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Zoom: https://notredame-au.zoom.us/j/85704890971 Passcode: 085497

Start Date

15-5-2024 12:30 PM


The Telethon Kids Institute launched the 'Guidelines for the Standards for the Conduct of Aboriginal Health Research' in July 2022. These guidelines were developed over seven years before being launched during NAIDOC week 2022, when the theme was 'Get Up! Stand Up! Show Up!'. Our Aboriginal communities' voices are at the centre of the work at Telethon Kids Institute, where the health of Aboriginal children is everybody's business. Implementing ‘The Standards’ is fundamental in challenging and changing the way research is being done in our communities. The framework it provides ensures our ways of knowing, doing, and being are at the heart of change in Aboriginal Health research.


May 15th, 12:30 PM

'The Aboriginal standards for the conduct of research - changing the paradigm at Telethon Kids Institute'


Zoom: https://notredame-au.zoom.us/j/85704890971 Passcode: 085497

The Telethon Kids Institute launched the 'Guidelines for the Standards for the Conduct of Aboriginal Health Research' in July 2022. These guidelines were developed over seven years before being launched during NAIDOC week 2022, when the theme was 'Get Up! Stand Up! Show Up!'. Our Aboriginal communities' voices are at the centre of the work at Telethon Kids Institute, where the health of Aboriginal children is everybody's business. Implementing ‘The Standards’ is fundamental in challenging and changing the way research is being done in our communities. The framework it provides ensures our ways of knowing, doing, and being are at the heart of change in Aboriginal Health research.