Interpreting inclusivity: An endeavour of great proportions
Publication Details
Berlach, R. G.,
Chambers, D.
Interpreting inclusivity: An endeavour of great proportions.
International Journal of Inclusive Education, 15 (1464-5173), 529-539.
Commencing with a historical account of how special needs education has informed the inclusivity debate, the authors consider the knotty problem of what is meant by inclusivity. An examination of the characteristics of inclusivity is then undertaken, and a functional school-based inclusivity framework – a three-faceted model – is proposed. The model commences with a philosophical underpinning designed to generate a number of emphases to be determined by the school. Once agreed upon, these are then operationalised for classroom practices. It is contended that the model is a defensible way of facilitating the development of an inclusivity ethos within the school milieu. Finally, impediments hampering the implementation are identified and discussed.
Peer-reviewed, inclusivity, inclusion, special education, diversity