
Jane’s decision to write her maths-autobiography came as she witnessed the benefits achieved by other preservice teachers at UNDA undertaking the same task. However, unlike fellow students, Jane did not suffer from Mathematics Anxiety. Jane’s autobiographical writing demonstrates the potential uses and benefits for a non-anxious preservice teacher. Her autobiography provides insights for teachers and teacher educators into the everyday experiences of the classroom and students. For teacher educators, it further demonstrates the value of various writing styles as tools for self-growth. Jane’s writing contains a number of examples that demonstrate that her childhood experiences and subsequent writing about those times, directly impact on her emerging teaching philosophy and future professional work. Jane’s writing also demonstrates the transformative potential of writing a mathematics autobiography for preservice teachers.


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Further information about the 2007 MERGA Conference may be accessed here

Mathematics: Essential Research, Essential Practice may be accessed from the National Library of Australia here

The Author:

Associate Professor Keith McNaught

Included in

Education Commons
