
Submissions from 2013


The validation of the E-Victimisation Scale (E-VS) and the E-Bullying Scale (E-BS) for adolescents, Lawrence T. Lam and Yongxin Li


Esophageal dysmotility after laparoscopic gastric band surgery, Philip A. Le Page, Sebastianus Kwon, Sarah J. Lord, and Reginald V.N. Lord

Needle and syringe distribution trends in Western Australia, 1990 to 2009, Georgiana Lilley, Donna Mak, and Trinity Fredericks

Disabling chronic low back pain as an iatrogenic disorder: A qualitative study in Aboriginal Australians, Ivan B. Lin, Peter B. O'Sullivan, Juli A. Coffin, Donna B. Mak, Sandy Toussaint, and Leon M. Straker


Living with advanced cancer and an uncertain disease trajectory: An emerging population in palliative care?, Elizabeth A. Lobb, John Kearsley, Winston Lilauw, Leslie White, and Annmarie Hosie


Signs of post-traumatic stress disorder in caregivers following an expected death: A qualitative study, Elizabeth A. Lobb, Christine Sanderson, Jane Mowll, Phyllis N. Butow, Naomi McGowan, and Melanie A. Price


Factors determining vaccine uptake in Western Australian adolescents, Donna B. Mak, Max K. Bulsara, Megan Wrate, Dale Carcione, Melissa Chantry, and Paul V. Effler


Enriched environments and motor outcomes in cerebral palsy: Systematic review and meta-analysis, Catherine J. Morgan, Iona Novak, and Nadia Badawi


Contributions of ocular surface components to matrix-metalloproteinases (MMP)-2 and MMP-9 in feline tears following corneal epithelial wounding, A Petznick, M Madigan, Q Garrett, D Sweeney, and M Evans


High biological variation of serum hyaluronic acid and Hepascore, a biochemical marker model for the prediction of liver fibrosis, Enrico Rossi, Leon A. Adams, Helena L. Ching, Max K. Bulsara, Gerry MacQuillan, and Gary P. Jeffrey


Using expert panels to determine the level of cancer knowledge required of junior doctors in Australia. Part 1: Methodology and results, Darren L. Starmer, Elaine Chapman, and Michael J. Millward


Predictors of uptake of influenza vaccination: A survey of pregnant women in Western Australia, Silje E. Taksdal, Donna Mak, Sarah Joyce, Stephania Tomlin, Dale Carcione, Paul K. Armstrong, and Paul V. Effler


Where do children travel to and what local opportunities are available? The relationship between neighborhood destinations and children’s independent mobility, Karen Villanueva, Billie Giles-Corti, Max K. Bulsara, Anna Timperio, Gavin McCormack, Bridget Beesley, Georgina Trapp, and Nicholas Middleton


Brugada syndrome, Michael Wan, Jessica Jellins, Mitchell Milanovic, David-Joel Taitz, S. H. Wan, and P. W. Yam

Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal sexually transmitted infections and blood borne virus notification rates in Western Australia: Using linked data to improve estimates, Rochelle E. Watkins, Donna Mak, Carolien M. Giele, and Sharon Clews


“Through the kids . . . We connected with our community”: Children as catalysts of social capital, Lisa Wood, Billie Giles-Corti, Stephen R. Zubrick, and Max K. Bulsara

Submissions from 2012


The adaptor protein 14-3-3 binds to the calcium-sensing receptor and attenuates receptor-mediated Rho kinase signalling, Ajanthy Arulpragasam, Aaron L. Magno, Evan Ingley, Suzanne J. Brown, Arthur D. Conigraves, Thomas Ratajczak, and Bryan K. Ward


Cerebrovascular risk factors in early-onset dementia, Emily R. Atkins, Max K. Bulsara, and Peter K. Panegyres


The natural history of early-onset dementia: The Artemis Project, Emily R. Atkins, Max K. Bulsara, and Peter K. Panegyres


Factors associated with the performance of a blood-based interferon-γ release assay in diagnosing tuberculosis, Sally Banfield, Elaine Pascoe, Aesen Thambiran, Aris Siafarikas, and David Burgner


The birth of convulsive therapy revisited: A reappraisal of László Meduna's first cohort of patients, Brigitta Baran, István Bitter, Gabor S. Ungvari, and Gábor Gazdag


