2016 Seminars

Presentation Type



The University of Notre Dame Australia, Broome Campus

Start Date

12-5-2016 12:30 PM


Prompted by her own experience working as a community dietitian in the Kimberley, Jenna Cowie’s Master’s research investigates the appropriateness of such models as experienced by dietitians and Aboriginal people. In this seminar she makes suggestions for improvements to the guide and questions its underlying philosophy in the context of Aboriginal food-ways.


May 12th, 12:30 PM

How useful is The Australian Guide to Healthy Eating to people in the Kimberley?

The University of Notre Dame Australia, Broome Campus

Prompted by her own experience working as a community dietitian in the Kimberley, Jenna Cowie’s Master’s research investigates the appropriateness of such models as experienced by dietitians and Aboriginal people. In this seminar she makes suggestions for improvements to the guide and questions its underlying philosophy in the context of Aboriginal food-ways.