Physiotherapy Papers and Journal Articles | School of Physiotherapy | The University of Notre Dame Australia


Submissions from 2018


Grip and muscle strength dynamometry in acute burn injury: Evaluation of an updated assessment protocol, Paul M. Gittings, Dana A. Hince, Benedict M. Wand, Fiona M. Wood, and Dale W. Edgar

Youth Australian footballers experience similar impact forces to the head as junior- and senior-league players: A prospective study of kinematic measurements, Mark Hecimovich, Doug King, Alasdair Dempsey, Mason Gittins, and Myles Murphy


Head impact exposure in junior and adult Australian football players, M. Hecimovich, D. King, S. Dempsey, and M. Murphy


Investigating falls in adults with intellectual disability living in community settings and their experiences of post-fall care services: Protocol for a prospective observational cohort study, Portia Ho, Caroline Bulsara, Shane Patman, Max Bulsara, Jenny Downs, and Anne-Marie Hill


An objective measure for the assessment and management of fluid shifts in acute major burns, Pippa Kenworthy, Michael Phillips, Tiffany L. Grisbrook, William Gibson, Fiona M. Wood, and Dale W. Edgar


Is heavy eccentric calf training superior to wait-and-see, sham rehabilitation, traditional physiotherapy and other exercise interventions for pain and function in mid-portion Achilles tendinopathy?, Myles Murphy, Mervyn Travers, and William Gibson


Reducing falls in older adults recently discharged from hospital: A systematic review and meta-analysis, Chiara Naseri, Terry P. Haines, Christopher Etherton-Beer, Steven McPhail, Meg E. Morris, Leon Flicker, Julie Netto, Jacqueline Francis-Coad, Den-Ching A. Lee, Ronald Shorr, and Anne-Marie Hill


Impact of tailored falls prevention education for older adults at hospital discharge on engagement in falls prevention strategies postdischarge: Protocol for a process evaluation, Chiara Naseri, Steven M. McPhail, Julie Netto, Terrence P. Haines, Meg E. Morris, Christopher Etherton-Beer, Leon Flicker, Den-Ching A. Lee, Jacqueline Francis-Coad, and Anne-Marie Hill


Embodying the illusion of a strong, fit back in people with chronic low back pain. A pilot proof-of-concept study, Tomohiko Nishigami, Benedict Wand, Roger Newport, Natasha Ratcliffe, Kristy Themelis, David Moen, Cat Jones, G Lorimer Moseley, and Tasha R. Stanton


Non-invasive brain stimulation techniques for chronic pain, Neil E. O'Connell, Louise Marston, Sally Spencer, Lorraine H. DeSouza, and Benedict M. Wand

Non-invasive brain stimulation techniques for chronic pain (Review), N. E. O'Connell, L Marston, S Spencer, L H. DeSouza, and B M. Wand


Trunk muscle activity during drop jump performance in adolescent athletes with back pain, T. Palsson, J. Caneiro, R. Hirata, D. Griffin, William Gibson, and Mervyn Travers


Critically appraised paper: Preoperative physiotherapy education halved postoperative pulmonary complications in patients after upper abdominal surgery [commentary], Shane Patman


Mental wellbeing in non-ambulant youth with neuromuscular disorders: What makes the difference?, Vivienne Travlos, Jenny Downs, Andrew Wilson, Dana Hince, and Shane Patman


Expert consensus for respiratory physiotherapy management of mechanically ventilated adults with community-acquired pneumonia: A Delphi study, Lisa van der Lee, Anne-Marie Hill, and Shane Patman


Visually-induced analgesia in a deep tissue experimental pain model: A randomised cross-over experiment, Megan Van Selm, William Gibson, Mervyn Travers, Lorimer Moseley, Dana A. Hince, and Benedict Wand

Submissions from 2017


Prevalence, characteristics and management of headache experienced by people with schizophrenia and schizoaffective disorder: a cross sectional cohort study, J Connaughton and B Wand


Anatomical knowledge retention in physiotherapy students: A preliminary assessment, M Dayal, J Owens, W Gibson, and G Strkalj


Increased burn healing time is associated with higher Vancouver Scar Scale score, Vidya Finlay, Sally Burrows, Maddison Burmaz, Hussna Yawary, Johanna Lee, Dale Edgar, and Fiona M. Wood