Venom immunotherapy for preventing allergic reactions to insect stings, Robert J. Boyle, Mariam Elremeli, Juliet Hockenhull, Mary Gemma Cherry, Max K. Bulsara, Michael Daniels, and J. N. G. Oude Elberink


Book review: The Challenge of change: Putting patients before providers, Tom Brett


The Fremantle Primary Prevention Study: A multicentre randomised trial of absolute cardiovascular risk reduction, Tom Brett, Diane Arnold-Reed, Cam Phan, Frances Cadden, William Walker, Wendy Manea-Walley, Noelene Mora, Julie Young, and Max Bulsara


An approach to functional abdominal pain in children and adolescents, Tom Brett, Marion Rowland, and Brendan Drumm


Improving stress testing compliance following chest pain presentations to the emergency department, Kevin Chung, David Playford, and Stephen P J Macdonald


Preventing hypothermia in elective arthroscopic shoulder surgery patients: A protocol for a randomised controlled trial, Jed Duff, Renatta Di Staso, Kerry-Anne Cobbe, Nicole Draper, Simon Tan, Emma Halliday, Sandy Middleton, Lawrence Lam, and Kim Walker


A difficult diagnosis of severe loin abdominal pain: Another imitation of other pathology, Gordian Fulde and Tiffany Fulde


Short term effects of exercise training on exercise capacity and quality of life in patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension: Protocol for a randomised controlled trial, Louise Ganderton, Sue Jenkins, Kevin Gain, Robin Fowler, Peta Winship, Dianne Lunt, and Eli Gabbay


The practice of consenting to electroconvulsive therapy in the European Union, Gábor Gazdag, Rozália Takács, Gabor S. Ungvari, and Pascal Sienaert


Organizational environment of outpatient drug treatment services in Hungary: A pilot study, Gábor Gazdag, Gabor S. Ungvari, Rozália Takács, and József Rácz


Disabling synovitis associated with LARS artificial ligament use in anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction: A case report, Constantine M. Glezos, Alison Waller, Henry E. Bourke, Lucy J. Salmon, and Leo Pinczewski


Information needs and preferences of women as they proceed through radiotherapy for breast cancer, Georgia K B Halkett, Linda J. Kristjanson, Elizabeth A. Lobb, Jonathon Little, Therese Shaw, Mandy Taylor, and Nigel Spry


Cyclical variation in the incidence of childhood type 1 diabetes in Western Australia (1985–2010), Aveni Haynes, Max K. Bulsara, Carol Bower, Timothy W. Jones, and Elizabeth A. Davis


Undiagnosed bipolar disorder in patients treated for major depression in China, Chen Hu, Yu-Tao Xiang, Gabor S. Ungvari, Faith B. Dickerson, Amy M. Kilbourne, Tian-Mei Si, Yi-Ru Fang, Zheng Lu, Hai-Chen Yang, Helen F K Chiu, Kelly Y C Lai, Jian Hu, Zhi-Yu Chen, Yi Huang, Jing Sun, Xiao-Ping Wang, Hui-Chun Li, Jin-Bei Zhang, and Gang Wang


Outcome of anatomic transphyseal anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction in Tanner Stage 1 and 2 patients with open physes, Catherine Hui, Justin Roe, Duncan Ferguson, Alison Waller, Lucy Salmon, and Leo Pinczewski

Doctors and medical training, M Jiwa


Sterile abscess formation associated with depot leuprorelin acetate therapy for central precocious puberty, Stephanie R. Johnson, Richard C. Nolan, Maree T. Grant, Glynis J. Price, Aris Siafarikas, and Catherine SY Choong


Death adder envenoming causes neurotoxicity not reversed by antivenom - Australian Snakebite Project (ASP-16), Christopher I. Johnstone, Margaret A. O'Leary, Simon G A Brown, Bart J. Currie, Lambros Halkidis, Richard Whitaker, Benjamin Close, and Geoffrey K. Isbister for the ASP Investigators


Health information-seeking behaviour on the internet and health literacy among older Australians, Mary K. Lam and Lawrence T. Lam


