"The Accuracy and Validity of Self-Reported Throwing Loads and the Char" by Zachariah G. Hoyne

Date of Award


Degree Name

Master of Philosophy (School of Health Sciences)

Schools and Centres

Health Sciences

First Supervisor

Doctor Ashley Cripps

Second Supervisor

Doctor Chris Joyce

Third Supervisor

Myles Murphy


Objectives: To determine the relationship between elite cricket player’s self-reported and independently observed throwing volume. Examine whether sex, playing position, or time to upload self-reported data post training influences the accuracy of self-reported throwing loads. Describe the type and number of throws performed during elite cricket training, and identify characteristics such as type, distance and accuracy of throws.

Design: Cross-sectional study.

Methods: A total of eight female and 18 male professional cricket players participated in the study. Overarm throws from 12 training sessions during the 2020-21 cricket year were observed. Player self-reported throwing volume data were retrieved post training, with the time difference between session completion and self-reported data upload recorded. Observations on throwing type (warm-up, drill throw), distance (± 30 meters) and accuracy (hit or miss target) of throws was noted. Correlation and agreement was assessed using a Spearman’s Rank Correlation Coefficient and a Bland-Altman plot of agreement. Two, Independent-Samples Kruskal-Wallis tests were used to investigate if playing position and sex had an influence on absolute magnitude of error of reporting.

Results: A moderate positive correlation was found between self-reported and observed throwing loads (rho = 0.65), however only 22% of players reported values within a clinically acceptable error of 10%. Players reported a mean absolute magnitude of error of 11.2 (9.8) throws and a mean magnitude of error of 24.8% (SD 16.0%). Sex did not influence reporting accuracy (p = 0.414). Playing position had a statistically significant (p = 0.031), though not clinically meaningful, relationship. Females uploaded self-reported data the day of training, whereas most males reported the day following. Reporting the day of training, or the day following training did not appear to result in poorer self-reported throwing load accuracy.

Conclusions: The findings of this study question the validity of player self-reported throwing load as most players recorded in excess of 10% error. Sport support staff and players should consider whether the current accuracy of self-reported throwing load justifies its collection and use in the high-performance environment.
