Physiotherapy Papers and Journal Articles | School of Physiotherapy | The University of Notre Dame Australia


Submissions from 2024

The psychophysiology of music-based interventions and the experience of pain, Carolyn Arnold, Matthew K. Bagg, and Alan Harvey

Evaluation of the accuracy of diagnostic coding and clinical documentation for traumatic heterotopic ossification diagnoses in Western Australian hospitals, Nichola Foster, Edward Raby, Fiona Wood, Mark Fear, Nathan Pavlos, and Dale Edgar

The Australian Traumatic Brain Injury Initiative: Systematic review and consensus process to determine the predictive value of demographic, injury event, and social characteristics on outcomes for people with moderate-severe traumatic brain injury, Belinda Gabbe, Jemma Keeves, Ancelin McKimmie, Adelle Gadowski, Andrew Holland, Bridgette Semple, Jesse Young, Louise Crowe, Tamara Ownsworth, Matthew K. Bagg, Ana Antonic-Baker, Amelia Hicks, Regina Hill, Kate Curtis, Lorena Romero, Jennie Ponsford, Natasha Lannin, Terence O'Brien, Peter Cameron, Jamie Cooper, Nick Rushworth, and Melinda Fitzgerald

This is why we are staying: Job satisfaction among Physiotherapists in the Kimberley region of Western Australia, Chenae King, Amanda Timler, Janelle Gill, Negin Loh, Jessica Nolan, Robyn Sturdy, and James Debenham

The Australian Traumatic Brain Injury Initiative: Systematic review of clinical factors associated with outcomes in people with moderate-severe traumatic brain injury, Ancelin McKimmie, Jemma Keeves, Adelle Gadowski, Matthew K. Bagg, Ana Antonic-Baker, Amelia Hicks, Regina Hill, Nyssa Clarke, Andrew Holland, Bill veitch, Daniel Fatovich, Sandy Reedet, Lorena Romero, Jennie Ponsford, Natasha Lannin, Terence O'Brien, James Cooper, Nick Rushworth, Melinda Fitzgerald, Belinda Gabbe, Peter Cameron, and AUS-TBI Initiative Investigators

The Fremantle Back Awareness Questionnaire: cross-cultural adaptation, reliability, and validity of the Italian version in people with chronic low back pain, Marco Monticone, Carolina Maurandi, Elisa Porcu, Federico Arippa, Benedict Wand, and Giorgio Corona

Are we asking the right questions to people with Achilles tendinopathy? The best questions to distinguish mild versus severe disability to improve your clinical management, Myles Calder Murphy; Brady Green; Igor Sancho Amundarain,; Robert-Jan de Vos; and Ebonie Rio

TENDINopathy Severity assessment-Achilles (TENDINS-A): Evaluation of reliability and validity in accordance with COSMIN recommendations, Myles Calder Murphy, Fergus McCleary, Dana A. Hince, Ruth Chimenti, Paola Chivers, Turner Vosseller, Sophia Nimphius, Nonhlanhla Mkumbuzi, Peter Malliaras, Nicola Maffulli, Robert-Jan de Vos, and Ebonie Rio

A 7-item Tampa Scale for Kinesiophobia in people with femoroacetabular impingement syndrome: Evaluation of structural validity, hypothesis testing, internal consistency and minimally important change, Myles Murphy, Ebonie Rio, Mark Scholes, Denise Jones, Marcella Pazzinatto, Richie Johnston, Sally Coburn, and Joanne Kemp

Lateropulsion resolution and outcomes up to one year post-stroke: A prospective, longitudinal cohort study, Jessica Nolan, Angela Jacques, Erin Godecke, Michael Bynevelt, Ferry Dharsono, and Barbara Singer

The characteristics of the implicit body model of the trunk, Simon Pratt, Benedict M. Wand, Dana Hince, Mervyn Travers, Lee Schneider, Sara Kelly, and William Gibson

Tactile localization accuracy at the low back, Simon Pratt, Benedict M. Wand, Dana Hughes, Mervyn Travers, Lee Schneider, Sara Kelly, and William Gibson

just need to find out if I had broken something or not.' A qualitative descriptive study into patient decisions to present to an Emergency Department with a simple fracture, Piers Truter, Dale Edgar, David Mountain, Annabel Saggers, and Caroline Bulsara

