Nursing Papers and Journal Articles | School of Nursing | The University of Notre Dame Australia


Submissions from 2024

Cancer nurses’ voices and recommendations to address workforce challenges, Natalie Bradford, Deborah Kirk, Karen Taylor, Natalie Williams, Gemma McErlean, Olivia Cook, Lucy Gent, Leanne Monterosso, Zerina Lokmic-Tomkins, Xiomara Skrabal Ross, Erin Pitt, Jemma Still, and Elizabeth Moore

A qualitative investigation of nurses' knowledge and practice gaps, regarding confidentiality and risk-actuated public interest disclosure-related decision-making, Darren Conlon, Toby Raeburn, and Timothy Wand

Mental health risk assessments of patients, by nurses working in mental health settings: A qualitative study using cognitive continuum theory, Darren Conlon, Toby Raeburn, and Timothy Wand

Nurses' understanding of their duty of confidentiality to patients in mental health care: A qualitative exploratory study, Darren Conlon, Toby Raeburn, and Timothy Wand

"Beyond feasibility": A qualitative study of patients, their Whanau (family) and staff perspectives and experiences of a non- pharmacological delirium-prevention intervention in two Aotearoa/New Zealand hospices, Cheryl Davies, Kaye Basire, Vicki Jones, David Gillmore, Annmarie Hosie, Anne Gourley, and Aileen Collier

Fever, hyperglycemia, and swallowing management in stroke unit and non-stroke-unit European hospitals: A quality in acute stroke care (QASC) Europe substudy, Ranran Ding, Vasilliki Betihavas, Benjamin McElduff, Simeon Dale, Kelly Coughlan, Elizabeth Innes, Sandy Middleton, and Oyebola Fasugba

“A qualitative study of multiple sclerosis specialists’ experiences and perspectives in managing family planning in people with multiple sclerosis”, A Fragkoudi, AR Rumbold, Therese Burke, and LE Grzeskowiak

Feasibility and acceptability of implementing an evidence-based ESCALATION system for paediatric clinical deterioration, Fenella Gill, Alannah Cooper, Pania Falconer, Scott Stokes, Alison Roberts, Matthew Szabo, and Gavin Leslie

Nurse-surgeons in the Australian public health system: A descriptive quantitative survey, Tenber Grota, Adam Burston, Vasilliki Betihavas, and Elisabeth Jacob


Midwifery students' experiences of learning to be 'with woman': A scoping review, Ashlee Guerin, Sadie Geraghty, Sheena McChlery, and Mary Byrne

Quality of life following surgery for head and neck cancer: Evidence from ACRIN 6685, Christopher Hollenbeak, Fenghai Duan, Rathan Subramaniam, Alexander Taurone, Jo Rean Sicks, Val Lowe, and Brendan Stack

Support needs of Australians bereaved during the COVID-19 pandemic: A cross-sectional survey study, Serra Ivynian, Fiona MacCallum, Sungwon Chang, Lauren Breen, Jane Phillips, Meera Agar, Annmarie Hosie, Jennifer Tieman, Michelle DiGiacomo, Tim Luckett, Jennifer Philip, Dadich Ann, Christopher Grossman, Imelda Gilmore, Janeane Harlum, Irina Kinchin, Nicholas Glasgow, and Elizabeth Lobb

Pre-implementation context and implementation approach for a nursing and midwifery clinician researcher career pathway: A qualitative study, Maree Johnson, Nicola Straiton, Caleb Ferguson, Elizabeth Mcinnes, Anna Thornton, Browyn Everett, Karen Tuqiri, Shala Meedya, Kate Hackett, Marilyn Cruickshank, Margaret Fry, Lin Perry, Suzanne Sheppard-Law, Annmarie Hosie, Sally Inglis, Gemma McErlean, Deborah Debono, Ritin Fernandez, Rochelle Wynne, Josephine Chow, Louise Hickman, Gail Del Olmo, and Sandy Middleton

