"Shopping motivations and their influence on shopping experience in Aus" by Tjong Budisantoso

Date of Award


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Schools and Centres


First Supervisor

Dr. Katherine Mizerski


The main focus of this study is on motivation. In particular, the study aims to investigate the relationship between the in-store experience of shoppers and their motivation for shopping. The in-store experience as defined in this study includes the perception of store atmosphere and cognitive responses. Another interest of the study is to test the relationship between cognitive responses and store atmosphere in two different countries. Lastly, this study explores the relationship between in-store experience and store patronage satisfaction, which in turn can influence shoppers’ repatronage intention. All the hypotheses in this study have been tested in Perth, Australia and Surabaya, Indonesia. The methodology of the study uses quantitative analysis, as the research problems are exploratory in nature and rely on deductive inquiry. The study finds support for the most of the hypotheses. The relationship between the perception of store atmosphere and shopping motivation is partially supported in Perth, whereas the same relationship is fully supported in Surabaya. Furthermore, the relationship between the perception of store atmosphere and optimum stimulation level (OSL) is partially supported in both places.


I want to thank to my previous supervisors, Assoc. Prof. Anthony Pecotich, who helped me to develop this research, Dr. Helen Middleton, Dr. Roger Vallance, Dr. Russell Kingshot, Dr David Clark Murphy and Dr. Marc Fellman, who have all kindly assisted me during the study and Christina Houen who has edited this thesis.

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