Wednesday 29 September 2021

10.00am AWST/Midday AEST

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Keynote Presentation: How are we going to manage this one? Blended learning for engagement, community and wellbeing as the future of higher education.

Professor Claire Macken, Associate Deputy Vice Chancellor (Learning and Teaching), College of Business and Law, RMIT University. Claire is a national award winning teacher, with an Australian Award for Teaching Excellence, and an Australian Citation for Student Engagement.

In this keynote presentation, hear an optimistic view as to the future of learning and teaching in higher education. In response to an unanticipated circumstance, educators and institutions have successfully adopted new approaches that challenge traditional ways of learning, engagement and assessment.

Keynote: Professor Claire Macken

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Wednesday, September 29th
10:00 AM

Professor Claire Macken: How are we going to manage this one? Blended learning for engagement, community and wellbeing as the future of higher education.

Claire Macken, RMIT

Zoom session commences 10am AWST/12 noon AEST

10:00 AM

Keynote Presentation: How are we going to manage this one? Blended learning for engagement, community and wellbeing as the future of higher education.

I’m not sure where you were when it became apparent that the default mode of learning for 2020 would be fully online … not just in your University but indeed most of education in the world.

I remember thinking, having spent a good part of my professional life in higher education, how is the education sector going to manage this one?!

In this keynote presentation, hear an optimistic view as to the future of learning and teaching . . . Read more