"“What do you know of my heart?” the role of sense and sensibility in A" by Renee Köhler Ryan and Sydney Palmer

“What do you know of my heart?” the role of sense and sensibility in Ang Lee’s Sense and Sensibility and Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon

Document Type

Book Chapter

Publication Date



This chapter explores Ang Lee's understanding of "sense" and "sensibility" in Sense and Sensibility and Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. First, it gives a philosophical explanation of the terms, arguing that Lee considers each as a necessary counterbalance to the other. Second, it illustrates this point through discussing two scenes in each of the films involving crucial interplay between the main female protagonists. Third, it compares the films as whole works and proposes that for Lee, feminine discourse and interrelationship can break through into either destruction or redemption.


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