Can a web-based community of practice be established and operated to lead falls prevention activity in residential care?, Jacqueline Francis-Coad, Christopher Etherton-Beer, Caroline Bulsara, Debbie Nobre, and Anne-Marie Hill


The effect of complex falls prevention interventions on falls in residential aged care settings: A systematic review protocol, Jacqueline Francis-Coad, Christopher Etherton-Beer, Debbie Nobre, Chiara Naseri, and Anne-Marie Hill


Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) for neuropathic pain in adults, W Gibson, B Wand, and N O'Connell


Resistance training for rehabilitation after burn injury: A systematic literature review and meta-analysis, P Gittings, T Grisbrook, Dale Edgar, F Wood, B Wand, and N O'Connell


Incidence and prevalence of falls in adults living with an intellectual disability living in the community: A systematic review, Portia Ho, Shane Patman, Caroline Bulsara, Jenny Downs, Max Bulsara, and Anne-Marie Hill

The incidence and prevalence of falls among adults with intellectual disability living within the community: A systematic review protocol, Portia Ho, Shane Patman, Caroline Bulsara, Jenny Downs, Max Bulsara, and Anne-Marie Hill

Incidence and prevalence of falls in adults with intellectual disability living in the community: a systematic review protocol, P Ho, S Patman, C Bulsara, J Downs, M Bulsara, and A Hill


The development of the Dutch version of the Fremantle Back Awareness Questionnaire, Lotte Janssens, Nina Goossens, Benedict M. Wand, Madelon Pijnenburg, Tinne Thys, and Simon Brumagne


How older adults would like falls prevention information delivered: Fresh insights from a world cafe forum, Linda Khong, Caroline Bulsara, Keith D. Hill, and Anne-Marie Hill


The development and impact of heterotopic ossification in burns: A review of four decades of research, Rachel Kornhaber, Nichola Foster, Dale Edgar, Denis Visentin, Elad Ofir, Josef Haik, and Moti Harats

Efficacy of a respiratory physiotherapy intervention for intubated and mechanically ventilated adults with community acquired pneumonia: a systematic review protocol, L van der Lee, A Hill, and S Patman

Pediatric lateral patellar retinacular sleeve avulsion, Myles Murphy, Ken Withers, and Eamon Koh

Effectiveness of falls prevention interventions for older adults newly discharged from hospital: a systematic review protocol, Chiara Naseri, Steven McPhail, Jacqueline Francis-Coad, Terry Haines, Christopher Etherton-Beer, Meg E. Morris, Leon Flicker, Ronald Shorr, Max Bulsara, Julie Netto, Den-Ching Lee, Nicholas Waldron, Amanda Boudville, and Anne-Marie Hill


Validation of the Japanese version of the Fremantle Back Awareness Questionnaire in patients with low back pain, T Nishigami, A Mibu, K Tanaka, Y Yamashita, M Shimizu, B Wand, M Catley, T Stanton, and G Moseley


Development and psychometric properties of knee-specific body-perception questionnaire in people with knee osteoarthritis: The Fremantle Knee Awareness Questionnaire, T Nishigami, A Mibu, K Tanaka, Y Yamashita, E Yamada, B Wand, M Catley, T Stanton, and G Moseley


Clinical guidelines for low back pain: A critical review of consensus and inconsistencies across three major guidelines, N O'Connell, C Cook, B Wand, and S Ward


Safety and feasibility of transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) combined with sensorimotor retraining in chronic low back pain: a protocol for a pilot randomised controlled trial, A Ouellette, M Liston, W Chang, D Walton, B Wand, and S Schabrun


Physiotherapy in upper abdominal surgery - what is current practice in Australia?, S Patman, A Bartley, A Ferraz, and C Bunting

Physiotherapy in upper abdominal surgery – what is current practice in Australia?, Shane Patman, Alice Bartley, Allex Ferraz, and Cath Bunting


The reliability of eyetracking to assess attentional bias to threatening words in healthy individuals, I Skinner, M Hubscher, G Moseley, H Lee, B Wand, A Traeger, S Gustin, and J McAuley


Developing minimum clinical standards for physiotherapy in South African ICUs: A qualitative study, H van Aswegen, S Patman, N Plani, and S Hanekom


A survey of clinicians regarding respiratory physiotherapy intervention for intubated and mechanically ventilated patients with community‐acquired pneumonia. What is current practice in Australian ICUs?, L van der Lee, A Hill, and S Patman


