2021 Seminars

Presentation Type



The University of Notre Dame Australia, Broome Campus

Start Date

16-6-2021 12:30 PM


First law is the spirit that connects all things and promotes multispecies justice through a unity pathway for collaboration, cooperation, and the sharing of information to ensure peace, harmony, balance, and wellbeing. The Martuwarra Fitzroy River Council encapsulates collective guardianship responsibility and original Australians’ authority to protect Martuwarra’s right to flow as a sacred living entity for generations to come. Through ‘cooperation, unity, organisation and cultural synthesis, First Peoples are decolonising through an earth-centred regional governance approach. This approach focuses on improving cultural wellbeing and resilience, and requirements for the transition to justice, hope and freedom. We seek pathways for cooperation, for collaboration and for sharing information so we can collectively, as ‘family’, co-design the world we want to leave to our children and their children’s children for generations to come. In this presentation, the first half hour is a film about First Law - Multispecies Justice. Dr Poelina will then share how the Martuwarrra, RiverOfLife as the authority is guiding our work and building and strengthening "A Coalition of Hope" to ensure Martuwarra Fitzroy River Always was Always Will Be!


Jun 16th, 12:30 PM

First Law - Multispecies Justice & the Wellbeing of the Martuwarra Fitzroy River and All People

The University of Notre Dame Australia, Broome Campus

First law is the spirit that connects all things and promotes multispecies justice through a unity pathway for collaboration, cooperation, and the sharing of information to ensure peace, harmony, balance, and wellbeing. The Martuwarra Fitzroy River Council encapsulates collective guardianship responsibility and original Australians’ authority to protect Martuwarra’s right to flow as a sacred living entity for generations to come. Through ‘cooperation, unity, organisation and cultural synthesis, First Peoples are decolonising through an earth-centred regional governance approach. This approach focuses on improving cultural wellbeing and resilience, and requirements for the transition to justice, hope and freedom. We seek pathways for cooperation, for collaboration and for sharing information so we can collectively, as ‘family’, co-design the world we want to leave to our children and their children’s children for generations to come. In this presentation, the first half hour is a film about First Law - Multispecies Justice. Dr Poelina will then share how the Martuwarrra, RiverOfLife as the authority is guiding our work and building and strengthening "A Coalition of Hope" to ensure Martuwarra Fitzroy River Always was Always Will Be!