Short waits, happy patients and expert care, moving basic musculoskeletal care from the emergency department to a physiotherapist-led diversion pathway, Piers Truter, Pippa Flanagan, Rob Waller, Karen Richards, Marshall Makate, Anthony Johnstone, Luke Bongiascia, Katrina Spilsbury, Vinicius Cavalheri, and Ivan Lin

The clinical course of acute, subacute and persistent low back pain: A systematic review and meta-analysis, Sarah Wallwork, Felicity Braithwaite, Mary O'Keeffe, Mervyn Travers, Simon Summers, Belinda Lange, Leonardo Costa, Luciola da C. Menezes Costa, Belinda Chiera, and G Lorimer Moseley

Submissions from 2023

Pelvic tilt in sitting: Do you see what I see? (maybe not), Matthew K. Bagg, Ian Skinner, Niamh Moloney, Martin Lock, James McAuley, and Martin Rabey

Adult patients with constipation presenting to the emergency department: Can care be improved?, Catherine Bunting, Emily Smith, Fiona Dunham, Sally Simpson, and Piers Truter

Pharmacological treatments for low back pain in adults: an overview of Cochrane Reviews, Aidan G. Cashin, Benedict Wand, Neil E. O'Connell, Hopin Lee, Rodrigo RN Rizzo, Matthew K. Bagg, Edel O'Hagan, Christopher G. Maher, Andrea Furlan, Maurits W. van Tulder, and James McAuley


Mechanisms of education and graded sensorimotor retraining in people with chronic low back pain: a mediation analysis, Aidan Cashin, Hopin Lee, Benedict Wand, Matthew K. Bagg, Edel O'Hagan, Rodrigo RN Rizzo, Tasha Stanton, G. Lorimer Moseley, and James McAuley

"I lied a little bit." A qualitative study exploring the perspectives of elite Australian athletes on self-reported data, Tracey Coventry, Amanda Timler, Andrea Mosler, Kylie Russell, Mervyn Travers, Lauren Mitchell, and Myles Murphy

Hospitalised smokers' and staff perspectives of inpatient smoking cessation interventions and impact on smokers' quality of life: An integrative review of the qualitative literature, Leah Epton, Shane Patman, Tracey H. Coventry, and Caroline Bulsara

Interventions for treating pain and disability in adults with complex regional pain syndrome: An overview of systematic reviews, Michael Ferraro, Aidan Cashin, Benedict M. Wand, Keith Smart, Carolyn Berryman, Louise Marston, Lorimer Moseley, James McAuley, and Neil O'Connell

The cross-cultural adaptation, validity, and reliability of the Spanish version of the Fremantle Back Awareness Questionnaire, Nuria Garcia-Dopico, Alejandro De La Torre-Luque, Benedict Wand, Olga Velasco-Roldan, and Caroline Sitges

Is learning being supported when information is provided to informal carers during inpatient stroke rehabilitation? A qualitative study, Elizabeth Lynch, Jessica Nolan, Lemma Bulto, John Mitchell, Annette McGrath, Simon Lane, Gill Harvey, Dominique Cadilhac, Rachel Harling, and Erin Godecke

A spiritual theology of integral human development: To “grow in holiness”, Glenn Morrison

Epidemiology of musculoskeletal injury in military recruits: A systematic review and meta-analysis, Myles C. Murphy, Joanne Stannard, Vanessa R. Sutton, Patrick J. Owen, Brendon Park, Paola T. Chivers, and Nicolas H. Hart

Can we really say getting stronger makes your tendon feel better? No current evidence of a relationship between change in Achilles tendinopathy pain or disability and changes in Triceps Surae structure or function when completing rehabilitation: A systematic review, Myles C. Murphy, Mervyn Travers, Paola T. Chivers, James Debenham, Sean I. Docking, Ebonie K. Rio, William Gibson, and Clare Ardern

Does lower-limb osteoarthritis alter motor cortex descending drive and voluntary activation? A systematic review and meta-analysis, Myles Murphy, Christopher Latella, Ebonie Rio, Janet Taylor, Stephanie Martino, Colin Sylvester, William Hale, and Andrea Mosler

