
In these complex times of high-velocity global events, there is a sense of loss and, in particular, a question as to whom leadership, teacher education and the broader education profession are meant to serve, and what roles and function they should play in our lives. It is therefore appropriate to advocate for a pedagogy of hope and optimism, for enhanced teacher leadership and for continually enhancing individual and collective learning. If such change is grounded in the principles of transformative leadership, we must keep sight of key values of empathy, liberation, emancipation, democracy, equity and justice through our teacher leadership practice (Holt, 2022; Marques, 2022; Shields, 2010a, 2019; 2020; Shields & Hesbol, 2019) resulting in a greater focus on social justice, collective community and the common good. Since the beginning of the pandemic, we have been more than well aware that unanticipated wicked problems necessitate effective leadership, communication and collaboration expertise. This article presents new ways of thinking about leadership in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) drawing on professional expertise, and research from the fields of leadership, teacher education and TESOL. This article offers a conceptual framework of a generative nature to reconceptualise leadership and leading in the TESOL profession through sensemaking and sensegiving, leadership identity formation, teacher leadership and transformative leadership. Transformative leadership does not necessarily mean rejection of other leadership theories and approaches but rather it advocates for enhanced teacher leadership in TESOL through (1) the efficacies of work place integrated learning (WIL) and TESOL teacher training, education and professional learning; (2) utilising the synergies around seasoned TESOL and early career teachers (ECTs); (3) mentoring programmes for TESOL teachers; and lastly (4) the relationship between theoretical and evidence-based practice in TESOL teacher education and curriculum renewal.


teacher leadership, transformative leadership, sensemaking and sensegiving

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