After-hours respiratory physiotherapy for intubated and mechanically ventilated patients with community-acquired pneumonia: An Australian perspective, Lisa van der Lee, Anne-Marie Hill, and Shane Patman


Disrupted body-image and pregnancy-related lumbopelvic pain. A preliminary investigation, B Wand, R Elliott, A Sawyer, R Spence, D Beales, P O'Sullivan, A Smith, and W Gibson

Submissions from 2016


Identifying the factors that affect the job satisfaction of early career Notre Dame graduate physiotherapists, Eleni Bacopanos and Susan Edgar


Disturbed body perception, reduced sleep, and kinesiophobia in subjects with pregnancy-related persistent lumbopelvic pain and moderate levels of disability: An exploratory study, Darren Beales, Alison Lutz, Judith Thompson, Benedict M. Wand, and Peter O'Sullivan


Do physiotherapists have the skill to engage in the "psychological" in the bio-psychosocial approach?, J Connaughton and W Gibson


A qualitative exploration of the factors influencing the job satisfaction and career development of physiotherapists in private practice, J Davies, S Edgar, and J Debenham


Using a community of practice to evaluate falls prevention activity in a residential aged care organisation: a clinical audit, J Francis-Coad, C Etherton-Beer, C Bulsara, D Nobre, and A Hill


Assessing knowledge, motivation and perceptions about falls prevention among care staff in a residential aged care setting, Jo-Aine Hang, Jacqueline Francis-Coad, Bianca Burro, Debbie Nobre, and Anne-Marie Hill


Preferred practice location at medical school commencement strongly determines graduates’ rural preferences and work locations, Marie S. Herd, Max Bulsara, Michael P. Jones, and Donna Mak


My independent streak may get in the way': how older adults respond to falls prevention education in hospital, Anne-Marie Hill, Jacqui Francis-Coad, Terry P. Haines, Nicholas Waldron, Christopher Etherton-Beer, Leon Ricker, Katharine Ingram, and Steven McPhail


Incidence, risk factors and the healthcare cost of falls postdischarge after elective total hip and total knee replacement surgery: protocol for a prospective observational cohort study, Anne-Marie Hill, Gail Ross-Adjie, Leanne Monterosso, Max Bulsara, Steven McPhail, Christopher Etherton-Beer, Sarah-Jayne Powell, and Gerard Hardisty


'It promoted a positive culture around falls prevention': staff response to a patient education programme—a qualitative evaluation, A Hill, N Waldron, J Francis-Coad, T Haines, C Etherton-Beer, L Flicker, K Ingram, and S McPhail


A binational multicenter pilot feasibility randomized controlled trial of early goal-directed mobilization in the ICU, C Hodgson, M Bailey, R Bellomo, S Berney, H Buhr, L Denehy, B Gabbe, M Harrold, A Higgins, T Iwashyna, R Papworth, R Parke, S Patman, J Presneill, M Saxena, E Skinner, C Tipping, P Young, and S Webb


Physiotherapy students' perceptions and experiences of clinical prediction rules, G Knox, S Snodgrass, T Stanton, D Kelly, B Vicenzino, B Wand, and D Rivett


Surviving critical illness: what is next? An expert consensus statement on physical rehabilitation after hospital discharge, M Major, R Kwakman, M Kho, B Connolly, D McWilliams, L Denehy, S Hanekom, S Patman, R Gosselink, C Jones, F Nollett, D Needham, R Engelbert, and M van der Schaaf

A partial tear of the infraspinatus muscle, Myles Murphy


Local anaesthetic sympathetic blockade for complex regional pain syndrome, N O'Connell, B Wand, W Gibson, D Carr, F Birklein, and T Stanton


Demonstration of the test-retest reliability and sensitivity of the Lower Limb Functional Index as a measure of functional recovery post burn injury: A cross-sectional repeated measures study design, M Ryland, T Grisbrook, F Wood, M B. Phillips, and D Edgar


Minimum standards of clinical practice for physiotherapists working in critical care settings in Australia and New Zealand: A modified Delphi technique, Elizabeth Skinner, Peter Thomas, Julia C. Reeve, and Shane Patman


Physiotherapy for pain and disability in adults with complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) types I and II (Review), K. M. Smart, Benedict Wand, and N. E. O'Connell


