Publication Details
Morrison, G. J.
Book Review: Daniel Sulmasy, A Balm for Gilead: Spirituality and the Healing Arts, Washington, D.C., Georgetown University Press, 2006.
Heythrop Journal, 51 (3), 501.
In the tradition of Christian Spirituality, Daniel Sulmasy’s A Balm for Gilead: Spirituality and the Healing Arts reads as a personal witness and exploration of Christian faith. Forwarding biblical, moral, spiritual, pastoral, theological, philosophical and Franciscan perspectives, we discover a quest to journey into the heart of health care professionals to awaken a sense of spirituality and transcendence. Given the empirical, scientific approach of the medical professional, this is not an easy task. None the less, Sulmasy, through a series of meditative chapters, sets out to develop a rational and inspirational way to speak about God, prayer and the mystery of personhood.