Clinical practice recommendations for management of lateropulsion after stroke determined by a Delphi expert panel, Jessica Nolan, Angela Jacques, Erin Godecke, Hiroaki Abe, Suzanne Babyar, Jeannine Bergmann, Melissa Birnbaum, Shenhao Dai, Cynthia Danells, Taiza GS Edwards, Marialuisa Gandolfi, Klaus Jahn, Ryan Koter, Avril Mansfield, Junji Nakamura, Vicky Pardo, Dominic Perennou, Celine Piscicelli, David Punt, Devra Romick-Sheldon, Wim Saeys, Nicola Smania, Nathalie Vaes, Abigail L. Whitt, and Barbara Singer

Epidemiology of quadriceps muscle strain injuries in elite male Australian football players, Samuel Pietsch, Brady Green, Anthony Schache, and Tania Pizzari

Assessing the research capacity and culture of allied health workforce in a national private healthcare organisation, Sangeeta Rathi, Rachel Resuggan, and Dave Parsons


"My back is fit for movement": A qualitative study alongside a randomized controlled trial for chronic low back pain, Rodrigo RN Rizzo, Benedict Wand, Hayley B. Leake, Edel O'Hagan, Matthew K. Bagg, Samantha Bunzli, Adrian C. Traeger, Sylvia M. Gustin, G. Lorimer Moseley, Saurab Sharma, Aidan Cashin, and James McAuley

Comparing multi-disciplinary low back pain care in the ED to the Australian clinical care standard: The possible influence of profession, experience and back pain beliefs, Piers Truter, Lydia Attwooll, Pippa Flanagan, Casey McGinty, Rosalind Taylor, Dana A. Hince, and Benedict M. Wand

In adults with advanced lung disease, the 1-minute sit-to-stand test underestimates exertional desaturation compared with the 6-minute walk test: An observational study, Kathryn Watson, Peta Winship, Vinicius Cavalheri, Caitlin Vicary, Stephanie Stray, Natasha Bear, and Kylie Hill

In adults with advanced lung disease, the 1-minute sit-to-stand test underestimates exertional desaturation compared with the 6-minute walk test: An observational study, Kathryn Watson, Peta Winship, Vinicius Cavalheri, Caitlin Vicary, Stephanie Stray, Natasha L. Bear, and Kylie Hill

Comparative effectiveness and safety of analgesic medicines for adults with acute non-specific low back pain: Systematic review and network meta-analysis, Michael A. Wewege, Matthew K. Bagg, Matthew D. Jones, Michael C. Ferraro, Aidan G. Cashin, Rodrigo RN Rizzo, Hayley B. Leake, Amanda D. Hagstrom, Saurab Sharma, Andrew J. McLachlan, Christopher G. Maher, Richard Day, Benedict Wand, Neil E. O'Connell, Adriani Nikolakopoulou, Siobhan M. Schabrun, Sylvia M. Gustin, and James H. McAuley

Submissions from 2022

Effect of graded sensorimotor retraining on pain intensity in patients with crhonic low back pain: a randomized clinical trial, Matthew K. Bagg, B Wand, Aidan G. Cashin, Hopin Lee, Markus Hubscher, Tasha Stanton, Neil O'Connell, Edel T. O'Hagan, Rodrigo R.N Rizzo, Michael A. Wewege, Martin Rabey, Stephen Goodall, Sopany Saing, Serigne Lo, Hannu Luomajoki, Robert D. Herbert, Chris G. Maher, G. Lorimer Moseley, and James McAuley

Evaluation and utility of the King-Devick with intergrated eye tracking as a diagnostic tool for sport-related concussion, Mark Hecimovich, Myles Murphy, Paola Chivers, and Payton Stock


Self-reported throwing volumes are not a valid tool for monitoring throwing loads in elite Australian cricket players: An observational cohort study, Zachariah Hoyne, Ashley Cripps, Andrea Britt Mosler, Christopher Joyce, Paola Chivers, Rob Chipchase, and Myles Murphy

Minimum standards of clinical practice for physiotherapists working in adult intensive care units in Singapore, Bernice X. Lee, Joyce C. Tiew, Jovan G. Lim, Diana Sani, Clement C. Yan, Shane Patman, Melissa Y. Chan, and Meredith T. Yeung


