Understanding the pedagogical world-view of clinical teachers in Australia: An evidence-based approach

Frank G. Bate, University of Notre Dame Australia
Carole Steketee, University of Notre Dame Australia

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The education of tomorrow’s medical workforce is critical to the sustenance of healthy and progressive communities, particularly in the context of an aging population. Ongoing professional development focusing on the processes underpinning teaching and learning are important for clinical teachers (typically practicing doctors and surgeons) who, as busy professionals, also shoulder much of the responsibility for passing medical knowledge from one generation to the next. This paper discusses a recent study which posed two core questions: What pedagogical principles do clinical teachers perceive as important in underpinning their role as educators? and How do these perceptions differ from those held by education professionals? Results of the study revealed stark differences between clinical teachers and education professionals. These differences have implications for future professional support programs.

This paper was peer reviewed and accepted for delivery at the European Association for Practitioner Research on Improving Learning (EAPRIL) Conference 2010 in Lisbon, Portugal. This paper was used as a basis for the presentation and will be further developed for submission to the European Association for Research into Learning and Instruction (EARLI) journal: Learning and Instruction.