2022 Seminars | Talking Heads Seminar Series

2022 Seminars

Welcome to the 2022 Talking Heads Seminar Series

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Wednesday, April 6th
12:30 PM

2022 Launch, Seminar 1; Sovereign Systems: Following the Trade Routes

Wayne Jowandi Barker, KALACC Festivals Coordinator and Cultural Programs Director
Karl Hampton, Yuendumu Community, Regional Director
Steve Kinnane, The University of Notre Dame Australia

Recording now available to view

12:30 PM - 1:30 PM

Wednesday, April 27th
12:30 PM

How does the Pope’s teaching in Laudato Si’: On Care for Our Common Home relate to past activities, ones currently being undertaken; and actions practice we could adopt to build on for a better future?

Anne Jennings, The University of Notre Dame Australia

The University of Notre Dame Australia, Broome Campus


Recording now available to view

12:30 PM - 1:30 PM

Wednesday, May 11th
12:30 PM

First Law, Collaborative Performances and Sovereignty: "Speaking back" against resource-intensive industrialisation in the Kimberley Region of Western Australia

Anne Poelina, The University of Notre Dame Australia
Magali McDuffie

Audio recording now available

12:30 PM - 1:30 PM

Wednesday, May 25th
12:00 PM

'Tale of Two Rivers'

Kat Taylor, The University of Notre Dame Australia & Water Justice Hub
Quentin Grafton, Water Justice Hub
Dan Schultz, Water Justice Hub
Hozaus Claire, Martuwarra Fitzroy River Council
Glenn Loughrey, Water Justice Hub

The University of Notre Dame Australia, Broome Campus, NDB10 The Hall

12:00 PM - 1:00 PM

Friday, May 27th
12:30 PM


Kevin F. Kenneally, UWA School of Agriculture and Environment, The University of Western Australia and Nulungu Research Institute, The University of Notre Dame Australia.

The University of Notre Dame Australia, Broome Campus

Venue: NDB11 Lecture Room 13

88 Guy Street, Broome

12:30 PM - 1:30 PM

Wednesday, June 8th
12:30 PM

'Energy Insecurity during temperature extremes in remote Australia'

Brad Riley, Australian National University

12:30 PM - 1:30 PM

Wednesday, June 22nd
12:30 PM

"Aboriginal Spirituality First Law Culture Ceremony and Songlines"

Anne Poelina, The University of Notre Dame Australia

The University of Notre Dame Australia, Broome Campus, NDB8 The Library Foyer

12:30 PM - 1:30 PM

Wednesday, August 31st
12:30 PM

‘Lugger Language: 35 years on’ Shinju Matsuri & Bargana Series

Tom Gannon, The University of Notre Dame Australia
Thomas Saunders

The University of Notre Dame Australia, Broome Campus, NDB11/13 The Venue

Recording now available to view

12:30 PM - 1:30 PM

Wednesday, September 21st
12:30 PM

A Presentation of the book: Voices from the Front Line: Community leaders, government managers and NGO field staff talk about what’s wrong in Aboriginal development and what they are doing to fix it.

Patrick Sullivan

The University of Notre Dame Australia, Broome Campus

12:30 PM

Wednesday, October 5th
12:30 PM

Moving forward while looking back: Exploring reconciliation pathways through Indigenous knowledge-sharing in tourism

Nicole Curtin, Charles Darwin University, Australia

NDB11/L13 The University of Notre Dame Australia, Broome Campus

Recording now available to view

12:30 PM

Wednesday, October 12th
12:30 PM

‘The Invisible Languages’

Patsy Bedford
Siobhan Casson, Kimberley Language and Resource Centre

The University of Notre Dame Australia, Broome Campus, NDB8 The Kailis Room, Library building

12:30 PM - 1:30 PM