back in Healthy Back Pain-free Individuals and People with Chronic Low Back Pain, Simon Pratt, Doctor of Philosophy (School of Physiotherapy)

Closing the Culture Gaps: Policies and Codesign in Remote Western Australia. A Long-Time Story of a Community-Based Kimberley Aboriginal Organisation, Arjati Schipf, Doctor of Philosophy (College of Arts and Science)


Beginnings: NSW Teachers' Views on the Early Stages of Implementing a New National Curriculum, Julie-Anne Seach, Doctor of Philosophy (College of Education)


His Name is History: The Spectral Afterlife of the Joh Bjelke-Petersen Era in Queensland Fiction, Carmen Vallis, Doctor of Philosophy (College of Arts and Science)

Theses/Dissertations from 2023


Sustaining Development Through Biodiversity Offsets, Linda Abdo


The Other Beginning of Thinking: Heidegger and Neoplatonism, Emile Alexandrov, Doctor of Philosophy (College of Philosophy and Theology)


Resistance training methods and repeated-sprint ability: A meta-analysis, Jemma Bassi, Master of Philosophy (School of Health Sciences)


Early Movement Matters: Examining the Influence of Early Postnatal Caregiving Experiences of Term Infants on Motor and Head Shape Outcomes Across Infancy, Helen E. Beaton, Doctor of Philosophy (School of Physiotherapy)


Politics & Religion in Comparative Perspective: Papal Pastoral Visits to Mexico in 1990 & 1993, Kiara Catherine Black, Master of Arts (Thesis)


Improving Care in End-stage Dementia with the End of Life Care Assessment Tool for Advanced Dementia: a Multi Method Study, Carolyn Heather Bourke


Wellbeing in the Outdoors: Exploring the Impact of an Outdoor Adventure Education Program for the Social and Emotional Wellbeing of Western Australian Adolescents from Selected Independent Schools, Michael Down


Aquinas’s four–fold senses of scripture: Harnessing metaphysical analogy for theological exegesis, Susanna Edmunds O.P. Sr., Master of Philosophy (School of Philosophy and Theology)


Advances in upper gastrointestinal surgery: Management and Diagnostic techniques, Gregory L. Falk, Doctor of Medicine


To Broaden the Scope of Reason: Relational Ontology and its Significant for the Catholic University, Thomas V. Gourlay, Doctor of Philosophy (College of Philosophy and Theology)


The Characteristics of Senior Leadership Teams in High Performing Western Australian Catholic Composite and Secondary Schools, Daniel Michael Groenewald, Doctor of Education


Is Knowledge Enough? Exploring Mental Health Literacy and other Factors of Help-Seeking in Rural and Urban Emerging-Adult Males, Chris Haydock, Master of Philosophy (School of Health Sciences)


Contralateral ACL Rupture is More Common than ACL Graft Rupture in Australian Netballers after ACL Reconstruction, Conor Honeywill


Outlier State: Elite Rhetoric as a Window to Western Australian Regionalism, David Jones, Master of Philosophy (School of Arts and Sciences)


The Age of De Fer: Maps, Knowledge, and the Western World View, 1680-1720, Fiona Keating, Master of Philosophy (School of Arts and Sciences)


Caring for Individuals Who Have used Methamphetamine: A Study Exploring the Experiences of West Australian Nurses Working in An Authorised Mental Health Institute, John Kriticos


At the Heart of Leviathan: A Hobbesian Reading of Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness, Bethany Lilleyman, Master of Philosophy (School of Arts and Sciences)


The temporal development of breastfed infants' gut microbiome at 1 week and 3 months of age, Faith Mhembere, Master of Philosophy (School of Health Sciences)


Advance Care Planning in Cancer Patient - Caregiver DYADS, Natasha Michael, Doctor of Philosophy (College of Medicine)


The Development of the Mini-neurosurgical Assessment Tool for Nurses, Loreta Murphy


The Perceptions of Year 5 and 6 Students, their Teachers and the School Principal of their Australian Identity and the School's Role in Developing Students' Australian Identity., Renae Nahajski, Master of Philosophy (School of Education)


One Beat at a Time: Mitigating the Risk Factors of Rheumatic Heart Disease Through Public Policies, Duy Phuong Huynh Nguyen, Master of Philosophy (School of Arts and Sciences)


Household Recycling Behaviour in Metropolitan Australia: A Social Practice Theory Perspective, Susann Noe


Exploring Shear Wave Elastography and B-mode Ultrasound Measurements as Potential Biomarkers in the Diagnosis and Monitoring of Patients with Idiopathic Inflammatory Myopathies: A Novel Approach, Shereen Paramalingam, Doctor of Philosophy (College of Medicine)


