Law Papers and Journal Articles | School of Law | The University of Notre Dame Australia


Submissions from 2024

Should we reform the jury? An Australian perspective, Keith Thompson

Submissions from 2022

Labor rights and dispute system design: Assessing the legal legacy of the 2022 Qatar World Cup, Zachery Calo

Submissions from 2020

The politics of freedom of religion in Australia: Can international human rights standards point the way forward?, Nicholas Aroney and Paul Taylor

Blazing the path: Freedom of conscience as the prototypical right, Barry W. Bussey

Uncertainty and intellectual property rights, Ana Penteado


A great nation? The changing place of religion in law and society in colonial and contemporary Australia: Reflections on Douglas Murray in an Australian context, Michael Quinlan

Reaffirming the first freedom: The implications of Espinoza v. Montana Department of Revenue and Our Lady of Guadalupe School v. Morrissey-Berru, Charles Russo, William Thro, and Allan Osborne


The Construction Contracts Act 2004 (WA): Statistical analysis 2005-2018, Auke Steensma and Philip Evans

Submissions from 2019

But wait...there's more: The ongoing complexities of section 44(I), Husssein Al Asedy and Lorraine Finlay

Hate speech law in Australia: The nature of language and the nature of the State, Iain T. Benson

A critique of Ronald Dworkin's limitation of passive forms of religious expression in the public sphere, Shaun de Freitas


Litigation, liberty, and legitimation: The experience of the Church of Scientology in Australian Law, Bernard Doherty and James T. Richardson


The attribution problem and cyber armed attacks, Lorraine Finlay and Christian Payne

Does law need a theory of truth? A look at the epistemology of the New Haven School of Jurisprudence, Tomas Fitzgerald

The protection of conscientious objection against euthanasia in health care, Adriaan Knoetze and Shaun de Freitas

Faith, society and the post-secular: Private and public religion in law and theology, Christoffel Lombaard, Iain T. Benson, and Eckart Otto


Enforcing conformity: Criminalising religiously inspired acts, Michael Quinlan

The freedom to offend in the pursuit of truth, Johnny M. Sakr


The rule of law, arbitrariness and institutional virtue, Anthony Keith Thompson

Submissions from 2018

The role of non-state actors in the cultural heritage field - the case of the Orthodox Church and its heritage in Turkey, Nicholas Augustinos


Religious liberty in Australia: Some suggestions and proposals for reframing traditional categorisations, Iain T. Benson

Organisasie vir Godsdienste-Onderrig en Demokrasie v Laerskool Randhart et al: The right to freedom of religion, diversity and the public school, Shaun A. de Freitas and G A. du Plessis

Doping in sport - should it be a crime?, Tomas Fitzgerald

Finding the streams' true sources: The implied freedom of political communication and executive power, Joshua Forrester, Lorraine Finlay, and Augusto Zimmerman

Why dignity is a poor reason to legalise assisted suicide, Peter Kurti


Christianity and the law: Trial separation or acrimonious divorce?, Michael Quinlan

Law and religion in Western Australia: Cooperation or conflict?, Michael Quinlan

The twenty-first century Catholic lawyer, Michael Quinlan


Missourian efforts to extradite Joseph Smith and the ethics of Governor Thomas Reynolds of Missouri, A Keith Thompson


The habeas corpus protection of Joseph Smith from Missouri arrest requisitions, A Keith Thompson


Do consumers need a ‘Bit’ more protection under Australian consumer laws? The regulatory risks and challenges of Bitcoin, Chinelle Van Der Westhuizen


Constitutionality of communication prohibitions around abortion clinics, Greg Walsh

Submissions from 2017

Can law avoid creating culture and religion in its own image? The context for diversity, religion and culture in MEC for education: Kwazulu –Natal and Others v Navaneethum Pillay: Reflections a decade later, Iain T. Benson

The politics of drift: civic virtues, associations and citizenship, Iain T. Benson

Rights inflation: Attempts to redefine marriage and the freedom of religion: The case of Trinity Western University School of Law, Barry W. Bussey

An international experience for law students: Preparing, planning and pastoral care, Lara Pratt


The Fall of the Priests and the Rise of the Lawyers, Philip R Wood, Hart Publishing, 2016, 273 pages: ISBN 9781509905560. Hardcover $50.00, Michael Quinlan

The under-theorisation of religious freedom in Polynesia – Two case studies, A K. Thompson


Apostate religion in the Book of Mormon, A Keith Thompson

Should religious confession privilege be abolished in child abuse cases? Do child abusers confess their sins?, Anthony Keith Thompson


Freedom of religion and freedom of speech - The United States, Australia and Singapore compared, Keith Thompson


Maintaining religious identity in hiring in faith-based schools: A comparative analysis of Australia and the United States, Keith Thompson and Charles J. Russo


The membership decisions of religious organisations: Equality, religious liberty and freedom of association, G Walsh

Submissions from 2016


The legal revolution against the place of religion: The case of Trinity Western University Law School, B Bussey


An opportunity missed? A Constitutional analysis of proposed reforms to Tasmania's 'hate speech' laws, Joshua Forrester, Augusto Zimmerman, and Lorraine Finlay


