Making inclusive education happen: The impact of initial teacher education in remote Aboriginal communities
Publication Details
Maher, M.
Making inclusive education happen: The impact of initial teacher education in remote Aboriginal communities.
International Journal of Inclusive Education, 17, 839-853.
This paper discusses the Growing Our Own initial teacher education (ITE) pilot programme which allowed Indigenous assistant teachers in their own communities to study to become a teacher with the support of a non-Indigenous teacher. There are five sections in this paper, including: (1) the underpinning theory and philosophy of one Australian university's Inclusive Education paper in their ITE course; (2) how these principles informed the Growing Our Own pilot which has made ITE accessible to Indigenous Australians in remote Aboriginal communities in the Northern Territory, Australia; (3) elements of the programme which have led to it becoming systemically sustainable; (4) how it has enhanced the provision of authentic education for Aboriginal children, making it accessible to them; and (5) the unforeseen positive outcome of non-Indigenous initial preservice teachers being provided with opportunities to complete professional experience in remote Aboriginal communities.