Internationally qualified nurses' perspectives on transitioning specialty skills within Australia: A content analysis, Chanchal Kurup, Adam Burston, Vasilliki Betihavas, and Elizabeth Jacob

The mental health of Australians bereaved during the first two years of the COVID-19 pandemic: A latent class analysis, Fiona MacCallum, Lauren Breen, Jane Phillips, Meera Agar, Annmarie Hosie, Jennifer Tieman, Michelle DiGiacomo, Tim Luckett, Jennifer Philip, Serra Ivynian, Sungwon Chang, Ann Dadich, Christopher Grossman, Imelda Gilmore, Janeane Harlum, Irina Kinchin, Nicholas Glasgow, and Elizabeth Lobb

Consensus-based recommendations for the care of women with a breech presenting fetus, Sara Morris, Deborah Sundin, and Sadie Geraghty

Clinician's perspectives on the feasibility of patient controlled analgesia in emergency departments: A qualitative descriptive study, Natasya Raja Azlan, Caroline E. Bulsara, Leanne Monterosso, Max Bulsara, and Gail Ross-Adjie

A national evaluation of undergraduate nursing and midwifery curricula, Mary Ryder, Freda Browne, Mary Curtin, Michael Connolly, Eileen Furlong, Sadie Geraghty, John Larkin, Margaret Prendergast, Margaret Meegan, and Maria Brenner

Hear our voice: Pediatric communication barriers from the perspectives of refugee mothers with limited English proficiency, Cassie Smith, Susan Boylen, Raewyn Mutch, and Sarah Cherian

Driving quality in delirium care through a patient-centered monitoring system in palliative care: Protocol for the two-staged exploratory sequential mixed methods MODEL-PC study, Nameer van Oosterom, Meera Agar, Grace Walpole, Penelope Casey, Paula Moffatt, Keiron Bradley, Angus Cook, Claire Johnson, Richard Chye, Jacqueline Oehme, Maria Senatore, Claudia Virdun, Mark Pearson, Imogen Featherstone, Peter Lawlor, Shirley Bush, Barb Daveson, Sabina Clapham, Kimberley Campbell, and Annmarie Hosie

Prevention of venous thromboembolism after total hip and knee arthroplasties in Australian hospitals: What are we using?, Nameer van Oosterom, Michael Barras, and Neil Cottrell

Submissions from 2023

Disruption caused by the COVID-19 pandemic response from a Western Australian metropolitan general practice perspective: a qualitative descriptive study, Diane Arnold-Reed, Caroline Bulsara, and Lucy Gilkes

Telehealth‘s future in Australian primary health care: A qualitative study exploring lessons learnt from the COVID-19 pandemic, Christine Ashley, Anna Williams, Sarah Dennis, Susan McInnes, Nicholas Zwar, Mark Morgan, and Elizabeth Halcomb

Phenomenography: A useful methodology for midwifery research, Kirstie Balding, Sadie Geraghty, Amanda Timler, Sally Pezaro, and Sheena McChlery

The magic of Captain Cook, Max Brierty and Stephen Muecke

Women-centred ethics: A feminist participatory action research, Kate Buchanan, Sadie Geraghty, Lisa Whitehead, and Elizabeth Newnham

Single registered midwives contributing care for general patients: a scoping study, Angela Bull, Sara Bayes, and Sadie Geraghty

Efficacy and safety of acupuncture for depression: A systematic review and meta-analysis, Binglei Chen, Carol Chunfeng Wang, Khui Hung Lee, Jianhong Cecilia Xia, and Zongting Luo

Risk-actuated public interest disclosure practices of nurses working in mental health, pertaining to confidential information of patients, Darren Conlon, Toby Raeburn, and Timothy Wand

Examining relationships between parent-reported factors and recurring ear symptoms among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children, Fina Constantinides, Neil J. Orr, Kai Nash, John Robert Evans, Catherine M. McMahon, Hasantha Gunasekera, Samantha Harkus, Liesa Clague, Cara Cross, Luke Halvorsen, Noeleen Lumby, Harvey Coates, and Rona Macniven

