"Exploring the Experiences of a South Asian Client and Facilitators of " by Madhuri Mathisen

Date of Award


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (College of Arts and Science)

Schools and Centres

Arts & Sciences

First Supervisor

Dr Robbie Busch

Second Supervisor

Dr Justine Maldon


This study explores the experiences of male perpetrators of Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) attending men’s behaviour change programs in Western Australia from the perspective of program facilitators and a South Asian client. Informed by social and contextual constructionism with Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA), this study examines the experience of 10 mixed culture facilitators who worked with South Asian intimate partner violence perpetrators in men’s behaviour change programs and one South Asian client of an intervention. The participants’ experiences were contextualised through a semi-structured interview. The facilitators’ findings revealed that South Asian clients demonstrated patriarchal beliefs with a victim-blaming tendency and supported socially constructed gender roles and hierarchy. The facilitators also found that the South Asian clients had limited recognition of their intimate partner violence. They also identified a lack of cultural elements in the existing interventions. In comparison, the client participant perceived himself as patriarchy-oriented and ingrained with socially constructed gender roles and hierarchy. Despite challenges with the program, he believed the intervention positively affected him. The client also suggested that his facilitators’ influential attributes benefited the change in his behaviour and attitudes towards women. This study suggests that the men’s behaviour change programs contribute to shifting the attitudes of South Asian clients. The study’s findings also foster an understanding of the characteristics of collectivist and patriarchally oriented South Asian clients of men’s behaviour change programs to best meet their needs. This research recommends a two-pronged approach of compulsory individual counselling and group intervention for clients as well as enhanced training and support for the facilitators.

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