"Fremantle parade marks start of academic year" by Michelle Ebbs

Fremantle parade marks start of academic year

Document Type

Media Release

Publication Date

Summer 9-2-2011

Publisher Name

The University of Notre Dame Australia, Fremantle Campus

Publication Place



In what has become the annual tradition to mark the commencement of academic life for The University of Notre Dame Australia, staff in full regalia, students, families and members of the Fremantle community will join the annual Commencement Parade through the streets of Fremantle on Thursday 24 February.

Since 2000, the parade has provided an important opportunity to celebrate Notre Dame’s identity as an integral part of Fremantle’s unique, multicultural and vibrant community.

This year Fremantle Parish Priest, Father Tony Maher, will bless the Commencement Books signed by new students, before the WASAMBA drumming company will once again enthusiastically lead the colourful parade from Mouat Street to walk down Marine Terrace, up Essex Street, along South Terrace and Market Street, down High Street arriving back at Notre Dame.

The parade, which starts at 9.30am, will ‘kick off’ the University’s inaugural O Day Fiesta which signifies the beginning of a weeklong orientation program for new students.

Mouat Street will be closed to traffic as the Campus comes alive with a variety of food stalls and entertainment.
For more information, please contact the Student Life Office on 9433 0658 or visit the website

Media Contact: Michelle Ebbs (+61) 8 9433 0610, Mob (+61) 0408 959 138