Resilience, posttraumatic growth and psychological wellbeing of paramedicine clinicians: An integrative review, Benjamin Coyte, Vasilliki Betihavas, Scott Devenish, and Kim Foster

Patient safety for people experiencing advanced dementia in hospital: A video reflexive ethnography, Ann Dadich, Jade Rodrigues, Anita De Bellis, Annmarie Hosie, Tamsin Symonds, Justin Prendergas, Alan Bevan, and Aileen Collier

Development of a tool to identify barriers and enablers to practice innovation in midwifery: A participatory action research study, Sara D. Davis, Sara Bayes, and Sadie Geraghty

e-Delphi in the outdoors: Stakeholder contributions to the development of a wellbeing-focused outdoor adventure education intervention program, Michael Down, Duncan Picknoll, Gerard Hoyne, Ben Piggott, and Caroline Bulsara

Hospitalised smokers' and staff perspectives of inpatient smoking cessation interventions and impact on smokers' quality of life: An integrative review of the qualitative literature, Leah Epton, Shane Patman, Tracey H. Coventry, and Caroline Bulsara

Chronic non-cancer pain management – insights from Australian general practitioners: a qualitative descriptive study, Lucy Gilkes, Caroline Bulsara, and Nahal Mavaddat

Perceived nexus between non-invigilated summative assessment and mental health difficulties: A cross sectional studies, Amanda Graf, Esther Adma, Ebenezer Afrifa-Yamoah, and Kwadwo Adusei-Asante

Roles of nurse-surgeons in global surgical care: A scoping review, Tenber Grota, Vasilliki Betihavas, Adam Burston, and Elisabeth Jacob

Symptom assessment for mechanically ventilated patients: Principles and priorities, Jill L. Guttormson, Babar Khan, Martin B. Brodsky, Linda L. Chlan, Martha AQ Curley, Celine Gelinas, Mary Beth Happ, Margaret Herridge, Dean Hess, Breanna Hetland, Ramona O. Hopkins, Megan M. Hosey, Annmarie Hosie, Andrew C. Lodolo, Natalie S. McAndrew, Sangeeta Mehta, Cheryl Misak, Margaret A. Pisani, Mark van den Boogaard, Sophia Wang, and American Thoracic Society Assembly in Nursing and Assembly on Critical Care

Telehealth use in Australian primary healthcare during COVID-19: a cross-sectional descriptive survey, Elizabeth Halcomb, Christine Ashley, Sarah Dennis, Susan McInnes, Mark Morgan, Nicholas Zwar, and Anna Williams

Models of clinical supervision of relevance to remote area nursing & primary health care: A scoping review, Fiona Hildebrand, Michelle Gray, and Kylie McCullough

Insights into the genital microbiota of women who experienced fetal death in utero, Mira Holliday, Kumar Uddipto, Gerardo Castillo, Luz Estela Vera, Julie Quinlivan, and George Mendz

Midwives' experiences of the consequences of navigating barriers to maternity care, Yakubu Ismaila, Sara Bayes, and Sadie Geraghty

Quality of life implications for elevated trait impulsivity in people with Parkinson’s disease, Ashani Jeyadevan, Megan Bakeberg, Michelle Byrnes, Jade Kenna, Sarah McGregor, Soumya Ghosh, Malcom K. Horne, Rick Stell, Tess Evans, Frank Mastaglia, and Ryan S. Anderton

Exploring the SPHERE Nursing and Midwifery Clinician Researcher Career Pathway: A qualitative study, Maree Johnson, Caleb Ferguson, Anna Thornton, Joylynn Israel, Marilyn Cruickshank, Debono Deboroah, Ritin Fernandez, Margaret Fry, Louise Hickman, Annmarie Hosie, Sally Inglis, Gemma McErlean, Elizabeth McInnes, Lin Perry, Suzanne Sheppard-Law, Rochelle Wynne, Mark Parsons, and Sandy Middleton

