"Sacred feelings: Levinas and the universe: Unlocking the mystery of th" by Glenn J. Morrison

Sacred feelings: Levinas and the universe: Unlocking the mystery of the 'there is' (il y a)


Have you ever wondered or questioned why there is good and evil in the world? It is certainly very confounding and disturbing. The evils of war, murder, persecution and useless suffering either pierce the human soul with pathos or blind the face with a cultural mask. On the hither side of hope, the goodness of love and forgiveness, compassion and being responsible for the stranger give a vision for a future world free from political violence and economic injustice. It may seem that both good and evil go together, even to the extent that they are twins. Here is the lie that seduces the human mind. Evil proclaims to be the equal twin of the Good and to be the uncreated, eternal prince of the world. Evil understands it is its own origin, is relentless in its machinations and is infinitely proud in its destruction. Evil reduces everything to itself. An evil person seeks out a neighbour and reduces this poor one to evil. Evil begets evil.



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