"The Beginning that is Already an End: Finding the Significance of Laby" by Renee Köhler Ryan

The Beginning that is Already an End: Finding the Significance of Labyrinthine Travel

Document Type

Book Chapter

Publication Date



This chapter is based on the notion that the labyrinth walk in the cathedral of Chartes was, in its original use, a model of a "traditional religious journey". The method of interpretation used is that of looking at an external phenomenon in order to discern the inner experience of the traditional pilgrim, in comparison to the inner experience described by the contemporary labyrinth walker who de-contextualizes the labyrinth. This descriptive analysis employs the lens of studies in the history of art, architecture and cartography, so as to attempt to define an experience of labyrinths in the medieval cathedral of Chartres. These delineations will give credence to the possibility of a Christian worldview and experience in order to make as much sense as possible of the artefact under consideration, in its specific context of the Chartres cathedral.


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