The COVID-19 pandemic: Bereavement experiences between hospital and home deaths in palliative care


Background: Australian COVID-19 public health measures reduced opportunities for people to communicate with healthcare professionals and be present at the death of family members/friends. Aim. To understand if pandemic-specific challenges and public health measures during the COVID-19 pandemic impacted end-of-life and bereavement experiences differently if the death, supported by palliative care, occurred in a hospital or at home.

Design: A cross-sectional online survey was completed by bereaved adults during 2020−2022. Analyses compared home and in-patient palliative care deaths and bereavement outcomes. Additional analyses compared health communication outcomes for those identified as persons responsible or next of kin.

Setting/participants: Of 744 bereaved people; 69% (n = 514) had a death in hospital and 31% (n = 220) at home.

Results: The COVID-19 public health measures influenced people’s decision to die at home. Compared to hospital deaths, the home death group had higher levels of grief severity and grief-related functional impairment. Only 37% of bereaved people received information about bereavement and support services. 38% of participants who were at least 12 months postdeath scored at a level suggestive of possible prolonged grief disorder. Levels of depression and anxiety between the two groups were not significantly different.

Conclusions: These findings highlight the need for health services to recognize bereavement as fundamental to palliative and health care and provide pre- and post death grief and bereavement care to ensure supports are available particularly for those managing end-of-life at home, and that such supports are in place prior to as well as at the time of the death.


COVID-19, bereavement, palliative care, hospital, community, cross-sectional study

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