"Book Review: John Russon, <em>Human Experience: Philosophy, Neurosis a" by Glenn J. Morrison


Traversing the meaning of being and reflecting upon the world of everyday human experience, John Russon has introduced a heartening perspective of neurosis. Providing a rational argument and logic to tear down the cold-hearted and stereotypical view of neurosis (and psychosis), Russon brings to light the normalcy of our neurotic ways. He uncovers the core of identity in the core of our embodiment – family and social life and activities such as walking, eating, sleeping, urinating and defecating. Taking up a Heideggerian and even at times, a Freudian posture, he prioritises the body and its intersubjective relation to the world as the lens to examine neurotic experiences and tensions. In other words, our everyday bodily practices reveal who we are.



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