
How do we engage male learners in higher education?


In the last decade there has been a clear shift in improving school educational outcomes for males in the classroom. The primary and secondary education systems acknowledge the inherent differences between how male and female students engage and learn. There is recognition that gender differences in engagement and motivation translate to under achievement at the school level. Pedagogical leadership coupled with school support strategies have gone some way to engaging male learners in the classroom while maintaining a gender equity focus.

Research into physiotherapy student performance demonstrated that males were under performing through the course, compared with their female peers. Similar under performance has been noted for male students in medical education. Is this an issue isolated to the health professions or is it more widespread in the higher education sector? Workplace learning has been identified as one solution to maintaining engagement and motivation in male learners. However, can educators be doing more at the 'chalkface' to improve the gender disparity in higher education performance?


educational outcomes, gender, gender differences


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