A fine balance and a shared learning journey: Exploring healthcare engagement through the experiences of youth with neuromuscular disorders, V Travlos, C Bulsara, S Patman, and J Downs


Quality of life and psychosocial wellbeing in youth with neuromuscular disorders who are wheelchair Users: A systematic review, Vivienne Travlos, Shane Patman, Andrew Wilson, Gail Simcock, and Jenny Downs


What are the top 10 physical activity research questions in schizophrenia?, Davy Vancampfort, Simon Rosenbaum, Michel Probst, Joanne Connaughton, Christy du Plessis, Taisei Yamamoto, and Brendon Stubbs


Top 10 research questions to promote physical activity in bipolar disorders: A consensus statement from the International Organization of Physical Therapists in Mental Health, D Vancampfort, S Rosenbaum, M Probst, J Connaughton, C du Plessis, T Yamamoto, and B Stubbs


Disrupted self-perception in people with chronic low back pain. Further evaluation of The Fremantle Back Awareness Questionnaire, B Wand, M Catley, M Rabey, P O'Sullivan, E O'Connell, and A Smith


Water first aid is beneficial in humans post-burn: evidence from a bi-national cohort study, Fiona M. Wood, Michael Phillips, Tom Jovic, John T. Cassidy, Peter Cameron, Dale Edgar, and Steering Committe of the Burn Registry of Australia and New Zealand (BRANZ)

Submissions from 2015


Employment patterns of Notre Dame graduate physiotherapists 2006–12: Targeting areas of workforce need, Eleni Bacopanos and Susan Edgar


Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS) for chronic pain - an overview of Cochrane reviews (Protocol), M J. Catley, W Gibson, B M. Wand, C Meads, and N. E. O'Connell


Eccentric fatigue modulates stretch-shortening cycle effectiveness - a possible role in lower limb overuse injuries, James R. Debenham, M Travers, William Gibson, A Campbell, and G Allison


Eccentric loading of triceps surae modulates stretch shortening cycle behaviour - a possible therapeutic mechanism, J Debenham, W Gibson, M Travers, A Campbell, and G Allison


Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS) for neuropathic pain in adults (Protocol), William Gibson, Benedict Wand, and Neil E. O'Connell


Educators' perspectives about how older hospital patients can engage in a falls prevention education programme: a qualitative process evaluation, Anne-Marie Hill, Steven M. McPhail, Jacqueline Francis-Coad, Nicholas Waldron, Christopher Etherton-Beer, Leon Flicker, Katharine Ingram, and Terry P. Haines


Top 10 research questions to promote physical activity research in people with binge eating disorder, Davy Vancampfort, Simon Rosenbaum, Michel Probst, Joanne Connaughton, Christy du Plessis, Taisei Yamamoto, Jolien Diedens, and Brendon Stubbs


Eccentric loading increases peak torque angle of the ankle plantar flexors in healthy volunteers, Matthew Willisch, Peter Hamer, Luke Hopper, Max Bulsara, and James R. Debenham

Submissions from 2014

Show me the skin! Does seeing the back enhance tactile acuity at the back?, Mark J. Catley, Abby Tabor, Rohan G. Miegel, Benedict Wand, Charles Spence, and G. Lorimer Moseley


Achilles tendinopathy alters stretch shortening cycle behaviour during a sub-maximal hopping task, James R. Debenham, Mervyn J. Travers, William Gibson, Amity Campbell, and Garry T. Allison


Exploring the role and skill set of physiotherapy clinical educators in work integrated learning, Susan Edgar and Joanne Connaughton

Admission interview scores are associated with clinical performance in an undergraduate physiotherapy course: An observational study, Susan Edgar, Annette Mercer, and Peter Hamer


Psychometric properties of the Compulsive Exercise Test in an adolescent eating disorder population, Pam Formby, Hunna J. Watson, Anna Hilyard, Kate Martin, and Sarah J. Egan

Discovering what experiences physiotherapy students identify as learning facilitators in practical laboratories, Jacqui Francis-Coad and Anne-Marie Hill


A stepped-wedge cluster randomised controlled trial for evaluating rates of falls among inpatients in aged care rehabilitation units receiving tailored multimedia education in addition to usual care: A trial protocol, Anne-Marie Hill, Nicholas Waldron, Christopher Etherton-Beer, Steven McPhail, Katharine Ingram, Leon Flicker, and Terry P. Haines