Joseph Smith and the Doctrine of Sealing, Anthony K. Thompson


The Liberties of the Church and the City of London in Magna Carta, Anthony K. Thompson


Were we foreordained to the priesthood, or was the standard of worthiness foreordained? Alma 13 reconsidered, Anthony K. Thompson

Submissions from 2015


Avoiding unnecessary divorce and restoring justice in marital separations - review of Family Law Act 1975 (FLA), Christopher Brohier and Nigel K. Zimmermann


Wei Fan v South Eastern Sydney Local Health District (No 2), M Doepel and S Canton


Wolves among us: some brief reflections on the "bona fides" of gendered violence in computer game art, Adam Jardine


Should Australian courts give more witnesses the right to Skype?, Marilyn Krawitz and Justine Howard


Cyberbullying - when does a school authority's liability in tort end?, Robert Pelletier, Boris Handal, Jessica Khalil, and Tryon Francis


Who Was Sherem?, A Keith Thompson


The doctrine of resurrection in the Book of Mormon, Anthony K. Thompson


"Originalism" in Magna Carta, Augusto Zimmerman

Submissions from 2014


The meaning of 'market value' in Australia's Income Tax Assessment Act 1997, Nicholas Augustinos


Proselytism and the right to freedom from improper irreligious influence: the example of public school education, S de Freitas


An opt-in approach to regulating the employment decisions of religious schools, Greg Walsh


Educational Institutions and the prohibition on disability discrimination, Greg Walsh


The right to equality and the employment decisions of religious schools, Greg Walsh

Submissions from 2013


Apportionment of dual-purpose expenses, Nicholas Augustinos


Religious interfaith work in Canada and South Africa with particular focus on the drafting of a South African Charter of Religious Rights and Freedoms, I Benson


Seeing through the secular illusion, I Benson


The attack on Western religions by Western law: re-framing pluralism, liberalism and diversity, I Benson

Submissions from 2012

Beyond the call of duty: Why shouldn't video game players face the same dilemmas as real soldiers?, Ben Clarke, Christian Rouffaer, and Francois Senechaud


The South African Constitutional Court and the unborn, S de Freitas


A cultural challenge for the Western Australian legal profession: a lack of diversity at the WA Bar?, Jill Howieson and Tomas W. Fitzgerald

Political protections of fundamental rights as a means of mitigating the weaknesses of legal protections, Lara Pratt

Pleading trespass in medical cases: Avoiding the limitations imposed on the award of damages, Greg Walsh

Complexities in proving delayed diagnosis of cancer cases, Greg Walsh and Anna Walsh

Submissions from 2011


South African Charter of Religious Rights and Freedoms, I Benson


The unexamined faiths and the public place of religion: Emerging insights from the law, I Benson


In memoriam: Sir Ian Brownlie, Ben Clarke


Seeking deliberation on the unborn in international law, S de Freitas and G Myburgh

A critical evaluation of the pre-litigation protocols, Greg Walsh and Ramina Kambar

Submissions from 2010

When can the limitation period for childbirth claims be extended?, Libby Brookes and Greg Walsh

Securing compliance with IHL: The promise and limits of contemporary enforcement mechanisms [conference report], Ben Clarke

At full capacity: Farr v State of Queensland [2009] NSWSC 906, Anna Walsh and Greg Walsh

Legal liability for injuries sustained from repair work carried out on residential properties, Greg Walsh

Measuring legal expertise: The merits of a national law examination, Greg Walsh

At the intersection of law and medicine: Promoting the inherent dignity and human rights of persons with disabilities, Greg Walsh and Anna Walsh

Medical practitioners and the duty to rescue, Greg Walsh and Anna Walsh

No duty of care owed by hotel operators, Greg Walsh and Anna Walsh

Tabet v Gett: The end of loss of chance actions in Australia?, Greg Walsh and Anna Walsh

Submissions from 2009


Law, religion and violence: A human rights-based response to punishment (by state and non-state actors) of apostasy, Ben Clarke

Cyberbullying: A real and present danger, Robert Pelletier

Submissions from 2008

Should health professionals be under a legal duty to disclose familial genetic information?, Meredith Blake

East Timor: What's wrong?, Frank Brennan


Innovative building materials and sick building syndrome: Liabilities of manufacturers and importers of defective materials, Philip Evans

Gone but not forgotten - fame and abandonment under Section 92(4)(b) of the Trade Marks Act, Christopher N. Kendall and Tomas Fitzgerald

A new tort of privacy – We should be able to sue, Robert Pelletier

Submissions from 2007

Religious beliefs and medical treatment: The challenge to patient consent, Meredith J. Blake


Freedom of speech and criticism of religion: What are the limits?, Ben Clarke


Censorship and morality in cyberspace: Regulating the gender-based harms of pornography online, Michelle Evans


Plant breeder's rights, Philip J. Evans and Thomas Haines


Great expectations: Inheritance, equity and the family farm, Robyn Honey and Michelle Evans

Defining 'inventiveness' - still not 'obvious' post-Lockwood, Christopher Kendall and Tomas Fitzgerald


The globalisation of human rights law, The Hon David K. Malcolm

Submissions from 2006


What's morality got to do with it?: The gender based harms of pornography, Michelle Evans