Individual Differences and Transfer of Visual Anticipation in Expert Female Field Hockey Goalkeepers, Khaya Morris-Binelli, Sean Muller, Fleur E.C.A. van Rens, Allen G. Harbaugh, and Simon M. Rosalie

Attributes of expert anticipation should inform the design of virtual reality simulators to accelerate learning and transfer of skill, Sean Muller, Evan Dekker, Khaya Morris-Binelli, Benjamin Piggott, Gerard Hoyne, Wayne Christensen, Peter Fadde, Leonard Zaichowsky, John Brenton, and David Z. Hambrick


Cardiorespiratory fitness is a risk factor for lower-limb and back injury in law enforcement officers commencing their basic training: A prospective cohort study, Myles C. Murphy, Nicole Merrick, Andrea B. Mosler, Garth Allen, Paola Chivers, and Nicolas H. Hart

Assessment and monitoring of Achilles tendinopathy in clinical practice: a qualitative descriptive exploration of the barriers clinicians face, Myles Murphy, James Debenham, Caroline Bulsara, Paola Chivers, Ebonie Kendra Rio, Sean I. Docking, Mervyn Travers, and William Gibson

Development of a booster intervention for graded sensorimotor retraining (RESOLVE) in people with persistent low back pain: A nested, randomised, feasibility trial, Edel T. O'Hagan, Aidan G. Cashin, Rodrigo R.N Rizzo, Hayley B. Leake, Pauline Zahara, Matthew K. Bagg, Benedict M. Wand, and James A. McAuley

Development and measurement properties of the AxEL (attitude toward education and advice for low-back-pain) questionnaire, Edel T. O'Hagan, Ian W. Skinner, Matthew D. Jones, Emma L. Karran, Adrian C. Traeger, Aidan G. Cashin, Benedict M. Wand, Siobhan M. Schabrun, Sean O'Neill, Ian A. Harris, and James H. McAuley


Physiotherapy for pain and disability in adults with complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) types I and II, Keith M. Smart, Michael C. Ferraro, Benedict M. Wand, and Neil E. O'Connell


The Fit-for-Purpose Model: Conceptualizing and managing chronic nonspecific low back pain as an information problem, Benedict M. Wand, Aidan G. Cashin, James H. McAuley, Matthew K. Bagg, Gemma M. Orange, and G. Lorimer Moseley

Submissions from 2021

Investigating the mechanisms of graded sensorimotor precision training in adults with chronic nonspecific low back pain: Protocol for a causal mediation analysis of the RESOLVE Trial, Aidan G. Cashin, Hopin Lee, Matthew K. Bagg, Benedict Wand, Edel O'Hagan, Rodrigo R.N Rizzo, Tasha R. Stanton, G. Lorimer Moseley, and James H. McAuley

Non‐pharmacological and non‐surgical treatments for low back pain in adults: An overview of Cochrane Reviews, Aidan G. Cashin, Rodrigo R.N Rizzo, Neil O'Connell, Benedict Wand, Hopin Lee, Matthew K. Bagg, Edel O'Hagan, Christopher G. Maher, Andrea Furlan, Maurits W. van Tulder, and James McAuley


The efficacy of resistance training in addition to usual care for adults with acute burn injury: A randomised controlled trial, Paul M. Gittings, Benedict M. Wand, Dana A. Hince, Tiffany L. Grisbrook, Fiona M. Wood, and Dale W. Edgar

The impact of COVID-19 critical illness on new disability, functional outcomes and return to work at 6 months: A prospective cohort study, Carol L. Hodgson, Alisa M. Higgins, Michael J. Bailey, Anne M. Mather, Lisa Beach, Rinaldo Bellomo, Bernie Bissett, Ianthe J. Boden, Scott Bradley, Aidan Burrell, D James Cooper, Bentley J. Fulcher, Kimberley J. Haines, Jack Hopkins, Alice Y.M Jones, Stuart Lane, Drew Lawrence, Lisa van der Lee, Jennifer Liacos, Natalie J. Linke, Lonni Marques Gomes, Marc Nickels, George Ntoumenopoulos, Paul S. Myles, Shane Patman, Michelle Paton, Gemma Pound, Sumeet Rai, Alana Rix, Thomas C. Rollinson, Janani Sivasuthan, Claire J. Tipping, Peter Thomas, Tony Trapani, Andrew A. Udy, Christina Whitehead, Isabelle T. Hodgson, Shannah Anderson, Ary Serpa Neto, and and The COVID-Recovery Study Investigators and the ANZICS Clinical Trials Group

