"Generous gift by former Dean acknowledges significant contribution" by Michelle Ebbs

Generous gift by former Dean acknowledges significant contribution

Document Type

Media Release

Publication Date

Fall 24-3-2011

Publisher Name

The University of Notre Dame Australia, Fremantle Campus

Publication Place



Western Australia’s 7th Archbishop of Perth was fondly remembered when his portrait was gifted to The University of Notre Dame Australia by the former Dean of Medicine, Sydney, and her family on Wednesday 23 March.

Professor Julie Quinlivan, inaugural Dean of the School of Medicine on the University’s Sydney Campus along with her mother, Dr Patricia Quinlivan, presented the University with the portrait of Archbishop William Foley at a special gathering which included the late Archbishop’s sister, Ms Kath O’Hara.

At the ceremony Professor Quinlivan told guests, "I acquired the painting as a young doctor and it has travelled with me during my career while I lived in South Australia, Victoria, New South Wales and back to Western Australia.

“I am pleased it can now have a long term home in Foley Hall at the University for which Archbishop Foley played such a critical role in its foundation.”

Pro-Vice Chancellor, Mark Tannock, addressed the gathering reflecting on the support of the Archbishop in the University’s embryonic years.

“It was Archbishop Foley who encouraged lay leaders to pursue the idea of a Catholic university in the mid 1980s,” explained Mr Tannock.

“A Planning Committee was established in 1987 comprising Mr Denis Horgan (Chairman), Dr Peter Tannock, Dr Michael Quinlan and Archbishop Foley.

“The University has come a long way since these early days with over 8½ thousand students enrolled across three campuses. 2011 will see the 20th anniversary of the signing of its Canonical Statute which followed its establishment by an Act of Parliament in 1989. Five months after Archbishop Foley’s tragic passing in 1991, the University was inaugurated and its Canonical Statute proclaimed.”

The University formally recognised Archbishop Foley’s important contribution by naming Foley Hall in his honour in 1993. In addition, the Foley Award was established by the Foley family in memory of the late Archbishop. The Foley Award is given to a student who has made an outstanding contribution to service and to Notre Dame. This year’s recipient is Theology graduate, Vincent Restifo, who also attended the event.

Media Contact: Michelle Ebbs (+61) 8 9433 0610, Mob (+61) 0408 959 138