Predictors of the depressive symptomatology of the family caregivers of Chinese stroke patients in Hong Kong, C G. Lau, W K. Tang, K S. Wong, V Mok, and Gabor S. Ungvari


The challenge of giving bad news, Elizabeth A. Lobb


A bridge between cultures: Interpreter's perspectives of consultations with migrant oncology patients, Elizabeth A. Lobb, Phyllis N. Butow, Michael Jefford, David Goldstein, Maurice Eisenbruch, Afaf Girgis, Schofield Penelope, Madeleine King, Ming Sze, and Lynley Aldridge


Are we being overly cautious? A qualitative inquiry into the experiences and perceptions of treatment-focused germline BRCA genetic testing amongst women recently diagnosed with breast cancer, Elizabeth A. Lobb, M Gleeson, K Watts, Elvira Zilliacus, Bettina Meiser, K Tucker, and G Mitchell


Psycho-educational group intervention for family caregivers of hospitalized palliative care patients: Pilot study, Elizabeth A. Lobb; Peter L. Hudson R.N., Ph.D.; Kristina Thomas DPsych(Health); Rachel D. Zordan Ph.D., GradDipSc((Psych), B.Sc.(Psych); Tom Trauer Ph.D., B.A. (Hons); Karen Quinn R.N., M.N. (Research); Anne Williams Ph.D., M.Sc.(Hons), R.N.; and Michael Summers Ph.D., BAppSocSci, MSocPol


A call to the field: Complicated grief in the DSM-5, Elizabeth A. Lobb; Therese A. Rando Ph.D.,BCETS,BCBT; Kenneth J. Doka Ph.D.; Stephen Fleming Ph.D., C.Psych; Maria H. Franco Ph.D.; Colin Murray Parkes MD; and Rose Steele RN, Ph.D.


A cross-sectional study of clinical management, and provision of health services and their utilisation, by patients with Parkinson’s disease in urban and regional Victoria, Michal Lubomski, R Louise Rushworth, Will Lee, Kelly Bertram, and David R. Williams


Clinical audit in the final year of undergraduate medical education: Towards better care of future generations, Donna Mak


Living and working with the people of ‘the bush’: A foundation for rural and remote clinical placements in undergraduate medical education, Donna B. Mak and Barbara Miflin


Allergic disease in the first year of life is associated with differences in subsequent neurodevelopment and behaviour, Suzanne J. Meldrum, Janet A. Dunstan, Trevor A. Mori, Kathryn Hird, Karen Simmer, and Susan L. Prescott


Effects of high-dose fish oil supplementation during early infancy on neurodevelopment and language: A randomised controlled trial, Suzanne J. Meldrum, Nina D'Vaz, Karen Simmer, Janet A. Dunstan, Kathryn Hird, and Susan L. Prescott


Does prognosis and socioeconomic status impact on trust in physicians? Interviews with patients with coronary disease in South Australia, S Meyer, P Ward, and M Jiwa


General practice teachers, Robert Moorhead, Tom Brett, Diane Arnold-Reed, and Maria Saldanha


Burn injury has a systemic effect on reinnervation of skin and restoration of nociceptive function, Natalie M. Morellini, Mark W. Fear, Suzanne Rea, Adrian K. West, Fiona M. wood, and Sarah A. Dunlop


Changes in the plasma cytokine and growth factor profile are associated with impaired healing in pediatric patients treated with INTEGRA® for reconstructive procedures, Michal Nessler, Jacek Puchala, Fiona M. Wood, Hilary J. Wallace, Mark W. Fear, Katarzyna Nessler, and Justyna Drukala


Evidence to practice commentary: Is more therapy better?, Iona Novak


Evidence to practice commentary: The evidence alert traffic light grading system, Iona Novak


Dietary component of lifestyle interventions helps obese pregnant women, Julie A. Quinlivan


Prevalence and associations of domestic violence at an Australian colposcopy clinic, Julie A. Quinlivan, Rachael R. Collier, and Rodney W. Petersen


The impact of molar pregnancy on the male partner, Julie A. Quinlivan, Kim A. Ung, and Rodney W. Petersen


Targeted subendothelial matrix oxidation by myeloperoxidase triggers myosin II-dependent de-adhesion and alters signaling in endothelial cells, M Rees, L Dang, T Thai, D Owen, E Malle, and S Thomas


