"Praying the Advent season: Putting the coming of Christ into Christmas" by Russell Hardiman


It is now nearly a decade since a revision of the Roman Missal was predicted and now five and a half years since the Missal appeared in Latin. The process of translating the 1377 pages is an immense project. After all the turmoil within ICEL's structures, the work is going ahead. With Advent, the focus of new translations is in expressing fully the biblical references to the future Messiah in the orations. In the Roman Missal3, a new policy is set making the tri-fold form of Solemn Blessing a unique fixture of Advent. As Pope Benedict is asking, the sense of mission and not just dismissal is a challenge to live the spirit of the Advent season. This article challenges readers to enter into the spirit of the shortest liturgical season at the time of the greatest commercial distractions of Christmas sales and to ensure that the prayers are articulated with the confidence of the season.

Pastoral Liturgy is published by The University of Notre Dame Australia, School of Philosophy and Theology, Fremantle.


Peer-reviewed, Advent, New Roman Missal (2002), Popular Devotions

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