Prevalence and management of chronic nonmalignant pain in palliative care populations: A systematic review, Lucy Kernick, Paul A. Glare, Annmarie Hosie, Annie Chiu, and David W. Kissane

Lived experiences of mental health conditions in Singapore: A constructivist grounded theory study, Jonathan Han Loong Kuek, Toby Raeburn, Melissa Yan Zhi Chow, and Timothy Wand

Mental health professionals' perspectives regarding how recovery is conceptualized in Singapore: A constructivist grounded theory study, Jonathan Han Loong Kuek, Toby Raeburn, Angela Grace Liang, and Timothy Wand

The perspectives of internationally qualified nurses regarding their specialty skill transition to Australia: A cross-sectional survey, Chanchal Kurup, Adam Burston, Vasilliki Betihavas, and Elisabeth Jacob

Patients' experiences of subacute pain management following total hip or knee arthroplasty: A qualitative study, Shania Liu, Hadi A. Almansour, Furkan Genel, Ian A. Harris, Asad E. Patanwala, Sam Adie, Jennifer Stevens, Geraldine Hassett, Kate Luckie, Jonathan Penm, and Justine Naylor

Prevalence and predictors of opioid use before orthopaedic surgery in an Australian setting: A multicentre, cross-sectional, observational study, Shania Liu, Jennifer Stevens, Ashleigh Collins, Jed Duff, Joanna Sutherland, Morgan Oddie, Justine Naylor, Asad Patanwala, Benita Suckling, and Jonathan Penm

Impact of modified-release opioid use on clinical outcomes following total hip and knee arthroplasty: a propensity score-matched cohort study, S. Liu, A. Patanwala, J. Naylor, N. Levy, R. Knaggs, Jennifer Stevens, B. Bugeja, D. Begley, L. Khor, E. Lau, R. Allen, S. Adie, and J. Penm

The COVID-19 pandemic: Bereavement experiences between hospital and home deaths in palliative care, Elizabeth Lobb, Fion MacCallum, Jane Phillips, Meera Agar, Annmarie Hosie, Lauren Breen, Jennifer Tieman, Michelle DiGiacomo, Tim Luckett, Jennifer Phillip, Serra Ivynian, Sungwon Chang, Ann Dadich, Janeane Harlum, Imelda Gilmore, Irina Kinchin, Christopher Grossman, and Nicholas Glasgow

Risks and benefits of oral modified-release compared with oral immediate-release opioid use after surgery: a systematic review and meta-analysis, S. Lui, Areeb Athar, D. Quach, A. Patanwala, J. Naylor, Jennifer Stevens, N. Levy, R. Knaggs, D. Lobo, and J. Penm

Correlations between moral courage, moral sensitivity, and ethical decision-making by nurse interns: A cross-sectional study, Zongting Luo, Lan Tao, Carol Wang, Nan Zheng, Xiaolin Ma, Yi Quan, Jian Quan, Zhen Zeng, Lijuan Chen, and Yue Chang

A scoping review on determining Australian nurse engagement in eye care settings, Heather M. Machin, Mark Daniell, Lauren I. Entwistle, Clare Hafner, Anna Huigen, Harsimrat Kaur, Joanna McCulloch, and Marina Osadchiy

Australian medical radiation practitioners perspectives of continuing professional development: An online cross-sectional study, Tanya Morgan, Min Ku, Melissa Berg, and Georgia Halkett

Emerging role of immune cells as drivers of pulmonary fibrosis, Steven Mutsaers, Tylah Miles, Cecilia Prele, and Gerard Hoyne

Life in a time of COVID: retrospective examination of the association between physical activity and mental well-being in Western Australians during and after lockdown, Ben Piggott, Paola Chivers, Kiira Karolina Sarasjärvi, Ranila Bhoyroo, Michelle Lambert, Lynne Millar, Caroline Bulsara, and Jim Codde

Experiences of colorectal cancer survivors in returning to primary coordinated healthcare following treatment, Claudia Rutherford, Bora Kim, Kate White, Cheri Ostroff, Louise Acret, Marguerite Tracy, Janani Mahadeva, and Simon M. Willcock