Matching positive end-expiratory pressure to intra-abdominal pressure prevents end-expiratory lung volume decline in a pig model of intra-abdominal hypertension, Adrian Regli, Jakob Chakera, Bart L. De Keulenaer, Brigit Roberts, Bill Noffsinger, Bhajan Singh, and Peter V. van Heerden


Community blood lead survey with emphasis on preschool children following lead dust pollution in Esperance, Western Australia, Enrico Rossi, Virginia McLaughlin, John Joseph, Max K. Bulsara, Kerryn Coleman, Charles Douglas, and Andrew Robertson


Evaluation of the interpretative skills of participants of a limited transthoracic echocardiography training course (H.A.R.T.scan® course), C F. Royse, D L. Haji, John G. Faris, Michael G. Veltman, A Kumar, and A G. Royse


Core review: Physician-performed ultrasound: The time has come for routine use in acute care medicine, Colin F. Royse, David J. Canty, John Faris, Darsim L. Haji, Michael Veltman, and Alistair Royse


Early loss of the glucagon response to hypoglycemia in adolescents with type 1 diabetes, Aris Siafarikas, Robert J. Johnston, Max K. Bulsara, Peter O'Leary, Timothy W. Jones, and Elizabeth A. Davis


In vitro fertilization and breast cancer: Is there cause for concern?, Louise M. Stewart, C D'Arcy J Holman, Roger Hart, Max K. Bulsara, David B. Preen, and Judith C. Finn


The benefits and limitations of using ultrasonography to supplement anatomical understanding, Greg Sweetman, Gail Crawford, Kathryn Hird, and Mark W. Fear


Electroconvulsive therapy on Hungarian websites, Rozália Takács, Gabor S. Ungvari, and Gábor Gazdag


Cerebral microbleeds and suicidality in stroke, Wai Kwong Tang, Yang Kun Chen, Hua Jun Liang, Winnie C W Chu, Vincent C T Mok, Gabor S. Ungvari, and Ka Sing Wong


Frontal infarcts and anxiety in stroke, Wai Kwong Tang, Yangkun Chen, Jinyan Lu, Huajun Liang, Winnie Chiu Wing Chu, Vincent Chung Tong, Gabor Sandor Ungvari, and Ka Sing Wong


The role of ondansetron in the management of cholestatic or uremic pruritus—A systematic review, Timothy H M To, Katherine Clark, Lawrence Lam, Tania Shelby-James, and David Christopher Currow


Developing and testing a strategy to enhance a palliative approach and care continuity for people who have dementia: Study overview and protocol, C Toye, A Robinson, M Jiwa, S Andrews, F McInerney, B Horner, K Holloway, and B Stratton


K/B×N serum transfer arthritis is delayed and less severe in leukaemia inhibitory factor (LIF)-deficient mice, A Upadhyay, D Senyschyn, L Santos, R Gu, Graeme J. Carroll, and J A. Jazayeri


How far do children travel from their homes? Exploring children's activity spaces in their neighborhood, Karen Villanueva, Billie Giles-Corti, Max Bulsara, Gavin R. McCormack, Anna Timperio, Nick Middleton, Bridget Beesley, and Georgina Trapp


Open reduction and internal fixation of mandibular angle fractures: Does the transbuccal technique produce fewer complications after treatment than the transoral technique?, Kenneth Wan, Raymond A. Williamson, Dieter Gebauer, and Kathryn Hird


Prevention of venous thromboembolism in patients admitted to Australian hospitals: Summary of National Health and Medical Research Council clinical practice guideline, N Wickham, A S. Gallus, Barry N J Walters, A Wilson, and the NHMRC VTE Prevention Guideline Adaptation Committee


Characterisation of the cell suspension harvested from the dermal epidermal junction using a ReCell® kit, Fiona M. Wood, Natalie Giles, Andrew Stevenson, Suzanne Rea, and Mark Fear


Streets apart: Does social capital vary with neighbourhood design?, Lisa Wood, Billie Giles-Corti, and Max Bulsara


Antipsychotic polypharmacy in inpatients with schizophrenia in Asia (2001−2009), Y.-T Xiang, C.-Y Wang, T.-M Si, E H M Lee, Y.-L He, G S. Ungvari, and et al.


