- Scholarship of Partnerships in Learning | Educator Scholar Summit | Conferences & Events | The University of Notre Dame Australia

- Scholarship of Partnerships in Learning

The Educator Scholar Summit provides the opportunity for staff to share research, ideas and practices. This years’ theme ‘Partnerships for Student Success’ will focus on developing partnerships, tools and strategies and the longevity of learning and teaching through these partnerships. We invite you to submit an abstract and have expanded the sub-themes to provide context alongside some readings and resources to assist you.

Developing Purposeful Partnerships

Description: Re-imaging curriculum to enrich student learning experiences to meet student needs, community needs including underserved communities; Pastoral care in a digital age; Retention/First year experience (building a connection, pastoral care); Engaging students/rich learning experiences; Pedagogies that enrich student learning experiences.

Dunne and Zandstra’s (2011) model looks at the dimensions and decisions behind the different intentions in student partnerships.

A theoretical model for students as change agents

Figure 6 - A theoretical model for students as change agents (Dunne & Zandstra, 2011, p.17)

For more information, you can read the full report from the “Students as Change Agents” project.

Dunne, E., & Zandstra, R., In Brown, T., In Nurser, T., University of Exeter., ESCalate., & Higher Education Academy (Great Britain). (2011). Students as change agents: New ways of engaging with learning and teaching in higher education. Link to the report by Dunne at al. (2011)


  • Bovill, C. (June 01, 2020). Co-Creation in Learning and Teaching: The Case for a Whole-Class Approach in Higher Education. Higher Education: the International Journal of Higher Education Research, 79, 6, 1023-1037. Link to the article by Bovill (2020)
  • Cook-Sather, A., Matthews, K.E., & Bell, A. (2019). Transforming curriculum development through co-creation with students. In Re-imagining Curriculum (1st ed., p. 107–). African Sun Media. Link to the book chapter by Cook-Sather et al. (2019)
  • Kahu, E.R., Picton, C., & Nelson, K. (2020). Pathways to engagement: a longitudinal study of the first-year student experience in the educational interface. Higher Education, 79(4), 657–673. Link to the article by Kahu et al. (2020)


Tools and Strategies for Creating Sustainable Partnerships

Description: Use of learning technologies to sustain student engagement and open new spaces for collaboration outside the university including digital platforms; pedagogies to facilitate collaboration and connection; connecting as a global village; quality of the student experience in the digital learning environment; learning in contemporary learning and teaching spaces; virtual placements, online and distributed teamwork.


  • Trust, T., Krutka, D. G., & Carpenter, J. P. (November 01, 2016)."Together we are better": Professional learning networks for teachers. Computers & Education, 102, 15-34. Link to the article by Trust et al. (2016).
  • Mattar, J. (January 01, 2018). Constructivism and connectivism in education technology: Active, situated, authentic, experiential, and anchored learning. Ried: Revista Iberoamericana De Educacion a Distancia, 21, 2, 201-217. Link to the article by Mattar (2018).

Case Study

  • Dianati, S., Tonkin, R., & Spinelli, F. (2022). Students as Partners: A critical-digital partnership model for redesigning the language curriculum. International Journal for Students As Partners, 6(1), 212–222. Link to the case study by Dianati et al. (2022)

Future-proofing Learning and Teaching Through Partnerships

Description: Practices and pedagogies to meet student future needs and future needs of the professions and employers, including: partnerships for effective student/graduate transitions; digital connections to optimise student success; interdisciplinary, and professional partnerships to enrich learning and teaching; micro-credentials and new program structures; partnerships with industry in development.


  • Ryan, T., Baik, C., & Larcombe, W. (2022). How can universities better support the mental wellbeing of higher degree research students? A study of students’ suggestions. Higher Education Research and Development, 41(3), 867–881. Link to the article by Ryan et al. (2022)
  • Selvaratnam, R. M., & Sankey, M. D. (January 01, 2021). An Integrative Literature Review of the Implementation of Micro-Credentials in Higher Education: Implications for Practice in Australasia. Journal of Teaching and Learning for Graduate Employability, 12, 1, 1-17. Link to the literature review by Selvaratnam & Sankey (2021)
  • Zou, T.X.P., Law, L.Y.N., Chu, B.C.B., Lin, V, Ko, T., & Lai, N.K.Y. (2020). Developing Academics’ Capacity for Internationalizing the Curriculum: A Collaborative Autoethnography of a Cross-Institutional Project. Journal of Studies in International Education. Link to the article by Zho et al. (2020)

Case Study

  • Partridge, L., Hunt, L., & Goody, A. (2013). Future-proofing university teaching: An Australian case study of postgraduate teacher preparation. Practice and Evidence of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, 112-131. Link to the case study by Partridge et al. (2013)