Pilot feasibility and acceptability study evaluating use of group CBT-I in improving sleep and fatigue in older adults, Aisling Smyth, Shehnas Alam, and Sabine Pangerl

Polycentric self-governance and Indigenous knowledge, Shann Turnbull, Natalie Stoinanoff, and Anne Poelina

Peripheral nerve catheter securement: A narrative literature review, Joshua Wiesel, Bernadette Findlay, Li Ching Ooi, Jennifer Stevens, and Renata Hadzic

Immunological phenotyping of mice with a point mutation in Cdk4, Mehmet Yabas and Gerard F. Hoyne

The focus on weight in the inpatient care of anorexia nervosa: A qualitative investigation of consumer perspectives, Joel Sebastian Zugai, Katherine Gill, Luke Molloy, Toby Raeburn, and Lucie Ramjan

Submissions from 2022

Development of the Reporting Essentials for DElirium bioMarker Studies (REDEEMS) guideline, Ingrid Amgarth-Duff, Annmarie Hosie, Gideon Caplan, and Meera Agar

The impact of COVID-19 on the delivery of care by Australian primary health care nurses, Christine Ashley, Elizabeth Halcomb, Sharon James, Kaara Calma, Catherine Stephen, Susan McInnes, Ruth Mursa, and Anna Williams

Employing cognitive interviewing to evaluate, improve and validate items for measuring the health-related quality of life of women diagnosed with ovarian cancer, Sharolin Ann Boban, Caroline Bulsara, Jim Codde, Paul A. Cohen, and Jenny Downs


Navigating midwifery solidarity: A feminist participatory action research framework, Kate Buchanan, Elizabeth Newnham, Sadie Geraghty, and Lisa Whitehead


Care ethics framework for midwifery practice: A scoping review, Kate Buchanan, Elizabeth Newnham, Deborah Ireson, Clare Davison, and Sadie Geraghty

The lived experience of multiple sclerosis: Patient insights to guide general practitioner care, Therese Burke, Rohan Greenland, Erin Brady, and Julia Morahan


Cognitive Continuum Theory: Can it contribute to the examination of confidentiality and risk-actuated disclosure decisions of nurses practising in mental health?, Darren Conlon, Toby Raeburn, and Timothy Wand


Ars Moriendi: An overview of approaches to the art of dying, grief and loss for nurses working in mental health, Meagan G.A. Dickerson, Darren Conlon, and Toby Raeburn

The Daalbirrwirr Gamambigu (Safe Children) model: Embedding cultural safety in child protection responses for Australian Aboriginal children in hospital settings, Tara Flemington, Jennifer Fraser, Clinton Gibbs, Joanne Shipp, Joe Bryant, Amanda Ryan, Devika Wijetilaka, Susan Marks, Mick Scarcella, Dimitra Tzioumi, Shanthi Ramanathan, Liesa Clague, Donna Hartz, Bob Lonne, and Mark Lock (Ngiyampaa)


Stakeholder perspectives of a pilot multicomponent delirium prevention intervention for adult patients with advanced cancer in palliative care units: A behaviour change theory-based qualitative study, Anna Green, Annmarie Hosie, Jane L. Phillips, Slavica Kochovska, Beverly Noble, Meg Brassil, Anne Cumming, Peter G. Lawlor, Shirley H. Bush, Jan M. Davis, Layla Edwards, Jane Hunt, Julie Wilcock, Carl Phillipson, Eugene Wesley Ely, Cynthia Parr, Melanie Lovell, and Meera Agar

Supportive care of patients diagnosed with high grade glioma and their carers in Australia, Georgia Halkett, Melissa Berg, Davina Daudu, H Dhillon, Eng-Siew Koh, Tamara Ownsworth, Elizabeth Lobb, Jane Pillips, Danette Langbecker, Meera Agar, Elizabeth Hovey, Rachael Moorin, and Anna Nowak