A comparison of multidimensional qualities discriminant of selection in elite adolescent Australian basketball athletes, Jacob Joseph, Fleur McIntyre, Christopher Joyce, Aaron Scanlan, and Ashley Cripps

Conservative management of acute lower limb tendinopathies: a systematic review, Kieran Mitham, Adrian Mallows, James Debenham, Gayathri Seneviratne, and Peter Malliaras


Implementing skill acquisition research in high performance sport: Reflecting on the importance of autonomy-support for successful collaboration, Khaya Morris-Binelli, Sean Müller, Fleur E.C.A. van Rens, Dave Staniforth, Brendyn Appleby, and Simon M. Rosalie

Face-to-face with sports medicine Australia. Welcome back!, Andrea Britt Mosler and Myles Calder Murphy


Are you translating research into clinical practice? What to think about when it does not seem to be working, Myles Calder Murphy, William Gibson, G. Lorimer Moseley, and Ebonie Kendra Rio


Do people with unilateral mid-portion Achilles tendinopathy who participate in running-related physical activity exhibit a meaningful conditioned pain modulation (CPM) effect: A pilot study, Myles C. Murphy, Ebonie K. Rio, Paola Chivers, James Debenham, Sean I. Docking, Mervyn Travers, and William Gibson


Self-reported measures of training exposure: Can we trust them, and how do we select them?, Myles Murphy, Philip Glasgow, and Andrea Britt Mosler

Knee-related disability was largely influenced by cognitive factors and disturbed body perception in knee osteoarthritis, Tomohiko Nishigami, So Tanaka, Akira Mibu, Ryota Imai, and Benedict Martin Wand

Development and validation of a shoulder-specific body-perception questionnaire in people with persistent shoulder pain, Tomohiko Nishigami, Akihisa Watanabe, Toshiki Maitani, Hayato Shigetoh, Akira Mibu, Benedict Martin Wand, Mark J. Catley, Tasha R. Stanton, and G. Lorimer Moseley


What do people post on social media relative to low back pain? A content analysis of Australian data, Edel T. O'Hagan, Adrian C. Traeger, Samantha Bunzli, Hayley B. Leake, Siobhan M. Schabrun, Benedict Wand, Sean O'Neill, Ian A. Harris, and James H. McAuley


Implicit motor imagery of the foot and hand in people with Achilles tendinopathy: A left right judgement study, Ebonie K. Rio, Tasha Stanton, Benedict Wand, James Debenham, Jill Cook, Mark J. Catley, Lorimer Moseley, Prudence Butler, Kylie Cheng, Adrian Mallows, Monique V B Wilson, and Michael Girdwood

Validation and investigation of cross cultural equivalence of the Fremantle back awareness questionnaire - German version (FreBAQ-G), Axel Schäfer, Benedict Wand, Kerstin Ludtke, Katja Ehrenbrusthoff, and Thomas Schöttker-Königer


Stable lateral meniscal posterior root tears left in situ at time of anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction are of minimal long-term clinical detriment, Sarah J. Shumborski, Lucy J. Salmon, Claire I. Monk, and Leo A. Pinczewski


Do people with acute low back pain have an attentional bias to threat-related words?, Ian Skinner, Markus Hubscher, Hopin Lee, Adrian C. Traeger, G. Lorimer Moseley, Benedict M. Wand, Sylvia M. Gustin, and James H. McAuley

“But it feels swollen!”: The frequency and clinical characteristics of people with knee osteoarthritis who report subjective knee swelling in the absence of objective swelling, So Tanaka, Tomohiko Nishigami, Koji Ohishi, Kazutaka Nishikawa, Benedict M. Wand, Tasha R. Stanton, Hirofumi Yamashita, Akira Mibu, Masami Tokunaga, Takaaki Yoshimoto, and Takahiro Ushida