Expert consensus and recommendations on safety criteria for active mobilization of mechanically ventilated critically ill adults, Carol L. Hodgson, Kathy Stiller, Dale M. Needham, Claire J. Tipping, Megan Harrold, Claire E. Baldwin, Scott Bradley, Sue Berney, Lawrence R. Caruana, Doug Elliott, Margot Green, Kimberley Haines, Alisa Higgins, Kirsi-Maija Kaukonen, Isabel A. Leditschke, Marc R. Nicols, Jennifer Paratz, Shane Patman, Elizabeth Skinner, Paul J. Young, Jennifer M. Zanni, Linda Denehy, and Steven A. Webb


Movement restriction does not modulate sensory and perceptual effects of exercise-induced arm pain, Markus Hubscher, Simon Tu, Tasha Stanton, G Lorimer Moseley, Benedict M. Wand, John Booth, and James H. McAuley

Non-invasive brain stimulation techniques for chronic pain (review), Neil E. O'Connell, Benedict Wand, Louise Marston, Sally Spencer, and Lorraine H. DeSouza

Chronic mid portion achilles tendinopathy is not associated with central sensitisation, Ian W. Skinner, James R. Debenham, Sarah Krumenachera, Max K. Bulsara, and Benedict M. Wand


The validity of physical therapy assessment of low back pain via telerehabilitation in a clinical setting, Piers Truter, Trevor G. Russell, and Robyn Fary

Lumbar tactile acuity is near identical between sides in healthy pain-free participants, Benedict Wand, Mark J. Catley, Hannu Luomajoki, Kieran J. O'Sullivan, Flavia Di Pietro, Neil O'Connell, and G Lorimer Moseley


Illusory touch temporarily improves sensation in areas of chronic numbness: A brief communication, Benedict Martin Wand, Samantha Eve Stephens, Effie Ida Marquita Mangharam, Pamela Jane George, Max Bulsara, Neil Edward O'Connell, and G Lorimer Moseley


Moving in an environment of induced sensorimotor incongruence does not influence pain sensitivity in healthy volunteers: A randomised within-subject experiment, Benedict Wand, Lareina Szpak, Pamela J. George, Max Bulsara, Neil Edward O'Connell, and G. Lorimer Moseley


An audit of antenatal education facilitated by physiotherapists in Western Australian public hospitals, Judy Wilson, Richard G. Berlach, and Anne-Marie Hill

Submissions from 2013

Intensive care unit mobility practices in Australia and New Zealand: A point prevalence study, Susan C. Berney, Megan Harrold, Steven A. Webb, Ian Seppelt, Shane Patman, Peter J. Thomas, and Linda Denehy

Assessing tactile acuity in rheumatology and musculoskeletal medicine—how reliable are two-point discrimination tests at the neck, hand, back and foot?, Mark J. Catley, Abby Tabor, Benedict M. Wand, and G Lorimer Moseley

Grip strength dynamometry: Reliability and validity for adults with upper limb burns, Merci S. Clifford, Peter Hamer, Michael Phillips, Fiona M. Wood, and Dale W. Edgar

Are there associations among physical activity, fatigue, sleep quality and pain in people with mental illness? A pilot study, Joanne Connaughton, Shane Patman, and C Pardoe

Are there associations between physical activity, fatigue, sleep quality and pain in people with mental illness? A pilot study, Joanne Connaughton, Shane Patman, and Cat Pardoe

Primary motor cortex function in complex regional pain syndrome: A systematic review and meta-analysis, Flavia Di Pietro, James H. McCauley, Luke Parkitny, Martin Lotze, Benedict Wand, G Lorimer Moseley, and Tasha R. Stanton


Undergraduate reflective journaling in work integrated learning: Is it relevant to professional practice?, Susan Edgar, Jacqueline Francis-Coad, and Joanne Connaughton


Cost effectiveness of patient education for the prevention of falls in hospital: Economic evaluation from a randomized controlled trial, Terry P. Haines, Anne-Marie Hill, Keith D. Hill, Sandra G. Brauer, Tammy Hoffmann, Christopher Etherton-Beer, and Steven M. McPhail


Tailored education for older patients to facilitate engagement in falls prevention strategies after hospital discharge—A pilot randomized controlled trial, Anne-Marie Hill, Christopher Etherton-Beer, and Terry P. Haines