Determining the research priorities for adult primary brain tumours in Australa and New Zealand: A Delphi study with consumers, health professionals, and researchers, Georgia K.B Halkett, Lauren Breen, Melissa Berg, Rebecca Sampson, Hao-Wen Sim, Hui K. Gan, Benjamin Y. Kong, Anna Nowak, Bryan W. Day, Rosemary Harrup, Melissa James, Frank Saran, Brett McFarlane, Chris Tse, and Eng-Siew Koh

Comparison of 6-month outcomes of survivors of COVID-19 versus non–COVID-19 critical illness, Carol L. Hodgson, Alisa M. Higgins, Michael J. Bailey, Anne M. Mather, Lisa Beach, Rinaldo Bellomo, Bernie Bissett, Ianthe J. Boden, Scott Bradley, Aidan Burrell, D James Cooper, Bentley J. Fulcher, Kimberley J. Haines, Isabelle T. Hodgson, Jack Hopkins, Alice Y.M. Jones, Stuart Lane, Drew Lawrence, Lisa van der Lee, Jennifer Liacos, Natalie J. Linke, Lonni Marques Gomes, Marc Nickels, George Ntoumenopoulos, Paul S. Myles, Shane Patman, Michelle Paton, Gemma Pound, Sumeet Rai, Alana Rix, Thomas C. Rollinson, Claire J. Tipping, Peter Thomas, Tony Trapani, Andrew A. Udy, Christina Whitehead, Shannah Anderson, Ary Serpa Neto, and for the COVID-Recovery Study Investigators and the ANZICS Clinical Trials Group

Intensive care nurses perceptions on barriers impeding the provision of end of life care in the intensive care setting: a quantitative analysis, Laura Hynes, Tracey Coventry, and Kylie Russell


Using audio-visual simulation to elicit nursing students’ noticing and interpreting skills to assess pain in culturally diverse patients, Michelle A. Kelly, Susan Slatyer, Helen Myers, Shelley Gower, Jaci Mason, and Kathie Lasater

Cost-effectiveness of clinical interventions for delirium: A systematic literature review of economic evaluations, Irina Kinchin, Layla Edwards, Annmarie Hosie, Eileen Mitchell, and Dominic Trepel

Effect of cancer pain guideline implementation on pain outcomes among adult outpatients with cancer-related plain: A Stepped Wedge Cluster randomized trial, Melanie Lovell, jane L. Phillips, Tim Luckett, Lawrence Lam, Frances Boyle, Patricia M. Davidson, Seong Leang Cheah, Nicole McCaffrey, David Currow, T Shaw, Annmarie Hosie, Bogda Koczwara, Stephen Clarke, Jessica Lee, Martin Stockler, Caitlin Sheehan, Odette Spruijt, Katherine Allsopp, Alexandra Clinch, Katherine Clark, Alison Read, and Meera Agar

Patient and carer experiences of pain care in an Australian regional comprehensive cancer care setting: a qualitative study, Tim Luckett, Alison Read, Annmarie Hosie, Layla Edwards, Jane Phillips, Meera Agar, and Melanie Lovell

Research methodology in acupuncture and moxibustion for managing primary dysmenorrhea: A scoping review, Weiting Lui, Carol Chunfeng Wang, Khui Hung Lee, Xiaopeng Ma, and Timothy Leen Kang

International, multi-disciplinary, cross-section study of pain knowledge and attitudes in nursing, midwifery and allied health professions students, Jagjit Mankelow, Cormac G. Ryan, Paul C. Taylor, Maire-Brid Casey, Jenni Naisby, Kate Thompson, Joseph G. McVeigh, Chris Seenan, Kay Cooper, Paul Hendrick, Donna Brown, William Gibson, Mervyn Travers, Norelee Kennedy, Cliona O'Riordan, and Denis Martin

A mixed-methods pilot study exploring midwives’ job satisfaction: Is being of service to women the key?, Kim Oliver and Sadie Geraghty

