Publication Details
Irwin, A. (2018). A case for Cavalletti in the classroom: The SALT Approach. BBI TAITE 2018 Religious Education Academic Conference.
The Scripture and Liturgy Teaching Approach (SALT Approach) is the product of a PhD study completed in 2017. Taking Montessorian principles and Sofia Cavalletti’s work, the SALT Approach is built upon the Christian anthropological understanding of the human person. Its core pedagogies address the need facilitate pondering, respect for each person, and authentic choice-making. The SALT study investigated and addressed elements impacting on these pedagogies. It demonstrated that SALT’s holistic approach has the potential to work successfully within diversely populated schools, and that it can meet the accountability demands. Furthermore, it offers a paradigm for religious education very much in harmony with cutting edge educational research.
religious education, educational research, Montessorian principles, Sofia Cavalletti, SALT Approach
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