The Experiences of Parents Diagnosed with Cancer whilst Parenting Minor-aged Children, George Prince, Master of Philosophy (School of Arts and Sciences)


Is Patient Controlled Analgesia a Feasible Method of Pain Relief in the Emergency Department: A Mixed Method Study, Raja Natasya Raja Azlan, Doctor of Philosophy (College of Nursing)


Professional Standards: Regulating Behaviours and Values in Nursing - Intentions Versus Outcomes, Sally Robertson, Doctor of Philosophy (College of Nursing)


The Aesthetically Engaging City: The Role of Beauty and Play in Urbanism and Human Fulfilment, Amy Roser, Master of Philosophy (School of Philosophy and Theology)


The Influence of Personal Traits, Individual Behaviours and Population Health Determinants on the Epidemiology of Facial Injury: Psychiatric Comorbidity, Substance Abuse, SARS Social Distancing Measures, Gary Russell Hoffman


Charting and Navigating the "Scylla and Charybdis" Conundrum of our Ageing Hearts - Heart Failure & Atrial Fibrillation, Simon Stewart


Exploration of the Effects of Developmental Coordination Disorder on Skeletal Development from Childhood through to Early Adulthood, Jocelyn Tan, Doctor of Philosophy (College of Health Sciences)


Novel Electrocardiogram Biomarkers in Long QT Syndrome, Daniel Theodore Tardo


An Examination of the Trends in Activities of Daily Living in the 12 Months After Total Knee Arthroplasty: A Descriptive Study, Irene van Staden


'Crying Wolf': Generating New Understandings of Alarm Fatigue Using a Convergent Mixed Methods Approach, Meagan Rae Vidyaeva

Theses/Dissertations from 2022

The Utility of Cardiac Myosin-Binding Protein C in the Early Triage of Patients with Suspected Acute Coronary Syndromes (ULYCES Trial), Cara Barnes, Master of Philosophy (School of Medicine)


Transgression and its Practice: The Role of the Cultural Provocateur from the Twentieth to the Twenty-First Century, Luke Beattie, Doctor of Philosophy (College of Arts and Science)


Tourism Trails and Resurgent Pathways: An Exploration of the Nexus between Indigenous-led Tourism and Resurgence Discourses alongside Karajarri Traditional Owners of the saltwater Kimberley, Australia, and Beyond, Bobbie Chew Bigby, Doctor of Philosophy (College of Arts and Science)


Making Accessible the Rich Spiritual Tradition of the Catholic Church Explored Through the Lens of Four Different Saints, Anthony Chidiac, Doctor of Philosophy (College of Education)


The Politics of Eternity: Public History and Monuments to Memory in Kings Park, 1902-1934, Anthony Critchley, Master of Philosophy (School of Arts and Sciences)


Bedrooms and Battlefields: Negotiating Gendered Arenas of Power Within Le Roman de Silence, Anneka de Souza, Master of Philosophy (School of Arts and Sciences)


What Does it Mean to be an Assistant Principal in Catholic Primary Schools in Western Australia? An Exploratory Instrumental Case Study, Lisa Gallin, Doctor of Philosophy (College of Education)


Exploration of the role of the enrolled nurse within a team nursing model: Perspectives of enrolled nurses and registered nurses, Anna Gardner, Doctor of Philosophy (College of Nursing)


Developing Mathematical Identities: Australian Children’s Gendered Constructs in the First Formal Year of School, Rachelle Glynn, Doctor of Philosophy (College of Education)


'Ice in the Family' : Exploring the Experiences of Close Family Members When Another Family Member is Using Methamphetamine, Douglas Greg Gordon, Doctor of Philosophy (College of Medicine)


The Process and Impact of a Catholic School Amalgamation: A Mixed Method, Single Case Study, Stephen Gough, Doctor of Education


Do The Safeguards in the Victorian Assisted-Dying Legislation Adequately Account for the Experiences of Other Nations?, Heath Harley-Bellemore, Master of Laws (Thesis)


Assess, Address, Progress: An Online Approach to Evaluate and Develop Teacher Education Students’ Numeracy Capability, Kate Hartup, Doctor of Philosophy (College of Education)


Implementing quality improvement strategies in real-world general practice- a study focused on cardiovascular disease, Charlotte Hespe, Doctor of Philosophy (College of Medicine)


The Accuracy and Validity of Self-Reported Throwing Loads and the Characteristics of Throws by Elite Cricket Players in Australia, Zachariah G. Hoyne, Master of Philosophy (School of Health Sciences)


