"John Paul II and the significance of the trinity for human dignity: “I" by Nigel K. Zimmermann

John Paul II and the significance of the trinity for human dignity: “Ipsa autem iam hic in terris adest”


John Paul II´s contribution to explaining the significance of the Trinity for human dignity is assessed in light of a crucial passage in Gaudium et Spes. The teaching of the Second Vatican Council, that the Trinity draws close to human beings through the Church, and that the latter is founded, informed and unified through the Trinity, is tempered by the Council Fathers´reminder that the Church is already ´in this world´. They saw fit to hold in tension the rich dogmatic content of the Trinitarian tradition, with a need for proclamation of the Gospel in the complex and fractious exigencies of the present historical moment. To assess John Paul II´s contribution in this light is to ask whether his thought requires further development to ensure the Council´s insight is kept fresh for the witness of the Church, and if it represents a settled position in light of the Council?


human dignity, trinity, John Paul II, Pope, phenomenology, Thomism, Vatican II, human person

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