Adherence to screening and management guidelines of maternal Group B Streptococcus colonization in pregnancy, Sabine Pangerl, Deborah Sundin, and Sadie Geraghty


Exploring barriers to domestic violence screening among culturally and linguistically diverse and migrant women in a regional midwifery setting, Priscilla Peters, Catherine Harding, Sandra Forde, Narelle Heckendorf, and Alexa Seal


Neurological patient and informal caregiver quality of life, and caregiver burden: A cross-sectional study of postdischarge community neurological nursing recipients, Judith Dianne Pugh, Kathleen McCoy, Anne M. Williams, Catherine A. Pienaar, Brenda Bentley, and Leanne Monterosso

Sustainability of evidence-based practices in the management of infants with bronchiolitis in hospital settings - a PREDICT study protocol, Victoria Ramsden, Franz E. Babl, Stuart R. Dalziel, Sandy Middleton, Ed Oakley, Libby Haskell, Anna Lithgow, Francesca Orsini, Rachel Schembri, Alexandra Wallace, Catherine L. Wilson, Elizabeth McInnes, Peter H. Wilson, and Emma Tavender

Review article: A primer for clinical researchers in the emergency department: Part XII. Sustainability of improvements in care: An introduction, Victoria Ramsden, Sandy Middleton, Elizabeth McInnes, Franz E. Babl, and Emma Tavender

Effectiveness of nurse-led volunteer support and technology-driven pain assessment in improving the outcomes of hospitalised older adults: Protocol for a cluster randomised controlled trial, Rosemary Saunders, Kate Crookes, Karla Seaman, Seng Giap Marcus Ang, Caroline Bulsara, Max Bulsara, Ewens Beverley, Olivia Gallagher, Renee Graham, Karen Gullick, Sue Haydon, Jeff Hughes, Mustafa Atee, Kim-Huong Nguyen, Beverly O'Connell, Debra Scaini, and Christopher Etherton-Beer

Participant experiences of intervention to detect and manage familial hypercholesterolaemia in Australian general practice: A qualitative descriptive study, Rachel Skoss, Tom Brett, Caroline Bulsara, Jan Radford, Clare Heal, Gerard Gill, Charlotte Hespe, Cristian Vargas-Garcia, Ian W. Li, David R. Sullivan, Alistair W. Vickery, Jing Pang, Diane E. Arnold-Reed, and Gerald F. Watts

Effects of Tai Chi on the quality of life, mental wellbeing, and physical function of adults with chronic diseases: Protocol for a single-blind, two-armed, randomised controlled trial, Carol Chunfeng Wang, Johnny Lo, Sadie Geraghty, and Angela Wei Hong Yang

Light acupuncture and five-element music therapy for nurses’ mental health and well-being during and post-COVID-19: Protocol for a randomised cross-over feasibility study, Carol Chunfeng Wang, Johnny Lo, Rosemary Saunders, Esther Adma, Caroline E. Bulsara, Christopher Etherton-Beer, and Angela Wei Hong Yang

Measuring the gaps in drinking water quality and policy across regional and remote Australia, Paul R. Wyrwoll, Ana Manero, Katherine S. Taylor, Evie Rose, and Quentin Grafton

Submissions from 2021

Development of a professional practice competency for undergraduate nursing students: A mixed-method study, Chris Adams, Kylie Russell, and Tracey Coventry

Delirium researchers' perspectives of the challenges in delirium biomarker research: A qualitative study, Ingrid Amgarth-Duff, Annmarie Hosie, Gideon A. Caplan, and Meera Agar

Primary health care nurses' perceptions of risk during COVID-19: A qualitative study, Christine Ashley, Sharon James, Catherine Stephen, Ruth Mursa, Susan McInnes, Anna Williams, Kaara Calma, and Elizabeth Halcomb

The psychological well-being of primary healthcare nurses during COVID-19: A qualitative study, Christine Ashley, Sharon James, Anna Williams, Kaara Calma, Susan McInnes, Ruth Mursa, Catherine Stephen, and Elizabeth Halcomb