"Humanism, education and spirituality: Approaching psychosis with levin" by Glenn J. Morrison


The article investigates the recent turn towards Emmanuel Levinas’ writings in the philosophy of Education. Engaging this turn, the article sets out to develop an ethical, personal and contemplative approach towards understanding and responding to psychosis. By imagining a Levinasian horizon for understanding the experience of psychosis in the Teaching-Learning environment, Levinas’ thought gives hope to take on the work of justice and offer a gift of friendship especially when faced with students experiencing psychosis. The approach towards people suffering the moods and difficulties of psychosis, the article argues, parallels the very spiritual practice of contemplation.


Peer-reviewed, Levinas, Humanism, Education, Psychosis, Spirituality, Contemplation, Students, Todd, Zembylas, other, unknowability

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University of Notre Dame Australia Copyright Statement

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