Identifying participants with knee osteoarthritis likely to benefit from physical therapy education and exercise: A hypothesis-generating study, So Tanaka, Tomohiko Nishigami, Benedict Martin Wand, Tasha R. Stanton, Akira Mibu, Masami Tokunaga, Takaaki Yoshimoto, and Takahiro Ushida

The effect of visually manipulating back size and morphology on back perception, body ownership, and attitudes towards self-capacity during a lifting task, Kristy Themelis, Natasha Ratcliffe, Tomohiko Nishigami, Benedict M. Wand, Roger Newport, and Tasha J. Stanton


Parent carer quality of life and night-time attendance in non-ambulant youth with neuromuscular disorders, Vivienne Travlos, Shane Patman, Jenny Downs, Dana Hince, and Andrew C. Wilson

Virtual fracture clinic pilot in an orthopaedic tertiary hospital setting: Patient characteristics, clinical contact metrics and operational challenges, Piers Truter, Sam Shales, Rob Evans, Louise Giglia-Smith, Susan O'Hanlon, and Piers Yates

Development and psychometric testing of the Japanese version of the Fremantle neck awareness questionnaire: A cross-sectional study, Y Yamashita, T Nishigami, A Mibu, K Tanaka, Benedict Wand, M J. Catley, and T Higashi

Submissions from 2020


The RESOLVE Trial for people with chronic low back pain: Statistical analysis plan, Matthew K. Bagg, Serigne Lo, Aidan G. Cashin, Robert D. Herbert, Neil E. O'Connell, Hopin Lee, Markus Hubscher, Benedict M. Wand, Edel O'Hagan, Rodrigo R.N Rizzoli, G Lorimer Moseley, Tasha R. Stanton, Christopher G. Maher, Stephen Goodall, Sopany Saing, and James H. McAuley


Systematic reviews that include only published data may overestimate the effectiveness of analgesic medicines for low back pain: A systematic review and meta-analysis, Matthew K. Bagg, Edel O'Hagan, Pauline Zahara, Benedict Wand, Markus Hubscher, G. Lorimer Moseley, and James H. McAuley


Referral patterns to continence physiotherapy services for patients with chronic respiratory conditions, Hannah Brien, Cath Bunting, and Shane Patman


Exploring enablers and barriers to accessing health services after a fall among people with intellectual disability, Portia Ho, Caroline Bulsara, Shane Patman, Jenny Downs, and Anne-Marie Hill


The association of working alliance, outcome expectation, adherence and self-efficacy with clinical outcomes for Achilles tendinopathy: A feasibility cohort study (the MAP study), Adrian Mallows, Jo Jackson, Chris Littlewood, and James Debenham


The influence of a positive empathetic interaction on conditioned pain modulation and manipulation induced analgesia in people with lateral epicondylalgia, Ahmad Muhsen, Penny Moss, William Gibson, Bruce Walker, Angela Jacques, Stephan A. Schug, and Anthony Wright

Implanted spinal neuromodulation interventions for chronic pain in adults, Neil E. O'Connell, William Gibson, Andrew S.C Rice, Lene Vase, Doug Coyle, and Christopher Eccleston

Physiotherapy management for COVID-19 in the acute hospital setting: Clinical practice recommendations, Peter Thomas, Claire Baldwin, Bernie Bissett, Ianthe Boden, Rik Gosselink, Catherine L. Granger, Carol Hodgson, Alice Y.M Jones, Michelle E. Kho, Rachel Moses, George Ntoumenopoulos, Selina M. Parry, Shane Patman, and Lisa van der Lee

Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) for chronic pain: The opportunity to begin again, Mervyn Travers, Neil O'Connell, Peter Tugwell, Christopher Eccleston, and William Gibson

An emergency department optimized protocol for qualitative research to investigate care seeking by patients with non-urgent conditions, Piers Truter, Dale Edgar, David Mountain, and Caroline Bulsara


Clinical validation of expert consensus statements for respiratory physiotherapy management of invasively ventilated adults with community-acquired pneumonia: A qualitative study, Lisa van der Lee, Anne-Marie Hill, and Shane Patman