An Exegetical Analysis of the Johannine Jesus’s Son-Father Relationship in the Fourth Gospel with The Theological Significance and Implications in Contemporary Context, Jing Yih Hsieh, Master of Philosophy (School of Philosophy and Theology)


Personalised Antimicrobial Dosing in Paediatric Cystic Fibrosis, Sahand Imani


Community Development supporting Ecological Conversion, as identified in Laudato Si’: On Care for Our Common Home, Anne Jennings, Doctor of Philosophy (College of Arts and Science)


Intraperitoneal instillation of local anaesthetic (IPILA) in bariatric surgery and the effect on post-operative pain scores: A randomised control trial, Ramandeep Kaur


Developing a Contemplative Classroom. Are There Other Approaches That Usefully Extend Angelo Caranfa?, Rosemary Laoulach, Doctor of Philosophy (College of Philosophy and Theology)


Raising the Curtain: A History of Patch Theatre Company, 1939 - 1950, Elizabeth Leong, Master of Philosophy (School of Arts and Sciences)


Experiences of Emergency Department Nurses Caring for Individuals at Risk of Suicide in the Wheatbelt: A Qualitative Descriptive Study, Tendai Makanyanga, Master of Nursing (Research)


The Virtue of Appropriate Transparency: Research Psychology and the Replication Crisis, Barry Mannolini-Winwood, Master of Philosophy (School of Philosophy and Theology)


‘Burnt Out Lamps’: Exploring the Impact of Occupational Stress and Burnout on the Wellbeing of Intensive Care Nurses in a Tertiary Hospital, Swapna Mathew, Master of Philosophy (School of Nursing)


Resilience and Fortitude: The Lives of Impoverished Women in Fremantle, Western Australia, 1890-1914, Linda McGowan, Master of Philosophy (School of Arts and Sciences)


'Are we Doing the Right Thing?' Utilising Security Governance to Reform the US Drone Program, Jane Minson, Doctor of Philosophy (College of Arts and Science)


Perspectives of Reading for Pleasure Pedagogy in Western Australian School Classrooms, Jessica Nailer, Master of Philosophy (School of Education)


From Isolation to Inclusion: Embracing Local Perspectives in Examining the Treatment Model of Care for Aboriginal Persons Affected by Tuberculosis or Leprosy in the Kimberley Region, North Western Australia, Stefanie Jane Oliver, Doctor of Philosophy (College of Medicine)


The Personal and Professional Experiences of Female Principals in Catholic Education Western Australia (CEWA) Composite and Secondary Schools, Maria Loreta Outtrim, Doctor of Education


A Study on Post-burn Healing: Optimising Scar Outcome Through the Use of a Silicone-based Film-forming Wound Dressing, Fiona Poelchow, Master of Science (Physiotherapy)


Multilayered Agency and Religion: A Study of the Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines (1986–1998), Christian Santos, Doctor of Philosophy (College of Arts and Science)


Participation of Tanzanian Nurses and Midwives in the Implementation of Millennium Development Goals 4 (Reduction of Child Mortality) and 5 (Improvement of Maternal Health): A Case Study, Peter Taratara, Doctor of Philosophy (College of Nursing)


Architecture and Students' Physical Activity in Learning Environments, Rachel Marie Tindall, Doctor of Philosophy (College of Arts and Science)


Does Acupuncture/Dry Needling Improve Pain and Itch in Abnormal Hypertrophic Scars, Catherine Tuckey


"That all may Justice Share: Sydney Catholics in the interwar years 1919-1929, Monica Van Gend


Reinterpreting the Villain: Changing the Pattern of the Fairy Tale through Sleeping Beauty’s Maleficent, Mackenzie Waldon, Master of Arts (Thesis)


Without hindrance or fear of reprisals: The attitudes and experiences of doctors with a conscientious objection to abortion in New South Wales and Victoria, Anna Walsh, Doctor of Philosophy (College of Law)


An Investigation of Registered Nurses’ Knowledge and Decision-Making Processes In Relation to the Management of Adults With Diabetic Ketoacidosis, Megan Alice Westphalen, Master of Philosophy (School of Nursing)


The Golden Age of the Economics of Bureaucracy, Chang-Yeh (Michael) Wu

Theses/Dissertations from 2021


Large-scale renewable energy penetration – A quantitative analysis of political determinants of renewable energy and its impact on electricity price volatility transmission and corporate financial performance, Abdul Abban, Doctor of Philosophy (College of Business)


Heidegger: The Forgottenness of beyng, Emile Alexandrov, Master of Philosophy (School of Philosophy and Theology)