Presentation Type


Meeting Link

Passcode: 955646

Start Date

28-5-2024 9:00 AM

End Date

28-5-2024 10:30 AM


In our opening session, we will be joined by our Pro Vice-Chancellor Research, Professor Aron Murphy and Dr Annette Pierdziwol, UNDA’s Head of Academic Research Development & Innovation, to explore how the Research Strategy is being translated into action across the Faculties, our three Research Institutes and new research initiatives. The session will focus on strategic growth areas to facilitate a strong and ethical research culture.


Session Facilitator: Nulungu Director, Assoc Prof Mel Marshall


May 28th, 9:00 AM May 28th, 10:30 AM

Research Strategy and Growth at The University of Notre Dame Australia

Passcode: 955646

In our opening session, we will be joined by our Pro Vice-Chancellor Research, Professor Aron Murphy and Dr Annette Pierdziwol, UNDA’s Head of Academic Research Development & Innovation, to explore how the Research Strategy is being translated into action across the Faculties, our three Research Institutes and new research initiatives. The session will focus on strategic growth areas to facilitate a strong and ethical research culture.