"Young Children's 21st Century Mathematical Skills and the Role of the " by Mistelle Moore

Date of Award


Degree Name

Master of Philosophy (School of Education)

Schools and Centres


First Supervisor

Christine Robinson

Second Supervisor

Lorraine Day


This research examined the preparation of young children in an Early Years school environment in the development of 21st Century mathematical skills including critical thinking, problem-solving, innovation, collaboration, creativity, and communication. The research used a field-based case study using qualitative data collection methods, and the data were reviewed using thematic analysis. The research explores the pedagogical strategies employed by an Early Years teacher and the interplay of various stakeholders in nurturing 21st Century mathematics competencies among young learners. Key findings of the research indicated that there were eight elements that Early Years teachers should apply in their mathematics lessons as well as embedding 21st Century skills across all curriculum areas. It was also found that strong partnerships between school and home as well as collaboration between teachers and the leadership team contribute to the cultivation of essential mathematical skills necessary for the challenges of the 21st Century.

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