Prescribing patterns of low doses of antipsychotic medications in older Asian patients with schizophrenia, 2001–2009, Yu-Tao Xiang, Faith Dickerson, Julie Kreyenbuhl, Gabor S. Ungvari, Chuan-Yue Wang, Tian-Mei Si, Edwin H M Lee, Yan-Ling He, Helen F K Chiu, Kelly Y C Lai, Naotaka Shinfuku, Shu-Yu Yang, Mian-Yoon Chong, Ee-Heok Kua, Senta Fujii, Kang Sim, Michael K H Yong, Jitendra K. Trivedi, Eun-Kee chung, Pichet Udomratn, Kok-Yoon Chee, Norman Sartorius, and Chay-Hoon Tan


Association of insight with sociodemographic and clinical factors, quality of life, and cognition in Chinese patients with schizophrenia, Yu-Tao Xiang, Ying Wang, Chuan-Yue Wang, Helen F K Chiu, Qi Chen, Sandra S M Chan, Kelly Y C Lai, Edwin H M Lee, and Gabor S. Ungvari


Association between beta-blockers and fracture risk: A Bayesian meta-analysis, Shuman Yang, Nguyen D. Nguyen, John A. Eisman, and Tuan V. Nguyen


Anatomical landmark localization in breast dynamic contrast-enhanced MR imaging, X X. Yin, B W-H Ng, Q Yang, Alex Pitman, K Ramamohanarao, and D Abbott


Fish-oil supplementation in pregnancy does not reduce the risk of gestational diabetes or preeclampsia, Shao J. Zhou, Lisa Yelland, Andy J. McPhee, Julie Quinlivan, Robert A. Gibson, and Maria Makrides

Submissions from 2011


Complex non-invasive fibrosis models are more accurate than simple models in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, Leon A. Adams, Jacob George, Elisabetta Bugianesi, Enrico Rossi, Bastiaan De Boer, David van der Poorten, Helena L. I Ching, Max K. Bulsara, and Gary P. Jeffrey


A preliminary investigation of the reinnervation and return of sensory function in burn patients treated with INTEGRA®, James R. Anderson, Mark W. Fear, Jacqueline K. Phillips, Linda F. Dawson, Hilary Wallace, Fiona M. Wood, and Suzanne M. Rea


Femoroacetabular impingement, Suzanne E. Anderson, Klaus Arno Siebenrock, and Moritz Tannast


Human biomonitoring assessment values: Approaches and data requirements, Jürgen Angerer, Lesa L. Aylward, Sean M. Hays, Birger Heinzow, and Michael Wilhelm


Dynamic hip screws versus proximal femoral nails for intertrochanteric fractures, Zorik Avakian, Timothy Shiraev, Lawrence Lam, and Nigel Hope


Students and teachers' preferences for undergraduate dementia education in Western Australia, Christopher Beer, Natasha Watson, Lisa Caputo, Kathryn Hird, and Leon Flicker


Students and teachers' preferences for undergraduate dementia education in Western Australia, Christopher Beer, Natasha Watson, Lisa Caputo, Kathryn Hird, and Leon Flicker


Patient information – what is a PSA test?, Tom Brett


Prostate specific antigen, Tom Brett


The inverse care law - Is Australian primary care research funding headed this way?, Tom Brett


Capacity census: A pilot study of general practices in Western Australia, Tom Brett, Diane Arnold-Reed, Cam Phan, and Frank Jones


Secondary attack rate of pandemic influenza A(H1N1)2009 in Western Australian households, 29 May–7 August 2009, Dale Carcione, C M. Giele, K S H Kwan, D W. Smith, G K. Dowse, Donna B. Mak, and P Effler


Hereditary haemochromatosis (HH) is characterized by a clinically definable arthropathy that correlates with iron load, Graeme J. Carroll, W H Breidahl, Max K. Bulsara, and J K Olynyk


Characteristics of the arthropathy described in hereditary haemochromatosis, Graeme J. Carroll, W H. Breidahl, and J K. Olynyk


Health-related quality of life in patients with poststroke emotional incontinence, Yang-Kun Chen, Ka Sing Wong, Vincent Mok, Gabor S. Ungvari, and Wai Kwong Tang