About this event | Nulungu Research Week | Nulungu Events | The University of Notre Dame Australia

About this event

The term Nulungu incorporates the idea of gaining new knowledge while resting and yarning, preparatory to setting out on a shared journey. It is also the name given to a waterhole on Roebuck Plains, near Broome.

Nulungu Research Institute is a Kimberley-based organisation of Indigenous and non-Indigenous researchers, each with extensive practical and theoretical knowledge. The underlying approach of Nulungu’s research program is ‘right country, right people, right way’, which positions Indigenous people and communities at the centre of our research endeavours and ensures that the value of community-based Indigenous knowledge is recognised and applied in all our research. We call this The Nulungu Way.

The vision for ECU’s Centre for People, Place and Planet is to respond to global environmental change by understanding the interactions of ecosystems, human ecology and social justice. The CPPP objectives are for all research to be: Co-designed with and influenced by Indigenous knowledge holders; Embedded in an understanding of the interconnectedness of ecosystems; Directed towards governance and management for sustainability: processes by which entities function, make decisions and take action; and Transformative through collaborative, place-based and just processes.