Submissions from 2019


Reviews may overestimate the effectiveness of medicines for back pain: Systematic review and meta-analysis, Matthew K. Bagg, Edel O'Hagan, Pauline Zahara, Benedict Wand, Markus Hubscher, G. Lorimer Moseley, and James H. McAuley

Motor imagery training decreases pain on loading in people with moderate Achilles tendinopathy: A preliminary randomised cross-over experiment, James Debenham, S Krummenacher, I Skinner, Dana Hince, Mervyn Travers, and Benedict Wand

Evaluating audio-visual falls prevention messages with community-dwelling older people using a World Café forum approach, Lex D. de Jong, Jacqueline Francis-Coad, Christopher Wortham, Terry P. Haines, Dawn A. Skelton, Tammy Weselman, and Ann-Marie Hill


Student motivation to learn: Is self-belief the key to transition and first year performance in an undergraduate health professions program?, Susan Edgar, Sandra E. Carr, Joanne Connaughton, and Antonio Celenza


Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) for chronic pain - an overview of Cochrane Reviews (Review), William Gibson, Benedict M. Wand, Catherine Meads, Mark J. Catley, and Neil E. O'Connell


Encouraging students to draw on work experiences when articulating achievements and capabilities to enhance employability, Denise A. Jackson and Susan Edgar

The reliability of physiological responses obtained during a simulated long distance triathlon laboratory test, Kate Margaret Luckin, C Badenhorst, Ashley J. Cripps, Grant Landers, Robert Merrells, Max Bulsara, and Gerard Hoyne


Managing Achilles Pain (the MAP study) - A process evaluation of data collection methods, Adrian Mallows, Chris Littlewood, Jo Jackson, and James Debenham


Changing the narrative in diagnosis and management of pain in the sacroiliac joint area, Thorvaldur S. Palsson, William Gibson, Ben Darlow, Samantha Bunzli, Gregory Lehman, Martin Rabey, Niamh Moloney, Henrik B. Vaegter, Matthew K. Bagg, and Mervyn Travers


Efficacy of acupuncture in treating scars following tissue trauma, Cathy Tuckey, Susan Kohut, and Dale Edgar


Perceived body distortion rather than actual body distortion is associated with chronic low back pain in adults with cerebral palsy: A preliminary investigation, Hirofumi Yamashita, Tomohiko Nishigami, Akira Mibu, Katsuyoshi Tanaka, Masahiro Manfuku, Hikaru Fukuhara, Koichi Yoshino, Yoichi Seto, and Benedict Wand

Submissions from 2018


Recent data from radiofrequency denervation trials further emphasise that treating nociception is not the same as treating pain, Matthew K. Bagg, James H. McAuley, G Lorimer Moseley, and Benedict M. Wand


Paracetamol, NSAIDS and opioid analgesics for chronic low back pain: A network meta-analysis (Protocol), Matthew K. Bagg, Andrew J. McLachlan, Christopher G. Maher, Steven J. Kamper, Christopher M. Williams, Nicholas Henschke, Benedict M. Wand, G L. Moseley, Markus Hubscher, Neil E. O'Connell, Maurits W. van Tulder, Adriani Nikolakopoulou, and James H. McAuley


The translation, validity and reliability of the German version of the Fremantle Back Awareness Questionnaire, Katja Ehrenbrusthoff, Cormac G. Ryan, Christian Gruneberg, Benedict Wand, and Denis J. Martin


Evaluating the impact of operating a falls prevention community of practice on falls in a residential aged care setting, Jacqueline Francis-Coad, Terry Haines, Christopher Etherton-Beer, Debbie Nobre, and Anne-Marie Hill


Evaluation of older people's knowledge, awareness, motivation and perceptions about falls and falls prevention in residential aged care homes: A tale of two cities, Jacqueline Francis-Coad, Tessa Watts, Christopher Etherton-Beer, Gerwyn Panes, Howard Griffiths, Michelle Anderson, Tracy Williams, Beth Griffiths, Debbie Nobre, and Anne-Marie Hill


Evaluating the impact of a falls prevention community of practice in a residential aged care setting: A realist approach, J Francis-Coad, C Etherton-Beer, C Bulsara, N Blackburn, P Chivers, and A Hill